
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

inferno303 · Phim ảnh
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Chapter 277: Norris awakens (Edited)

Less than a month before the school vacations, Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was fired....

At this, teachers and students at the school expressed their reassurance. Some of the new students were confused, but some of the older students explained the "glorious tradition" of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher position, and then joined in by lamenting the curse of You-Know-Who.

After that, everyone got emotional, remembering the moment Lockhart was beaten and sent to the infirmary by Fish and replaced by the deans.

With only two weeks of classes left, it was clear that there was no need to find another professor to cover that time.

However, the excitement only lasted a few days before it turned to regret....

Previous classes with Lockhart had been largely homework-free, but Snape and the others were not so remiss, and now that exams were approaching, and they wanted to make up for the loss of progress due to Lockhart, everyone opted to increase the amount of homework and teach in more of a fill-in-the-blanks style.

Even Professor Flitwick, who was the most flexible in his approach to teaching, changed the previous teaching method based on practical operations and had everyone hold textbooks like Professor McGonagall.

This confused the group, as it was not exactly what they expected.

It was tough, but with two weeks and only a handful of Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, the group gritted their teeth and survived.

As usual, Fish slept in class, did homework with the girls' help, went to see Professor McGonagall for stories, and then brought a bunch of food to meetings with his animal friends.

In these quiet days, the days passed and final exams were due in three days.

One day, just after breakfast, Professor Sprout called out to Fish.

"Fish, over here."

The short, plump but friendly-looking herbology teacher greeted the kitten with a smile and a call.

Next to her stood the tall, slender Professor McGonagall, a stark contrast.

"Aunt Pomona, Minerva..."


Fish ran up to the two and then hugged Professor McGonagall's arm and rubbed it, tilting his head up like a good boy.

"Fish has been very good lately and hasn't caused any trouble."

Professor McGonagall smacked the kitten on the head and said, "It was Pomona who asked about you, so if you behave yourself and don't misbehave, I won't hit you for no reason."


Fish rubbed against Professor McGonagall's arm again and then turned his head toward Professor Sprout.

"What do you want with Fish, Aunt Pomona?"

"Well, Auntie wanted to let little Fish know that the mandrake is ripe and that Professor Snape will be able to wake up Mrs. Norris in the evening when he finishes making the antidote."



Fish cheered, then turned to Professor Sprout and gave her a tight hug.

"Thank you Aunt Pomona!"

As the kitten waited anxiously, the sky finally darkened, Fish quickly finished his dinner, then ran to the staff table and walked to Professor Snape's side.

Filch, the Hogwarts janitor, also had a similar demeanor to him, he also stood silently behind Professor Snape after taking a few bites of dinner, looking directly behind him.

Snape: "..."

Harry and the others had known for some time that Fish and Snape were on good terms, and had heard the news from Fish during the day.

Mrs. Norris would be able to recover tonight, naturally this situation was not surprising, it's just a bit odd....

It's our Gryffindor's cat, why does he have such a good relationship with Slytherin?!

The uncomfortable Professor Snape had to speed up his eating speed, finish his dinner quickly, and then get up quietly and walk quickly to his office: he had to go back to fetch the antidote he had prepared.

Fish wanted to go with him, but Professor McGonagall pulled him back.

"We'll go to the infirmary and wait for him."

"Okay nya!"


Fish left and dragged Professor McGonagall in turn, hurrying off in the direction of the infirmary.

Filch hurried after them and, in a few moments, Dumbledore, Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey finished eating and joined Professor Snape, who had returned from picking up the antidote, and headed for the infirmary.

The other students were curious enough to go to the infirmary to see what was going on, but the intimidating presence of Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape kept them at bay.

"Severus, you're here nya! Give the medicine to Norris nya!"


Fish, who had been waiting in the infirmary, saw the group come through the door and immediately leapt to Snape's side, pulling him by the sleeve and dragging him toward the bed.

Snape's indifferent face twitched slightly, but he did not resist and was forcibly dragged away by Fish.

A small vial of purple potion, bright blue in color, was dripped into Mrs. Norris's stiff mouth unhurriedly.

After the entire bottle of potion was fed, although Mrs. Norris was still motionless and petrified, it was clear to Fish that her life force, which had been so weak as to be almost imperceptible, was slowly returning.

Filch, who did not have the same powers of perception as Fish, was distressed to see that, after administering the potion, Mrs. Norris was still unresponsive.

"Professor, Professor... my cat... Why hasn't she recovered yet? The dose is not enough?"

He sniffed vigorously and asked Snape hesitantly, for fear of hearing bad news from the other party.

But Snape merely looked at him coldly, not bothering to say anything.

If it weren't for Filch being worried about his cat, Snape would have given him one of the "new potion" he gave Lockhart.

"Don't worry, Argus, Norris's life force is recovering nya, and the potion Pomona and Severus brewed is working."


Fish reached out and patted Filch's arm, gently comforting.

Only then did Filch sigh in relief, he still believed Fish's words, and he knew he had offended Snape with his words, so he apologized.


Snape grunted and then shook his head slightly, as if he wasn't upset with Filch, after all....

The cat had spoken for itself, and Snape is not a narrow-minded person.

After excusing himself, Filch immediately squatted down next to the hospital bed, looking unblinkingly at Mrs. Norris lying on the bed with her pair of large bulging eyes.

Under his gaze, Mrs. Norris, who was originally stiff, gradually softened her body and, after a while, her dull yellow eyes blinked and regained their original agility.

"Norris! My Darling!"

Filch burst into tears as he carefully took the revived cat in his arms and kissed it again and again.


Mrs. Norris purred softly, then lifted her head and stuck her tongue out to lick Filch's face a couple of times.

Fish raised his hand and cast a [Rejuvenation] spell on Mrs. Norris, but the main purpose of the rejuvenation spell was to heal wounds, and it had little effect on her.

Mrs. Norris had just come out of her petrification and her reflexes were a bit slow, and she recovered completely in a short time.

"Nyanyanya! Nyanya!"

The recovering Mrs. Norris rubbed Filch's chin again, then twisted her body, jumped out of his embrace, turned her head, and called out to Fish.

She actually told Fish about her encounter with the basilisk on Halloween night, telling his to be careful and to relay the story to Filch.

"Nyajajajaja ..."


Fish rubbed the back of his neck and said with some embarrassment, "I've already taught Uroboros a lesson... the big snake you were talking about nya, he's also Fish's best friend now.... "


Mrs. Loris went back to talking about Ginny, who was with the basilisk.

So Fish again explained to Mrs. Norris, "The bad guy who dropped it wasn't Ginny, it was a bad guy named..."

At that moment, Fish looked at Professor McGonagall and asked if he could talk to her about Voldemort.

At that point Dumbledore spoke up, "Okay, tell everyone, even if you don't tell, I'll tell everyone when the semester is over."

Dumbledore hadn't planned on keeping it to himself, it was a great opportunity for Fish to make a name for himself!

Well, and to bring Harry in.

And by blocking off several rooms at once, Dumbledore didn't want too many people to know exactly where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was.

As for why it wasn't revealed earlier....

On the one hand, he didn't want to interfere with the students' exam preparations, and on the other....

It was the only way to decide how many House points to give Gryffindor!

With Dumbledore's approval, Fish immediately continued, "Ginny was controlled by a bad guy named Voldemort, but that bad guy has been taken care of by Fish and Albus together nya."


Fish folded his arms and cocked his head and tail in triumph.

Snape and the others, who knew nothing, looked at Fish and Dumbledore in horror when they heard Voldemort's name.

Dumbledore nodded slightly and replied with a smile, "Only a diary with Voldemort's memories was destroyed, but basically it was all thanks to Fish that this matter could be resolved."

The matter of the horcruxes, Dumbledore wasn't going to say anything about it.

Now the kitten's head and tail were raised even higher, and he proudly said, "Fish is amazing!"


And then Professor McGonagall, who was not in a good mood, gave him a good whack on the head.

