
Master Druid in Hogwarts.

This is the story of a kitten that acquired druid spells from another world and the wizards mistook it for an animagus. If you want to support me and give me some motivation to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic nor the contents of the novel nor the Harry Potter book.

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Chapter 164: Chickens escape (Edited)

Animagus - a very complex and dangerous spell, to successfully transform into an animal, in addition to a great knowledge of potions and a tedious process of preparation, a certain degree of luck is required.

The preparation period for the spell can last weeks, months or even years, during which the slightest misstep can cause the spell to fail, and only with the help of James Potter and others, Peter managed to become an animagus.

After adopting animal form, the feelings and emotions of the animagus are simplified, their behavior becomes closer to that of an animal, and even the food they like becomes something they crave in animal form, but they still retain much of the same ability to think, self-identify, and remember as before their transformation.

So Peter Pettigrew, though scared to death by Fish's question, was still able to think calmly, or rather, since his emotions were greatly simplified in his animal form, he was able to remain somewhat calm and not panic.

If it had been at the beginning of the school year, and he had learned that Fish had revealed his identity as an animagus, Peter Pettigrew would have killed Fish without a word, recovered, and run away.

But now, though Peter was still shocked, he didn't attack immediately, because he knew that Fish was probably just curious, and wasn't trying to coerce anyone by finding out what he was up to.

So Pettigrew Peter forcibly repressed the horror he felt, calmed his heart that almost leapt out of his throat, and then slowly opened his mouth to communicate with Fish.

"Squeak." (Yes, I am an animagus.)

Peter had thought about denying it or playing dumb, which was the easiest thing to do, but he didn't know why Fish might judge him as an animagus.

It would be really bad if Fish, convinced of his own judgment, ran to Professor McGonagall after his denial.

So Peter, after thinking for a while, decided to use a lie to trick Fish.

"Squeak squeak..." (I turned into a mouse and hid in the Weasley house, just because I was tired of being human...).

Peter didn't lie to Fish, saying that he hides from some people or secretly protects the Weasleys, he simply comes across as a sad man who is frustrated with his life and wanted to become a mouse to escape his past.

Because he knew how curious Fish was, and how good the kitten was at casting spells, even more so than James and Sirius at the time.

If his story intrigued him, it would be very difficult to keep it a secret, so Peter opted to come up with an excuse that would allow Fish to keep it a secret, but not be interesting to him.

Indeed, after hearing Scabbers' story, Fish said with a bored pout, "No wonder you're so lazy, Scabbers ".

He then lost interest in Scabbers, the animagus, and turned into a kitten and ran out the window.


Peter Pettigrew, who was always alert and ready to kill at any moment, breathed a sigh of relief and finally managed to fool him

But he knew that this wasn't going to work for long, and that he was only able to trick Fish because he didn't know much about the magical world, and because he was still mentally young.

As Fish grew older, the risk of his exposure would also increase. Therefore, it would not be safe to stay in the Weasley family for long, safe to escape directly, as Fish would probably tell the Weasley family that he was an animagus, and all the things he had done would probably be unearthed....

And he would have to find another opportunity to fake his death.

As Peter Pettigrew contemplated his future escape, Fish continued climbing in accordance with the cat's climbing habit and reached the attic of the Weasley house.

The attic was inhabited by a ghoul, an ugly but harmless creature that fed on insects such as spiders and moths and was not very intelligent, even if someone approached it, it would just growl and not even run away.

Fish tried to communicate with it, but all the ghoul could do was grunt and groan.

The ghoul just grunted and groaned, and although Fish could understand the general meaning of the words, they were simple emotions like "hungry," "friendly," and "happy," just like animals with little intelligence, he was unable to form a normal conversation.

So Fish soon left the attic and continued to climb.

After a while, he reached the roof of the Burrow, standing at the highest point, looking down on the entire Weasley family.

And then Fish saw, in the courtyard, the fat chickens lazily waddling about.

"Meow!" (=ω=)

The little cat's eyes lit up, it had been a long time since Fish had caught a bird, not since his first trip to the Forbidden Forest... not counting the ones he had conjured himself with the transfiguration.

Fish jumped off the roof, landed softly in the yard and carefully hid in the grass.

Although the chickens were not very smart and could not fly, and Fish could have caught them if he had approached them directly, but it was the process of hunting that Fish liked, so the procedure had to be followed.

Fish pressed his body to the ground and slowly approached the clueless chickens in the yard.

The chickens had been fattened up by Mrs. Weasley, and the fact that the domestic chickens were largely safe from danger made them not at all cautious, so Fish was not slow to get within range.

Moving slowly, Fish leapt out of the grass and, before the fat chickens could react, pounced on one of them and opened his mouth to take a bite out of its neck.

Fish doesn't eat raw food these days, so he had no intention of biting it to death, so after a token bite, Fish released the hapless fat chicken.


That's when the chickens squawked frantically and fled.

"Meow!" (='=).

After completing his hunting routine, Fish gleefully chased the group of stupid chickens around the yard, sending dust and feathers flying, and the originally quiet Burrow suddenly became lively.

Comey, who was in the kitchen preparing dinner with Mrs. Weasley, heard the commotion, stuck his head out the window for a moment, and then hurried to apologize to Molly: "Sorry, Mrs. Weasley! Master Fish is just playing!"

Mrs. Weasley waved her hand kindly, "It's all right, it's all right, the little man is very energetic, and it's good for those fat chickens to get some exercise."

The twins, watching from the third floor window, had a wistful look on their faces.

"Mom hasn't been out, so it's the same as at school." Fred looked at the Monopoly piece in his hand and tossed it aside, not interested in developing things now.

"George" After a moment of silence, Fred said with a serious look, "I'd still like to try becoming Animagus."

This time, George didn't stop him, mainly because Fish's deal of being easily forgiven for his troubles was so appealing to the twins that they wouldn't die until they tried it.

"I totally agree with your proposal, brother" George nodded just as earnestly, "There must be books on the subject in the school library, we probably won't have extra time to fiddle with Monopoly by then, so, while we're on summer vacation, we'll have to perfect it as soon as possible."

So the twins perked up and set about playing magical Monopoly.

With Mrs. Weasley out of the way, no one would disturb Fish's game, and just as he was messing up the whole yard, a dusty Mr. Weasley pushed open the front door of his house....

And was hit by an escaping chicken.

"Merlin's beard! What's going on?!"

Arthur Weasley, who had eaten a mouthful of chicken feathers, kept wiping his hand over his mouth.

The chickens Fish had disturbed took advantage of the situation and ran frantically to the gate behind him, and in a flash they were all gone.

"Meow!" ∑(=ΦДΦ=)

Fish, who realized that he seemed to be in trouble again, disappeared into the courtyard in an instant.