
Master Of Myths

The world doesn't lack geniuses, nor does it lack monstrous prodigies And if that wasn't enough it is also filled with opportunities for those who wish to climb the top without a talent of their own Thus some are born among the stars while others rise into the sky like the morning sun But one couldn't accept his fate, nor the fate he would acquire. Instead, he wanted to be the one to create those who reach the apex, the one to give and take, for he had enough of the worlds whimsical tides

WordlyMysteries · Kỳ huyễn
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259 Chs

Unfruitful Journey

"Finally, that took quite a bit"

The mess of scattered items was nowhere to be seen and the only thing left in the wasteland was the dragon and the crow, not even the bodies of the beasts were spared as they were also sent into the pouch hanging on YuJu's waist now, the useful items, however, were stored in his freed up spatial feather

"Is your hand okay now Master?"

He heard Ellis ask, her tone tired and somewhat sleepy

Being reminded of the poisoned hand of his he gave the wound a look, it had halted the infestation of his body after some time from the battle but managed to ride up all the way to his forearm in the process

"For now"

Unsure himself of its lethality he couldn't ascertain whether or not things would be fine, the poison didn't have a common aspect with any other poison he knew, there were so many traits to it yet none at the same time making it seem like a bunch of random poison mixed in together