
Chapter 4


Oh no.

The smell led me to the cafeteria , all the way to where Zion sat and the way my heart sank was concerning. Without noticing me at first , his head shot up and he began sniffing the air . As soon as we locked eyes , I knew it was going to end badly for me . It wasn’t going to happen as I had envisioned it .

I always pictured how when I found mate , he would swoop me up and declare how much he loved me like my father had done to my mother. That thought would make me laugh now.

He immediately stood up from his seat and I bolted . I ran as fast as my legs could take me out of the school premises all the way to the forest by the lakeside near the school . There I wailed and sobbed because I knew what was coming .

I feared Rejection and the pain it brought . My mother would always try her best to explain the great amount of pain , a person would feel when rejected by their mate . The one destined for them.

“ It would feel as though , you were having a severe migraine.. As though your heart was being ripped out of your chest and you would plead and beg for it to stop “ she would explain in details.

“No one would reject you. You are the beautiful both in and out , anyone dumb anyone to reject you doesn’t know what they are losing” her assurance was everything .

But that didn’t measure up to the crippling emotional pain felt . It was the second greatest pain after the death of a mate to befall a wolf.

I heard footsteps behind me

Zion , he was here , as I turned to him , I was immediately shoved onto the ground and the next thing I heard was ;

“ I , Zion Black , Future Alpha of the Silver moon pack reject you , Rosalyn Jordan as my mate and future Luna.

Immediately I felt an excruciating pain, A pain far greater than my mother had said . It was as though; I was being continuous struck by lightening . I wanted to die from this pain.

I wailed and begged for it to be over as he stood there , watching me with a smirk on his face .

“ How dare he!!.. How dare he gain amusement from my suffering!!.... How dare he stand over me like a God while I withered away!!!” from the pain came an anger never felt before.

“ Why should I give him the satisfaction of watching me in pain… the least I could do was make sure we suffered together “ I chuckled bitterly.

“ I , Rosalyn Jordan, accept your Rejection as your mate and future Luna of the Silver moon pack.”

His screams gave me immerse pleasure as for a fleeting moment I saw regret overtake his appearance but it was gone before I could blink.

He recovered quickly from the pain as I supposed it was due to him being an Alpha blood. He left at the speed of lightening back to school leaving me withering and convulsing on the forest ground.

I expected to pass out from the pain but the strangest thing happened.. I began hearing my bone break and conform . They started taking the form of a wolf . My first shift was happening.

I began to panic, I have heard stories of wolves who dies during their first shift from the pain . And here I was half wolf and half human , I prayed to whoever was listening for it not to claim my life. It took an estimate of thirty minutes for the shift to be completed as painful screams left my mouth.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness and when I finally came to it , I stood as a wolf . I went to the lake’s reflection to admire my wolf as I tried to ignore how hurt I was that no one bother to check despite my loud screams.

My wolf was brownish with white paws . What an intriguing combination . She wasn’t really quite tall or huge , I figured it was because I wasn’t a full werewolf . Nonetheless, she was magnificent.

“Hello “ a strong feminine voice resonated in my head

“ w..wh..who’s there!” my fright was noticeable from a mile away.

“ Your wolf , my name is Libaye.”

“ I have a wolf?!! and one I could talk to at that!” my joy knew no bounds.

“Yes you do.. Do you have any question you wish….” She inquired.

I didn’t let her finish her statement “ How do I have a wolf? How was I able to shift? How did I locate my mate without having who to direct me ?.”

“You’ve always had a wolf , it was just been blocked by your human side and because of it I laid dormant . The Rejection must have triggered the shift and given the wolf gene enough strength to become active. You are still a wolf regardless , so sniffing out your mate is just the same as it is for full wolves.

The Rejection, for a moment I had forgotten about it but I could see the great deal of pain that came with her talking about it . As she explained , I got to know it’s different for wolves . Zion’s wolf accepts her completely and already loves her but he’s the lesser one as Zion is mostly in control.

“We would be fine!. We aren’t the first person to be rejected and we certainly wouldn’t be the last.” I promised with indignation .

I didn’t inform anyone about my first shift not even Chief Philip , it was something I wanted to keep you myself for the time being. Not like it was any use , the minute I stepped into the pack house , all eyes turned to me .

“Something was different” they all sensed and after a quick sniff ,they knew I was more wolf now. I went back to being ignored after that .

“Child! I heard you just had your first shift?!. Is it true? “my door was thrown open .

“Yes Chief Phillip” I was baffled by the urgency in his voice .

“ look at me!!. What color is she and has she done anything strange” The urgency was doubled as he gripped my chin

“ Brown with silver paws” his fingers were starting to hurt.

“ What?! That can’t be right. Are you absolutely sure that’s the color” From urgency came confusion.

“Yes! Yes I’m sure.. why do you ask “

“ Nothing Child! I must go now “ and just like that he was gone .

He was knew something and was hiding it . “Libaye , do you know what that was all about “

“ I am as confused as you are “

I shook off the whole encounter and spent the night getting to know my wolf.