
Mateo the gods of the island

A group of tourist went to Devon island in Canada from Brooklyn. They went in search of a rare treasure that worth 3.38 Trillion dollars. Little did they know that what await them on the island will worth their life. Will they all make it out alive or lose their lives and the treasure???? Will they get away with the treasure under his watch!!!

Purple_luv_3177 · Kinh dị ma quái
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Chapter Thirty - Eight

" All passenger onboard should fasten up their seat belt and switch off their mobile phones or place it on flight modes. The plane is about to take off!" Another voice coming from a loud speaker in the plane announced to the passenger that was busy settling down in their different positions.

" Let seat close to each other." Charlotte plead.

" No problem." Sharon smiled at her as she takes her seat, close to the window and then her phone beeped in her pocket.

" Oh my goodness! I haven't switch it off ! " She said taking out her phone to go through the message. After reading the message, she turn to look at Aiden and he smiled at her, and she also did the same.

" Am sorry Charlie. I have to go seat beside Aiden." She smiles trying to make Charlotte less angry.

" What? I thought the both of you are not on good terms?" She whines.

" He already apologize." She blush slightly.

" When? Because I didn't see him come close to you since morning?"

" Just now. Through message, he sent his apology message to me before switching off his phone."

" So are you going to dump me.?" Charlotte stated the obvious.

" Yes!" She laughs at her." But don't worry I will find you company."

" Who?" She grumble, feeling dumped.

" Samael." She laughs at her as her facial expressions changed from grumpy to been irritated. " What ? Don't you want to stay with your boss?"

" He complains on every of my steps. I can't stand a minute with him, talk less of two to four hours!"

" Bare! Bare! Bare with him." She tap her on the shoulder, took her flask and purse and tiptoe to Aiden seat. Immediately she got there Samael stood up for her and went to seat beside Charlotte while she seats close to Aiden!"

" Oh my gosh! Am so jealous of those two. They fought yesterday and had it resolved this morning. Why can't I be the lucky one instead of Sharon?" Charlotte questioned herself sadly, watching Sharon as she rested on Aiden shoulder and they both chat together.

" Excuse me! " Samael said standing in front of her trying to move to the next seat beside the window. " Can you move there and let me sit here."

" Sure!" Charlotte hurriedly responded and move to the other seat were Sharon once occupied and Samael sat on her chair.

" I will like no distraction and disturbance please?" Samael said before opening his laptop and going through some stuff.

" But we could at least chat like every other people in the plane, at least not to make the ride boring." Charlotte told him, after gathering her courage to talk.

" Sure! As far as you do not say anything stupid, and don't force words out of my mouth. it's okay by me." He responded, still focusing on the laptop.