
Countess Sera

Many things had happened over the course of this long year. Tanya had gone from a mere 1st ascension ant to a powerhouse of the 4th ascension, vastly overpowering all of her peers in all categories. 

For her actions during the massacre, she was already promised a peerage of a count after her valedictory. While his noble title was still nothing when she compared it to her former title as an emperor, Tanya still appreciated the rise in rank.

Now, in the academy ballroom, it had finally come the time for the bestowal of titles and the official climax of a short and regal ceremony. Many high nobles were present, including Tanya's parents.

"Tanya Vermillion, for your actions during the tragedy of the Academy Massacre as well as your amazing performance in your studies throughout the year, you have been granted the noble peerage of countess. Please continue to strive for excellence as a noble. It should be at this point that you choose a name to take on officially."