
Chapter 5


The next day I woke with a difference, I felt stronger and lighter in a way and it showed as I went to school. I saw Zion with his group of friends in the hallway as I passed by .He had a very nasty smirk as he expected me to be down casted and forlorn .

“ ohh.. what I’ll give to be able to knock that smug smirk off his face “ I thought as my heart still wept for him .

It angered him beyond measures to see me standing and giving off the opposite of what he expected. I noticed he had dark circles under his eyes .

“ His wolf, Aeron, has been giving him hell for the rejection “ Libaye conversed with me

“Good “ I like his wolf already and wanted to meet him.

During a class , I suddenly had the urge to use the restroom . On my way there , I was once again shoved.

“ What’s up with everyone shoving lately.. I was sick and tired of it .” I just knew it was Zion .

He got in my face and started going on and on why he rejected me.

“ You are pathetic and weak!. Who would want a mate like you?!. The pack would crumble with you as one of it’s leaders…. You can’t even take care of yourself ; how then would you take care of a pack!. You think because you have a wolf now , you are one bigshot!!. You!!!, Rosalyn, are Nothing and would remain nothing!!. You should have died with your wretched mother!.” Spit was flying from his mouth.

The mention of my mother flipped a switch I didn’t know I had. I saw white as I started hitting and shoving him like he had down countless times not that my fists did much damage .

“Never!!! I mean Never!! Talk about my mother! Yes , reject me! Hit me!! Put me down!!!. But never talk about my mother.” I kept hitting and hitting.

“ Calm down!!! “ I wasn’t listening and all of a sudden I felt the warmest pair of lips make contact with mine .

That did the job , the sparks I felt were crazy as he felt it too . The onset shock wore off as I kissed him back with everything I had.

“Mmmm” I moaned as he bit my tongue .

"Was that me?" I didn’t know I was capable of moaning.

He shoved me against the lockers and my hands went to his hair . He groaned as my hands fisted and gripped his hair pulling it tightly . I could swear , I had found my new favorite sound.

The sound of Zion in immerse pleasure.

I knew I had to stop it as he started tugging of my blouse with one hand and his other hand kept lowering to my skirt. I pushed him off me as my wolf growled in protest. She was ready to mate with him there and then and honestly, I couldn’t blame her . I would do the same under different circumstances.

“No!! You don’t get to do that. You don’t get to reject me and then kiss me when you want to. I’m not your plaything!!.” I was fuming even though I kissed him back .

He looked at me first like a man starving and I was his last meal. Then with hurt and finally disgust. I understood the disgust as that was one of his favorite expression when dealing with me.

but why “Hurt “.

Why was he of all people hurt. What did I do to hurt him. He did the rejecting and not me . Before I could analyze further he was gone . He turned his back on me and went back the way he came . I rolled my teary eyes and went out my business.

Overtime, we pretended the incident didn’t happen and went back to our dynamic Duo of the “ Bully and the Bullied.” He stopped with the physical aspect and stuck with name calling . Libaye had informed me, his wolf was against it.

We had a new transfer at school, a pretty girl named Amelia who was the same age as Zion. She was from the neighboring pack, which was attacked by rogues and managed to escape. She lost her family, her mate and home in the attack and I felt extremely sorry for her. My jealousy outweighed my pity as she had the longest blonde hair and she was an eye turner.

My jealousy wasn’t as a result of her appearance but because she was able to catch Zion’s eyes. Something I was not able to achieve as his mate.

The gentle and caring part of him, the part that was reserved for his mate which he never bothered to show me was disclosed to her so easily. At first I thought he just wanted to spite me , to make me hurt more but with time I saw something different. He actually cared for her and something alike to love lit his eyes whenever she was in his presence.

He saw a future with her and wasn’t ashamed to call her his future Luna.

I didn’t show it but I was getting tired of everything ; tired of the life I was living .

“ Wouldn’t death be better?. At least I would be united with my mother”. This type of thought was getting more and more rampant as the days dragged by.

Even Libaye was getting weaker from the effect of the rejection and lack of physical comfort by her mate. Aeron , Zion’s wolf , had tried on multiple occasions to talk to Libaye and each time proving more furtive than the next .

He assured her he loved her with his whole heart and was also weak from the rejection but there’s it so much words can do . That is what is would always be “Mere words “ Zion would always be in control .

I wished Zion and Amelia the best , I really did but that doesn’t mean my heart doesn’t beat slowly whenever I saw them being intimate or cozy with one another both in school and at the pack.