
Mate. Me. Distance

When Chiara Katerina's parents were both died on the battle, she and her half-soul wolf Clara decided to take revenge and to take fight the evil vampire-wolf,Victor. On the way of their journey, they met the trusted seer Hansel who will help them to prepare in search for their quest. Disguising as humans, there paths were cross by the unexpected truth that will crash them on who is the real mate they looking for. Will Chiara still believes the person who taught her to fall in love? Or will the truth help her believe to the person who been the reason why her parents were died? Would they risk to fall in love if the truth will crash them apart?

A_M_Jhel · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Piece of our memory

Putting my tea back on its place, I figure out it is our past that changes us both. Our parted ways are a memory of relinquishing the past that one day we can hold it back. I know it will but not right now where everything seems like we need to keep it on hand. Does she still remember me? What if don't? I know somehow there are things unpredicted to come. Yet the air I breath I today is a breathtaking moment I don't want to let go. Though I know how to start my purpose of my arrival, yet to notice her closely in mine makes me speechless the way I was when she met me. I do aware how she feels awkward while I remain silent for a moment after a quick gaze of hers, but I less about it. I embrace the solidarity that surrounded including her. I take the last gulp of my garden brewed tea, and face her again. And reading her eyes, I notice her long wait reply from me of what my main purpose of coming in the first place.

"I may not tell you this personally. But as far as it concerns your worries for that, I told one of the staffs of The Gallery Show if it's okay to let know who is the artist behind those paintings that I watched closely for a long time. Wondering how those strokes we're in his or heads. Like that kind of stuffs as it may seem." I chuckled for a moment thinking if it she would reply me in the end. But she remains still and so I continued. "I come to asked her with a great interest when she told me the artist is yours. And so here I come to ask your permission if it's okay to your part if I could buy those arts of yours at your own expense". I waited for her reply without showing her a look of plead. If she won't, then I won't tell her to think it twice out from my demands. I waited for her response wishing to hear back again her mellisonant voice but then she looks on my eyes acting something else with a confusing voice, "If I let you bought it, what will you give me in return?". A kind of question I didn't expect from her. I look on her suiting café, her welcoming garden for all those who want to stay and relax. It took me a while to answer her and I didn't hesitate to give her my smile. "It seems like your garden is a best place to relax, right?". Knowing she waits for my precise response, I look for my handkerchief, wipe my lips and chin and gets back to my composure.

"I won't not expect of something else you won't say no in return. But I do love to buy your arts out of my delight and turn it into a canvass on my own home. Precisely what I want is your arts will be my display inside my home. if you please". I give her my warm smile and watch what will be her reply. "My arts have its own meaning. Less to be appreciate by anyone. I intend to put it there just to add a simple color in the room where a lot of viewers can go in and out. With all your respect, if you allow me, will it be possible if I can give you another design?". I thought it for a moment wondering what does it mean? Has she notice that I'm not a pure-blooded man? She has a hidden agenda for all those brushes she made. I understood it now. As I decided not to oppose her, I come up with the idea that might make her interest. "You have a hidden talent if that's what you mean for it, Miss". I let her saw me for a moment and catch a glimpse of her pet chasing for those butterflies closely to our eyes to see. "It will only lead you to work another long hour if I let you do that too. Perhaps, it's been obvious to me where do you spend essentially your time. And I am amazed how you run this farm as beautiful as it seems whenever someone drop herself or himself here".

"Does this mean you won't deal anymore with me on my paintings?". My face starts to reveal a confusing surprise after I hear what he says. "Exactly you're right". "But I hope you will deal this time if I let you know that I have a business proposal to you that will help your farm a better place to dine in and one day turn out to be one of my product's main ingredients". Not waiting for her reply, I continue. "It means that I am looking for a freshly products for the perfume that I am funding of. This indicate that I want a pure sample of flowers to be place in my perfume. It will not only add the attraction of the perfume, but also gives more volume of scent to the perfume. As far as I notice I've never seen a perfume product that contains a pure flower ingredient or at least a petal of it inside. That's why I come up with the concept that will mark our company a unique experience of our perfume. Can I count on you then?". When I attempt to look on her again, my attention fix on her eyes when I got to remember something between us….

"An eye can see, a lip can tell only you would mean this heart to tell…", I closed now the book and she left hang on the story that I read on her. "That's so sweet…but will it be okay if you read again, for me?". Her smile was unforgettable and I can't say no to every demand she wants from me. When I read it on her again, she suddenly stood up and encourage me to do so. "I let you something in the woods". She begins to be got excited and I wonder want she is thinking of. "Hurry now, quick before it will disappear in our sight. For sure you're going to regret it if you won't see this". She suddenly run down to the woods; and I can't follow her closely in me. When we the reach the place, we've watched the afternoon sunset turn into dusk. "It's beautiful, isn't it mate?". I feel she holds my hands in mine. And we both feel quiet for some time. Knowing it doesn't my answers, I let her sight dream of something between us. For a moment, she suddenly asked, "If there is a time that one day I am going to forget you, will you be patient to let me know who am I to you?". I face her and cast a shadow of my face to hers. "If there is a moment that will give me a chance to be by your side, then everyday I will let you remember who you are. Not because you had loved me, but because what you made me become when I am with you". I embrace her tightly in mine knowing she feels the clouds all over her part at the same time. "I am afraid if I am going to lose you on day… just promise me you will never stop looking for me…". I hold my tears and act brave enough to answer her plead. "Our love will guide us until the very last time, my mate. I promise you forever. I love you dearly and I am here with you all the time".

"With you all the time…...", I suddenly mumble the words in front of her and I saw how her eyes got change for a while. "To whom are you addressing this phrase?", the last words I hear from her when I notice Nelly came back with some strange teenagers.

Want to say thank you to my 5k+ readers.. happy reading once again

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