
Master Of The Universe

Master of the Universe was in his last breath. Because he was an 'outsider' in this world, he was helpless against countless enemies during The Universe War. His only hope was to reincarnate again but without his memories this time, so the World's Will may accept him. * * * * * * * Rong Yuan, the reincarnation of the Master of the Universe became the Sect Master of the Thousand Swords Sect after countless hardships and trials. He reached the legendary Cultivation Stage, The Spirit Emperor Stage. Even without his previous memories, he was still an 'outsider'. Maybe so, he couldn't reach the end of his story. He was unable to fight countless opponents, and even after his victory against them he was poisoned and was pushed off from The Yin Bridge to the Yang River. He died between the boundaries of the two Seven World Mysteries. ..... .... ... .. . However, something unimaginable happened. He actually came back to the time when he became an elder of his sect. He needed to become the "Best Master" according to the system, which saved his life. Until... His erased memories come to the surface... Till he realizes who he actually is... Let's follow Rong Yuan on his journey! Till he becomes the "Master of the Universe" one more time... Hope he will break free from the boundaries of 'fate', maybe then The Universe War will end in his victory. ********* Reincarnation; Action; Romance; Adventure; Comedy; Unique System; Overpowered though it takes some time; Slow-Paced Story in the First Volume; Epic Story that comes once in a thousand years; *********** Check out my Patreon - > https://www.patreon.com/Peace_in_Chaos *********** Check out my new novels: 1. The Strongest Monarch in the Apocalypse Academy 2. Eternal Quest: The Rebirth of a Coward [LitRPG] I hope you will support the second one with Power stones, comments, and reviews. Thanks. _ _ _ _ _ _ The cover is a character from the story. (AI created) Notice: The first part of the first volume is currently being edited and rewritten. The first volume will be a little slow paced but it gets better from the 35th chapter.

Peace_in_Chaos · Huyền huyễn
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221 Chs

The System and The Rebirth

[Updated] [Rewritten]

_____ __ _ _

[System is on....]

[System is loading....]

[0% - 17% - 21% - ..... - 97% - 100%]

[System is launched!]



[Host is found dead!]

[Warning! The host is found dead!]

[Searching for a solution!]




[Solution has been found: Rebirth.]

[Preparing for Rebirth.]


[Host has achieved an extraordinary thing. As a result, the system's new function has opened.]

[The 'Title' function has been unlocked!!]

[Host had attained a state of inner peace within his soul,!]

[Host has received the title "Soul Blessed with Peace"!]


[World's will looking at the host's soul.]

[World's will accepted host's soul fully!]


[A new function has been added to the title "Soul Blessed with Peace" as a result of the World's Will accepting the host's soul fully.]

[Host is ready for rebirth!]

[Rebirth's success rate has increased to 100%!]

[Starting the Rebirth...]

[0% - 5% - 12% - 21% - …. – 89% - Error]

[System Update!]

[System Administrator's command accepted!]

[Due to the host's last words System's creator decided to change System's name!]

[Administrator says to host: "****************"]

[Administrator says: "You will hear the words I said when you will not have any meaning in your life. Good luck in your next life Rong Yuan, the 'Master of the Universe'."]

[Command has been accepted!]

[System's name is changing…]

[System's name is changed to "Best Master System"!]

[System's name will evolve as host upgrades system….]

[Command completed!]

[Restarting Rebirth!]

[0% - 5% - 12% - 21% - …. – 89% - 99% - 100%]

[Rebirth is completed!]



Fire Dragon Empire.

Hundred Swords City.

Hundred Swords Sect.

New Disciples Admission Day.

Today is the day the which is the famous Hundred Swords Sect opens admission to cultivators. They were recruiting disciples to their sect.

The "Hundred Swords" sect was located in the Fire Dragon Empire. It was one of the three best sects in the empire besides the White Lotus Sect of the Frozen Land Kingdom and the Royal Dragon Sect of the Royal Capital. Thus every year countless cultivators would come to the sect,  all vying for a chance to join their ranks and transform their lives for the better.

The rewards of becoming a part of the sect were numerous – access to valuable resources to boost one's cultivation, teachings from powerful cultivators, and the chance to learn powerful spirit techniques. For those with the right status, the opportunities were endless, promising power and riches beyond imagining.

As the hopeful cultivators gathered at the gates of the sect, their hearts filled with anticipation and excitement, they knew that this was their chance to make their mark on the world and become part of something greater than themselves. The Sect's Disciple Admission Day had arrived, and they were ready to seize the opportunity with everything they had.

The Sect Master of the "Hundred Swords" sect slowly made his way to the podium, accompanied by a retinue of elders trailing behind him. As he gazed out at the sea of exam takers before him, a calm expression settled on his face.

"Greetings, fellow cultivators," he began, his voice steady and measured. "Today, you have come to the Hundred Swords Sect with the sole purpose of earning the opportunity to join our esteemed ranks. I welcome you all to our sect and wish you luck on your journey. Show us your strength, demonstrate your talent, and prove your worth – and we will gladly accept you into our fold. Hereby, I, The Sect Master of Hundred Swords Sect announce the exam is officially started!"




With a powerful presence, the Sect Master announced the official start of the exam, his words met with cheers and loud cries of excitement from the gathered crowd. The air was electric with anticipation, as each cultivator prepared to show their worth and fight for the chance to join the ranks of the Hundred Swords Sect.

The Sect Master's speech was a rousing success, eliciting cheers and whistles from the crowd who had become instant fans of his powerful and motivating words.

"He truly is remarkable," one cultivator exclaimed. "The Sect Master of the Hundred Swords Sect commands such meaning and purpose with his words."

"Indeed," another agreed. "He possesses not only great power as a cultivator but also the charisma of a true leader."

As the murmurs of admiration and awe rippled through the crowd, a sudden and powerful spirit force descended upon the exam area, catching many cultivators off guard. Even those who managed to cover themselves with their own spiritual force found themselves struggling to withstand the immense power emanating from the Sect Master, a testament to his incredible strength as a cultivator.

But amidst the chaos, a few countable cultivators remained standing, unfazed by the Sect Master's force. A smirk crept across the Sect Master's face, pleased to see that there were still those who possessed the strength and skill to withstand his power.

The Sect Master surveyed the crowd before him, nodding his head in agreement with the elders who stood behind him. "It seems we have another batch of geniuses this year," he declared, his voice carrying throughout the exam area.

After a few moments, he withdrew his spirit force and announced the results of the initial test. "Those who were unable to protect themselves, fainted or were late to cover themselves have failed the first part of the exam and will not be continuing," he declared firmly. "This test was designed to assess your ability to react quickly to unexpected situations and to maintain awareness of your surroundings. Do not take this exam lightly."

With those words, the Sect Master dismissed the cultivators, watching as those who had failed made their way out with their heads hung low, their spirits crushed. The successful candidates breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for their own success and empathetic towards those who had not made the cut. The Sect Master had spoken, and there was no doubt that the road ahead would be long and challenging for those who remained.

The air was thick with tension as a hot-blooded youth shouted out in protest, his words attracting the attention of everyone present. "I don't agree with this, it's completely unacceptable. I am incredibly talented, I can't lose here!" he declared, his voice ringing out loud and clear.

As other voices began to join in with his protests, the Sect Master sensed that trouble was brewing. With a cold gaze, he looked out at the crowd and spoke in a commanding voice. "Unfair, you say? Yes, this is unfair. But what is fair in this world? Can any of you tell me?"

The words hung heavily in the air, silencing the crowd as they pondered the Sect Master's words. "Remember," he continued, his voice carrying with a weight of authority. "The world is an unfair place, so do not look for faults in others. Instead, become powerful and strive to change that unfairness."

With those words, the Sect Master had quelled the protests, his words a reminder that the only way to overcome the unfairness of the world was through strength and determination.

"Second part of the exam will be held tomorrow and everybody should be here. Any late person won't be allowed to take the test. And there are no exceptions. Even if you are prince/princess or son/daughter of a powerful noble."

Everyone who heard Sect Master sighed in relief because they weren't ready for another test immediately after the first one. They were also amazed by the fairness of the sect. There was no discrimination.

Suddenly Sect Master who was leaving stopped and turned to the people again.

"Oh no, it isn't another test, is it?"

This was everyone's thoughts at the moment.

"Oops, I forgot to tell you about one thing. We will announce the amazing news tomorrow before the test. I'm sure this will amaze everyone, especially our two rival sects. Well then Goodbye!" He said and leave the podium.

After he left, everyone started to discuss what Sect Master said was about.

"Huh, news, did he say big news?"

"What could it be?"

"Maybe it is news about rewards..."

"No, I know what is this about..."

"What, tell us!"

"Yeah, spit it out already!"

"I heard from my friend who works here. They are likely going to announce a new elder and he seems to be very young and maybe the youngest elder we may know..."

"Whoa, is that right?"

"Yes, I think his name is..."

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Peace_in_Chaoscreators' thoughts