
Master Of Death

Lin Hamill was an ordinary boy born in an extraordinary family. Burdened by the pressure and expectations that he failed to accomplish, he moved to an apartment to escape his family. He had no talent. He had no expectations. That was what he had thought until he met The Man Upstairs, who assigned him a mission. He was chosen and sent to an alternate Reality where magic existed among the masses. Similar to his original counterpart, the Lin from the Magical World also had no talent in magic. But this time he won't give up. Watch as Lin climbs the social hierarchy and unlocks the hidden truths of this world to accomplish his mission. [Your Mission: End this world in 1,000 years]

Zerosky · Kỳ huyễn
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192 Chs

Volume 2 Episode 11

" I don't want to hurt you. So I'll make it as quick as possible."

Lin, who was baffled by the opponent's words for a second, smiled in return.

"Funny, that was supposed to be my line. But now that you've taken it, I have no choice but to say the opposite."

A wave of coldness enveloped the ring as Lin focused on his opponent.

Leslie, who was confused by Lin's words, also got serious. He moved his arms around, and sparks gathered on his fingers. His hands lit up, and in less than a second, a thunderbolt shot out from the tip of his fingers, heading towards Lin's direction.

Lin had already moved the moment he understood that Leslie was a magic user of the electricity element. Lightning magic, an evolved form of electricity magic is what appears to be what Leslie's expertise was. As Lin was in front of the class, he couldn't show his electricity magic as the first admission test had already shown him being a fire magic user. So he had to stick with it.

He didn't want to show the full extent of his power either, so he had to finish the fight as quickly as possible. Lin knew that for some reason, Leslie didn't want to actually fight him even though he's the one who challenged him. He came to the conclusion that it might be because they might still be under the assumption that he's a level six, and Leslie, who looked to be a righteous person didn't wish to use force on someone who was levels below him.

'That might mean that he might be underestimating me subconsciously, which actually works out well for me. I have to take advantage of his underestimation and finish it as soon as I can.'

As Lin formed a plan in his mind, he dashed towards Leslie. To the crowd and his opponent, that dash looked like a last ditch effort, which made Leslie think that Lin might've given up already.

'Time to finish this.' Leslie, who wanted to end it with as much impact as possible, started conjuring lightning and electricity from around him, forming an enormous lightning ball above him. This was all done in a matter of seconds, and as Lin got closer, Leslie waved his hands downwards, causing the lightning ball to smash onto Lin and causing a huge explosion. The audience watched the scene, terrified of what was the end result. 

"O-oy, is this even allowed? Didn't the teacher tell us that she'll intervene if things got too troublesome?"

"What happened to Lin Hamill dude? Is he even alive?"

"Of course he's alive, if he isn't do you think the Hamill Family is going to just let it go?"

"Yeah he probably is alive, but he probably has to be in treatment for a few months tops. Why didn't the teacher intervene?"

"Maybe the challenger had some secret vendetta or something against the Hamill Family."

As the audience started forming their own conclusions, Miss Mirium Vance looked at the ring and had a satisfied smile on her face for a second. She then called the medical team in a hurry.

"Medic! Over here! It's an emergency, a student has been hit with an overwhel-"

"Well, well, that's one hell of an attack, but I guess it's my turn now."

Her call for the medical team was interrupted by a calm voice coming from the ring, which was covered with smoke and dust from the attack

The startled Leslie, who turned away from the ring after the move was completed, quickly looked at the direction of where the voice came from only to find a hand that moved faster than wind right in front of his face. By the time he had realized what had happened, it was already too late. Lin was right in front of him, looking at him with a smile as his hand started glowing red.

"Bye now."

His eyes shone with a dark light as he hastily focused the entire might of his flame ball on Leslie as it exploded right in his face.

The explosion was so large that most of the ring had been completely destroyed as dirt and debris flew around and students who were too close had to quickly move back in order to not get hit.

Leslie, who was thrust into mid air after being attacked was still conscious even after the explosion occurred right in front of his face. He had tried to block the move using his lightning powers to cut off the fireball right before it hit his face and helped him to create some distance from the attack itself, but even that wasn't enough as he was still injured heavily.

"You're pretty good. Too bad, you still won't be able to defeat me."

A voice that he was all too familiar with now, rang in his ear, causing him to look at the direction where it came from.

As he looked above, he saw Lin in the air holding another huge flame ball in his hands with his usual smile, which made Leslie shiver. 

Lin then motioned his hands downwards as the flame ball slammed on to Leslie and pressed him downwards, exploding when it hit the ground.

The smoke and dust vanished, revealing Lin completely fine with no injuries and Leslie lying unconscious at his feet.

The crowd was silent for a moment before exploding in a loud commotion.


Mirium appeared next to his unconscious opponent, looking at his injuries and calling the medical team with a panic-stricken face.

She then looked at Lin as if she wanted to kill him.

"Why did you do that? This was supposed to be just a friendly duel."

"It's funny that you didn't say anything when I was being attacked with a giant fucking lightning ball smashing on my head, but whatever you say, teacher."

Lin said in a plain tone, facing the teacher and showing her a wide smile, which made her go quiet immediately.

As he got out of the ring, the audience was still making a commotion because of the absolute carnage that they witnessed just now.

Mirium's eyes showed displeasure as she stared at the departing youth.

The medical team appeared next to her and gave a detailed description of Leslie's condition.

"It's not a problem, but he needs at least one month of complete rest. The potions can heal the injuries fast enough."

Mirium nodded without moving her gaze from the direction where Lin had gone.