
Mate Over Time

Hundred years have passed after the large-scale massacre in the Monster Tribe and only two people survived in that very night. A man is born to be an alpha and a hybrid illegitimate child whose fate is unpredictable. A woman who is as warm as the sun dies in the hands of the Alpha's tyrant father, that made him feel miserable which resulted for another large-scale killing spree as an offering for his dead mate. After hundred of years, a woman who looked exactly like the Alpha's dead mate is born with powers that rival the 'Power of Impurity'. And after that very sight, everything turned into a new cycle of a chaotic history and the only thing that can stop this phenomenon is the mystery of this woman's birth. How will the mysterious woman stop the insane alpha who is still indulged to his dead mate? What will be her role in this story as the one and only Saintess?

AshLhie20 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Ana covered the silver haired young man from the beatings of the townspeople. She shuts her eyes from the incoming stone, feet and knuckles that will land on her. But everything turned silent and nothing hurt her.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw Riegne and Gabriel covering them with a deadly glare that made the people step back. And after that, they seemed to realize who the newcomers who disturbed their 'fun'.

The people's faces turned pale as their gazes switched countless times to the lady who is covering the Hybrid, and to the two people who is standing to protect the lady.

They all gasped when realization finally hit them.

"Y-your holi-holiness?" They asked for confirmation with their united stammering.

But the lady in white ignored them and focused her attention to the young man who is staring at her unknowingly.

"Are you alright?" She asked him.

The young man is covered with bruises. There are some signs of cuts and wounds but it healed already in front of Ana's eyes. She gasped and her eyes widen that made the young man become cautious. He covered himself with his arms to hide those but he was stopped by Ana's hand halfway. He looked at her, bewildered. But he only was greeted with a glittering pair of eyes like it just discovered something marvelous. He gulped at that sight.

"I-I'm alright. Thank you f-for h-helping me, y-your holiness." Like a hypnotized little boy, he opened his mouth and replied to the concerned inquiry of the Saintess in front of him.

The shining silver eyes of the lady curved into a smiling eyes, arched in perfection in the young man's eyes.

"I am happy to hear that." She said with a happy smile.

At that very moment, the young man almost forgot how to breath. His mouth gapped open and when he realized that he is out of breath, he tried to catch it that made the young Saintess in front of him giggle.

"What is your name?" She asked.

The young man blushed even after the Saintess made that refreshing giggle.

"My name is not worth knowing, your holiness. I do not deserve to share this humble name to you. I am nothing but a lowly Hybri—"

"Who dare to belittle you for being a Hybrid? For being like this young Saintess?" She asked furiously.

At that, the sky made a big roar that startled the people. Gabriel sighed and shook his head. Riegne just rolled her eyes to the foolish people. They already saw this coming.

"N-no! Not that, your holiness! Please a-appease your anger. I apologize for saying such word." The young man started to kowtow in front of her. His face is as pale as paper.

After seeing that, she sighed and leveled herself to the young man. She rubbed used her hand to brush his silver hair. The young man paused while he selfishly let himself be drowned with the bliss she is giving to him with the simple gesture of her.

"State your name. I want to know the name of a brave young man like you." She said with her most gentle tone.

"M-my name is Prinnx. Prinnx Godwin Alva, your holiness."

Ana gasped that made Prinnx tremble. He do not know why, but the changes of Ana's expression really makes him nervous.

"What a great name! 'The path that symbolizes beauty, harmony, perfection, love, impatience and idealisation is a 'friend of God' is 'his highness''. It means that your a royalty that has the path of good and bad as a good friend of the Father." Ana chirped gleefully.

The people who are watching them are stunned after hearing the meaning of Prinnx's name. It may be bold to be named in such a good way, but it doesn't gave them to opportunity to detest him for who the person who praised his full name.

Prinnx is stunned after hearing it too. But what makes him more enticed is the young lady who dances gleefully in the name he detest the most because of the one who gave him one.

"Y-you like it?" He asked, stuttering.

Ana looked at him with a smile all over her face.

"Yes. I really love it. So you must cherish that name for you is a friend of the Father is the same as a friend of mine." She replied that made him blushed.

Gabriel saw that. He only frowned and then turned his attention to the incoming party from the castle.

Here he was, an elegant man in fiery red hair rushing towards them with mix emotions displayed on his handsome face. He kneel down in front of Ana and bowed his head to avoid the Saintess's gaze.

"I greet you, your holiness." He said.

Ana looked at him and smiled at the same time. Redson is stunned at the sight of it. He turned to his brother's direction and raised an eyebrow at him.

'What is he doing here? Almost hugging the Saintess at that?' He thought.

Prinnx lowered his head to avoid his brother's sharp gaze.

"I am also glad to see you, Beast Lord. I want to express how I appreciate your territory but it only welcomed me with this." Ana said in response.

"What do you mean, your holiness?" He asked, feigning ignorance to the scene in front of them.

"Do discrimination towards Hybrids here, legal?" She asked straightforwardly.

"I don't want to look like an immature lady that's why I am asking. It's aching me on how I witnessed how your people beat a Hybrid under my nose. You know how sensitive I am in terms of this issue. Are you doing this intentionally to offend me, Beast Lord?" She asked with authority in her voice with a smile on her face.

That smile doesn't mean that she is happy. She is also not angry. She only smiles like this to show the authority she have for being a Saintess and for the injustice she just witnessed. This smile is nothing for her but a curved line written on her face.

Gabriel trembled for witnessing such side of the lady she is protecting. He must admit that she is not like the usual 'Ana' due to her performances. But he cannot blame her anymore because he is not ignorant for the reasons.

"I do not intended to do such thing, your holiness—"

"Enough! I'll be taking Prinnx away. It is better for him to be with someone of his kind." She said with finality.

Redson was left in that place stunned, bewildered for the recent event. But not long after that, his white face turned red all of a sudden with the reason that remained unknown.