
Mate. Me. Distance

When Chiara Katerina's parents were both died on the battle, she and her half-soul wolf Clara decided to take revenge and to take fight the evil vampire-wolf,Victor. On the way of their journey, they met the trusted seer Hansel who will help them to prepare in search for their quest. Disguising as humans, there paths were cross by the unexpected truth that will crash them on who is the real mate they looking for. Will Chiara still believes the person who taught her to fall in love? Or will the truth help her believe to the person who been the reason why her parents were died? Would they risk to fall in love if the truth will crash them apart?

A_M_Jhel · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Curse Them!

"I have come to awaken the doom…", says the cold old voice that feels so immortal with an authority over to power anything who will against him. I advanced myself to hide on them on the tree thinking that it is best to camouflage. Tension arises on my whole being that to breath out might lead them to notice that someone is around, listening to whatever plans they have in their minds. As far as I feel, not more than 10 people all in circle of a man who becomes the great superior of theirs. Cold sweat comes all over down to my face that if I move just one slight, my life would end up miserably to here, where I stand. With all my might, I focus my attention to them. I come to think of using a mind-reader power but I refuse to do so since it will give the hint that someone is trying to access on their mind links. Using the remaining essence of my power, I let in myself to the black redwood tree.

The surrounding people wore the human's clothing but something hidden in their faces. Both I know their true identity were hidden. I notice how they got to change directly into what vampires they are, but it becomes a surprise when I notice the man who talked arctic freeze wore the red cloak long time been banned and were told been vanished. I seize myself to move defensively inside the tree. I try to keep my mouth close and tight by my hands; seeing that the man who talk some inches away from me could merely hear a pin drop coming from my presence.

"It's been a long time since I saw all your hunger-eating faces", looking each of them as if trying to read their minds whatever that was be. I never intend to watch their faces whom for such a long time were already sealed in the hostile prisoner's camp and how come they escaped on it without a trace of bruises or any rough up damage. My attention gets close to the man who seems to be familiar after such a long time of wondering who is he would be.

Looking at the sky's ceiling of dark clouds, the man shows off his locket with a bulging wolf pendant obvious to be seen even distance from its owner's sight. "So long to be heard from you after all, so long to be heard my fellow dark hunters…". Someone asked him directly, "Where is our master? You know how little you are compare to us! We are not here just because you have called us". A sudden strike of thunder arises from the ground and everyone back their sides so as not to be get beaten with it. The dark eyes of the man suddenly reveal a bolting red on it; ready to attack who ever tries to block his way. "You have no shame to control over who I am! I am the master of so long you've never recognized! I have come to start again what the battle has left to the dungeon. Why have you question such insulting word in front of your Master? It is through me why until you have all get alive. I am not be recognizable as the face you have known". He faces each one of them again and the thunder bolt fades in the air. Everyone composes as if wanting to hear more from the Master of theirs. "I have taken the body of the unknown man whom I am honored to take up his soul. But I am more so glad that it is the stupid descendant Hansel took me away from the forbidden dungeon in such an easy time. That man is such a fool to fantasize a life with that Queen who I offered for him. What a waste of time it is. But unknowingly, it a great mishap of him that he restored my body to the basin whom he thought would end my life". A loud satisfying laughter burst out to their own mouths.

I turn froze for not shorter than hour. As I thought to go back myself from the past, what a humiliating scene I've made. I'm unforgivable for this. I made a lot of mistakes from Our Queen; the Queen I do adore at the same. I made my turn to go back from my car realizing that he does know I am around… he does know I am there... he blurted it out…. Making me realize I am of no use… and now I have to face my deepest purpose. It must be end up here. I have to prepare myself for this. This is the only way others will survive for good. A way other will live but at the same time someone will take risk. It is not the Queen itself nor her soulmate to mean. It won't never be like this when he never comes and enter into my despair.

The dark starts to settle in.... happy reading WolFire mates

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