
Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again)

A 25 year old man merged with the body of a 5 year old British child. In 1924. As a Wizard. Read on to keep up with his adventures in studying Magic!

HelloDarkness07 · Phim ảnh
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128 Chs

Daughter of Selene

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07.

I just want to reiterate, people, that I don't write Smut, or Harems. Please don't request multiple pairings, or even flings for Mason with girls you fantasize yourself with. Please.

Yes, Jean Grey is hot, yes Phoenix is hot, yes Death is hot and so is Hela. But Mason will remain with Selene, and they won't add anyone else in their bed(on screen at least.)

Oh, and a reminder. My MC is not Harry Potter. His name is Mason/Athreos/Atharva or even Harrison Evans. But no, he isn't Harry Potter.

Thank you, now read on!

"When I first got out of the portal, I was immediately accosted by her." Sylvie, previously known as Loki, says, tilting her head towards the sleeping Selene. 

I was keeping an eye on her vitals, while listening to Sylvie's tale of her past 1400 years, while also nursing a cup of tea. Selene was okay, but she was still unconscious, her mind fixing the gaps it had previously left behind, which.. in a fascinating fashion, Selene herself didn't know about.

Sylvie smiles a nostalgic smile, remembering the memories, and says, "She immediately bound me within my own shadows, and asked me who I was. I gave her the letter she gave me, and told her everything that had happened. My child brain just saw that I was bound, helpless, and I began crying, while rambling everything I thought could be important."

She chuckles, and even I crack a smile, imagining the previous, 12 year old kid rambling, hoping Selene doesn't see her as a threat.

Sylvie then says, "She allowed me into her house, of course, the letter had some things to prove I was who I said I was, as well as some things to prove that Mother was the one who sent me back in time. She didn't mention you, curiously enough."

And that was planned. I told Selene not to mention me in the letter at all, since.. well, Time travel reasons. 

"She then fed me, gave me a room for myself, and stayed away for a few days, leaving me by my lonesome, reading the tomes in her Library. I suspect she also used this time to go through my mind, to confirm that I wasn't being Enchanted. And then, she began teaching me. She began with getting my body stronger before she even bothered to bring up the subject of Magic." Sylvie says, and I glance at Selene.

Seeing open eyes, I smile, as she whispers in a rough voice, "That's because your body was weak."

Sylvie sighs, fondness clear in her voice, as she says, "It was not my fault that the TVA inhibited my strength somehow, mother."

"They inhibited your strength? How? I didn't feel any spell on you?" I butt into that conversation.

As Selene starts sitting up on her bed, rubbing her forehead which was no doubt still hurting, Sylvie turns towards me and says, "It wasn't Magic, no. I suspect it was their Science that did it. Ever since the TVA Agents first came into my presence in my room, back at Asgard, my strength was bound, taken down to a mortal child's level. I didn't notice it at first, since I was still young then, and my strength was just a bit above that of any normal mortal. Only when mother and I managed to reverse whatever it is they did, did I realize how much of my strength was bound."

That's.. worrying. If this TVA can bind the strength of an Asgardian/Jotnar by just coming near them, then I have no doubts that they could take away my strength too. What's the reason though? Is it so their human agents can arrest these Variants without any issues?

Possible, since Asgardians are most definitely not the only race with superstrength. Olympians, Eternals, Titans, Vampires, Werewolves, Mutants, Giants come to mind.

Sylvie's voice brings me out of my thoughts, and I see her sitting next to Selene on her bed, holding hands. She says, "Mother also took me out, to mingle within the mortals. She said it was to test out the theory that the TVA won't detect me, which was what we were hoping for. But then, I realized that it had a secondary objective of allowing me to meet with children of my own age. She told me to pretend to be a mortal, and play along with whatever the mortal children were playing with."

I chuckle, and turning towards Selene, I ask, "The letter?"

Selene nods, a tired smile forming on her face, and says, "Along with all the proofs, of the one who wrote the letter being.. Well, me, I also put in a few requests. One of them was to allow Sylvie a semblance of a normal childhood."

I shake my head, smiling. I had mentioned it to Selene, that this might allow Sylvie to live a normal life, without being pursued by the TVA every time she met someone, and Selene of course put it in her letter.

I didn't know its contents, obviously, since some of the things within would have upset me, or so Selene had said. Considering they were evidence as to her identity, I could believe that.

Sylvie then takes over, and says, "I don't even know when she went from being my Master to my Mother, but I was oh, so happy when she offered to teach me her Darkforce Magic."

I look at Selene, a fake pout on my face, while my heart feels actually put out. "You didn't offer to teach me your Darkforce magic." I say, in an accusatory tone.

Selene snorts, and says, "You are not being adopted by me. That would be a bit.. Greek, don't you think?" I make a face, at the thought, as she adds, "Besides, I know that you secretly practice with my Darkforce Magic anyway, even after I told you not to."

I shrug, and say, "It's a branch of Magic that's the antithesis of the Realm I am connected to, of course I'll train using it."

My new Metamorphmagic, which allowed me to copy Magic signatures, had allowed me to take Selene's form. Now that I know how her Magic feels, I can do it whenever I want, and I used it to practise using Darkforce.

Sylvie scowls, she says, "It feels weird to look at you as my mother's lover, being that you're actually younger than me by 1200 years."

I make another face, and say, "Let's.. continue with your story, yeah?"

Nodding with a grin, Sylvie says, "What's left? Mother taught me everything she could, in those 1200 years, and being that I am good at Magic and fighting, it was a lot. And then, following mother's instructions from the letter, we locked her memories away behind the most powerful spells we could create at the time, while I kept the key. I travelled around the world, while Mother forgot about me, and fought some interesting beings. The Greek Gods Thena and Ares were my toughest opponents."

"Wait. Thena? You met Thena? And the actual God Ares?" I interject, leaning forward.

Sylvie frowns in thought, and says, "Ares was most definitely the God, I could smell the stench of his War Divinity. As for Thena.. I couldn't feel any Divinity from her, or any Magic, but when Ares himself calls her a Goddess, she has to be. And I also believed her to be like me, hiding her Magic and Divinity through spells to prevent getting tracked."

Huh. I have no doubts that the Thena that Sylvie met is the same as the Thena that is amongst the Eternals. I'll puzzle over her Divine identity later.

Sylvie says, "Anyway, I kept travelling, training myself by fighting, as I said, until the time came for younger me to join us in this time. I knew where I was supposed to come out of the Time Portal, and so, I waited there for a few weeks this year. When she.. I.. finally came, I came here, to our House, to wait for the child me to go back to the past, so I could unlock my mother's memories, thereby completing the loop."

Huh, she said it all without getting anything mixed up. Someone's been dabbling with Time Magic. Either that, or Philosophy.

I see Selene press Sylvie's hand tighter, as she pulls her newly reunited daughter closer in a hug. I watch with a smile, as the mother-daughter pair hug it out, with tears in the daughter's eyes, as she whispers, "I missed you, mother."

Selene sighs, her own eyes glistening, as she says, "I missed you as well, daughter dear. Now, what is the plan? When are we leaving to deal with this TVA?"

Sylvie freezes up, and I see an expression of guilt on her face. She says, "You're not coming with me, mother." While still hugging her.

Selene tenses, and calmly asks, "And why aren't I?"

Oh, boy. She's pissed.

Sylvie straightens up, as she pushes herself backwards on the bed, and says, "The TVA is my enemy, mother. I need to do this, alone."

"Nothing says you have to do this alone, Sylvie." I say, frowning at her.

Forgive me, she's still a child to me, despite her longer life. I literally saw her as a 12 year old like, half an hour ago.

"No, you don't understand!" Sylvie yells. "I need to do this alone! They destroyed my life, and while I am thankful for this second chance you gave me Athreos, I need to see the end of the TVA by my own hand, without being protected by my mother along the way."

Stopping, she sits up on her knees, and looking at a staring Selene, she says, "Mother, please. You've trained me, taught me everything I know. You know me. Trust that I won't need to be guided along as if I'm still a child."

Selene keeps staring at Sylvie, and after a while, she sighs, defeated. She asks, "Why did I have to train you this well? I could have half-arsed things and joined you in your road to vengeance. But no, I had to make you a Goddess in your own rights."

Sylvie snorts, wiping the tears in her eyes, and says, "You love me, that's why."

"That.. I do, child." Selene pulls Sylvie in another hug, while I just watch on.

I've already ruined many private moments by just being here, why ruin more?

"When are you leaving?" Selene asks, as Sylvie gets up to sit on her chair once more.

Sylvie looks at me, and says, "As soon as Athreos gives me the Tempad back, I'm hoping. Now that I'm.. out of the loop, chances are higher that the TVA will manage to find me. We can't take the risk."

She then gulps nervously, and says, "There's also a chance that they go back in time and erase my life with mother out of existence, making it so that both of you forget about me, forever."

I look at Selene, alarmed. By God, I didn't think of this! Now that the loop is complete, even if Sylvie leaves this timeline, her presence will still be noted. They could go back, as she said, and prune that timeline from existence. Meaning this.. all this.. won't exist.

"Could they do that?" Selene asks, horrified, and I realise she's asking me when both Selene and Sylvie stare at me.

Gulping my own nervousness down, I nod, and say, "Her loop has been completed, which means whatever was preventing anything from diverging her timeline for that long has gone away. Our advantage is gone. They could go back to a time when Sylvie just came out of the Time Portal, and arrest her there. Pruning the timeline then means that we never encountered Sylvie."

I look towards Sylvie, and say, "You will still exist, since they will have to personally erase you to kill you, but whatever connections you have here.. they will be gone. Our memories too."

This.. is scary. I take the Tempad out of Nowhere, and stare at it. This device is scary. I could kill many beings before they even become a danger.

But as I've learned, "Ending a War before it starts is a path to disaster."

"Damn it! I am not going to forget my daughter after I just got her back!" Selene yells, sending a Telekinetic blast away from her body.

Save for Sylvie and I, everything gets thrown backwards, while only the Enchantments on her bed prevent it from breaking.



"That's it!" I suddenly perk up, remembering something. "No one will come looking for you if no one knows you're here!"

"Fidelius?" Selene asks, catching on.

Shaking my head, I say, "Not secure enough. The Fidelius doesn't prevent the Sorcerer Supreme, or even Odin from looking in on us. It is only the other Wards that save us from that happening on Sanctuary. No, what I suggest is something.. more."

"What?" Sylvie asks, curiosity peaked.

Grinning, I say, "We make everyone forget Sylvie ever came to Pompeii."

"And how will you accomplish that? While my mind is powerful enough to make the entire world forget it, I doubt the TVA are anywhere in our World, let alone at the same Time." Selene says, making me chuckle.

"My dear, Selene. I am going to make everyone- no matter what Planet, what Universe, or what Time they're in- forget that there exists a person named Sylvie that they're after, or that a Loki Odinsdottir even came to Earth when she escaped the TVA." I say, and with a wave of my hand, conjure a simple scroll from my Repository.

Ah, the perks of being the sole Master of the Repository. I can summon anything within it, no matter where I am.

Selene and Sylvie check the scroll, with the spell in question that could make it all possible, and then Selene asks, "Everyone? Does that mean even we won't be able to remember her? I don't want to forget my daughter, Athreos!"

"I don't want to forget myself either, you know." Sylvie points out.

I raise my hands, and say, "What do you take me for? An idiot? I can add conditions before casting that spell, so that you and I don't forget her. And this spell won't take away your identity, Sylvie, so you'll still remember everything. But everyone other than the three of us, everyone will forget you."

"The Runes of Kof-Kol? But.. What will it do? And how will it even work?" Sylvie asks, holding the scroll in her hands as she reads it with a frown.

I say, "The spell is a Sorcery one, one only recently invented by a Sorcerer named O-Bengh at Kamar Taj. What he used it for, I don't know, since even if I did know it before, I believe I've forgotten it completely. It will travel throughout the Universes, erasing any evidence of your appearance here, on Earth, from the minds of everyone that exists. It is highly complex, and it would take me days to even explain it properly. But be assured that it works perfectly."

"How do you know?" Selene asks, narrowing her eyes.

I turn away, and say, "Don't mind that, let's focus on Sylvie."

The disastrous humiliation I faced in 77 AD will never be mentioned again. Never.

"I assume you don't want the TVA to completely forget about you?" I ask, turning towards Sylvie.

She nods, clenching her fists around the scroll, and says, "I want them to see me coming. I want them to know who exactly they're getting slaughtered by."

Nodding, I say, "Very well, then I will just focus on erasing Loki Odinsdottir as a person, and on erasing your presence on Earth. The TVA will keep looking for you, but they will never know you were ever on Earth. Be warned that if you come back here again, later in your life, and someone sees or senses you then, then they will be able to remember it. It won't make Earth secure enough to be a hideout."

Sylvie nods, and with some hesitation asks, "Do we.. have to cast the spell now?"

I look at her, and then at Selene. Holy hell, I'm intruding and forcing them to hurry!

Shaking my head, I stand up, and say, "Take as long as you need. I need a few ingredients anyway, before I can cast the spell." Turning towards Selene, I say, "Meanwhile, I'll be in the kitchens, cooking some delicious food for all of us."

And then, taking the scrunched up scroll, which I fix with a simple spell, and storing it back in Nowhere, I go towards Selene's kitchens, leaving her and Sylvie to have their reunion. 

Ah, I never expected when I volunteered Selene as Sylvie's trainer that she would end up adopting the Goddess. But, good for her.

Huh. Two of my lovers ended up adopting children. Tatiana and Selene. I really hope I don't make it a trend. I already know I have a type of wooing girls who first threaten me. My teensie, tiny crush on Hela could attest to that.

Lorraine, Tatiana, Selene. Only Selene didn't threaten me, but to be fair, she doesn't need to. I'm centuries away from being an equal in skill to her and her being is threatening enough.

So.. is my type "girls who won't hesitate to kick my ass"? Probably. I don't mind. I have Selene, what do I have to worry about?


Two weeks later, Selene, Sylvie and I stand outside my Castle, on Sanctuary. As usual, I had chosen the land in front of it for the Spell.

"You will visit?" Selene asks, holding Sylvie by her face.

Sylvie nods, tears leaking from her eyes, and says, "I will try not to visit too often. But when I finally finish the TVA.. I'm coming home. Whenever that proves to be."

Selene kisses her daughter on her forehead, and says, "Take care, daughter. And make sure to use your brain. I won't have you dying because you fell into a trap."

Sylvie snorts, and as she hugs Selene, she says, "As if I will fall into a trap. You've taught me better than that."

Selene holds her daughter tight, and as the two start whispering their goodbyes, I feel something happening.

Time Portals. On Sanctuary. Two of them. And through them, come people. 17 of them.

I guess that answers the question I had about the TVA breaking through the Fidelius. 

"Selene." I call out. When she looks at me, I say, "We have company. It seems the TVA has found your daughter."

Selene's eyes darken, as she gets out of the hug with Sylvie. She says, "Let's go, daughter dear. We have pests to deal with."

Sylvie nods, and turning towards me, she says, "You can cast your Spell, Athreos. I.. I am glad you met and fell in love with my mother."

I guess that's her way of saying she'll miss me.

Smiling, I say, "Don't forget to take prisoners. You might need more of those Tempads too, just in cast there's a Power limit on them."

Sylvie nods, and as the two disappear towards the approaching TVA agents, I float up into the air to begin with my own task.

Sanctuary, a place full of Magic, with multiple Ley Lines passing underneath it. Counting Kamar Taj, Sanctuary was one of the very few places where this spell could successfully be cast. It will travel the borders between known and unknown Realms, and possibly even further, to fulfil its purpose. Just as long as I'm not uninterrupted, everything will be alright.

Hearing the sounds of fighting happening a mile away from here, I smirk, and wave my hand. A circular band of Dimensional Magic forms in front of me, in the shape of a.. well, armband, around 1 foot in diameter. Clapping my hands together, I gather a mixture of Dimensional and Universal Magic, creating a spinning disk between my palms.

As the disk starts spinning, emitting more and more of its Magic into the space around me, I pull it together in a thread, holding it in a pinch, and weave the Magic into tiny Runes. Similar Runes are conjured into the air a further distance away from me, larger in size. Using the thread, I keep conjuring the Runes necessary for the spell, and complete the circular band around me.

All the while, Sylvie and Selene fight with the Agents that dared to invade my home.

First step done, which will ensure everyone (including Selene and I), will forget that Sylvie ever came here, I gently let the band go, allowing it to slowly spin around me.

Repeating the next steps, I conjure another band, this time creating the condition of allowing Selene and I to keep our memories, while completely erasing Loki Odinsdottir from existence. When(if) the spell succeeds, I doubt there will be another Loki Odinsdottir in existence. Ever.

Sylvie will remain unique, even amongst the other Universes.

With the added condition, the first band and the second cross over one another, and start trembling. I focus on keeping it stable, while I connect my mind to Selene's with Telepathy.

"Are you done yet?" I ask, while straining on keeping the spell stable.

Selene answers, "Yes, just one left. They really do suck our strength right out of our bodies, which is why it took so long."

I grit my teeth, and say, "Well say your goodbyes quickly, and tell Sylvie to get away from this era, preferably by at least 1000 years and two galaxies. I won't be able to hold the spell long before it becomes too unstable to handle."

Selene doesn't say anything, and after a while, I hear, "Okay, she's gone. She took all but one Tempad with her, saying she knows you'll appreciate it."

"Good." I hiss out, and immediately let the spell go free.

With a whoosh, the golden orange sparks that had formed into Runic bands around me first compress to surround me, and then with a louder whoosh sound, they get blown away from me.

The bands fly towards the skies in all directions, and within a second, they disappear from my sight.

"Did it work?" Selene asks, kneeling in front of me, seeming tired.

Oh, yeah. The TVA sucked her physical strength out.

Nodding, I say, "The spell has successfully been cast. Its effects should be beginning.. now."

There's a sudden orange flash in the light, and I feel a wave of Magic cover the entire island. 

"It is done. Loki Odinsdottir is no more, and Sylvie Odinsdottir never ever came to Earth, at least not in this Era. The TVA?" I say, and then ask, looking at Selene with worried eyes.

She nods, and says, "Dead. Sylvie took two prisoners with her when she left. Oh, here's your Tempad." She throws a Tempad at me, which I catch and immediately store in Nowhere. I'll study it later, when I have some knowledge about technology. Currently, most of my knowledge is about Magic.

Or I'll visit Phastos and study it with him. But not yet. 

"You'll be okay?" I ask, hearing Selene pant.

She nods, breathing hard, and says, "I never appreciated breathing, you know. And don't worry, I know of a Ritual that will bring my previous strength back."

Sylvie had to have gotten her strength back in some way, shouldn't she?

Frowning, I ask, "So Sylvie's lost her strength again too?"

Selene nods, but smirking at me, she says, "Don't underestimate her. Mortal strength or not, she is still my daughter, and has all her Magic with her."

I chuckle, and say, "I never doubted her, or your training. But I can't help but be worried, you know? I still see the helpless child in her, desperate to go home."

Selene sighs, and says, "As much as I know she loves me, I know she still misses Asgard. Let's just hope she finishes her mission and comes to find us, whenever that is."

Yeah, despite the Tempads she now has multiple of, I don't think she is coming anytime soon. Something tells me it will be a long time before we meet her again. But whenever it happens, we will be there to congratulate her, to welcome her home.


Two days later, Selene and I float above the ash filled lands of Pompeii, the red of the lava still visible in some spots. 

All this destruction, all this death, and for what? So the Hand could steal the bones of the Chi Dragon buried here? How many more deaths will they cause? Thousands? Millions? Billions?

And what about me? Will I just.. sit back and let it all happen?

"You know you couldn't do anything. Not with you already knowing what's going to happen. This TVA would have interfered anyway." Selene says, as usual, a helpful voice of reason.

Sighing, I say, "I know. Doesn't make me feel any less bad. You know the worst part? This Volcano explosion wasn't even the worst thing I remember from my Time's History. Droughts, floods, plagues, Wars, Genocide, religious genocide. Billions of people will die in these coming years through those only. And I.. I don't think I'm strong enough to see it all happen, and still stay the same."

It will.. it will change me, if I sit back and do nothing when everything that's supposed to happen, happens. My morals will take a hit, so much that I won't even be the same person I am anymore. 

I've already seen the effects of Slavery on Egypt, and while I didn't focus too much on it, it still makes me feel like a.. Well, right cunt, when I remember how I did nothing.

And if I change anything? Well I'll have to spend my life either running away from the TVA, helping Sylvie with her vengeance, I'll erase myself out of existence itself, or I'll just find myself being the cause of those disasters, like that one Wizard who tried to save his burnt down Manor.

And I can't even go back to my own time, not like this. I'll be leaving Sanctuary defenceless, I'll be leaving the Elfland without a guardian while having promised them that I'll be there if they need me. I find myself caught between a rock and a hard place.

"What are you saying?" Selene asks, in a worried voice, holding my hand.

Sighing, I look at the ash filled Pompeii once again, and say, "I.. am going to stay here, in this time. But I won't be spending the next 1866 years awake. I will be doing what our dear brother Apocalypse does.. and send myself to sleep."

I won't sleep for all these years, of course. I'll wake up if the Elves need my help, or if someone attacks Sanctuary. I'll also wake up once every few centuries, and stay awake however long I feel comfortable with. This way, I can make sure that nothing has actually changed. Just as a confirmation.

Turning towards Selene, I ask, "Would you like to join me in sleeping for a few centuries, my lady?"

Selene snorts, and says, "That's the oddest thing anyone has ever asked of me, that's for sure." She thinks it over for a second, and then shrugging, she says, "Sure. I've already lived 15,000 years, I can spare a couple thousand doing nothing. Besides, living 2000 years without your presence would be a chore to get used to. And I might just fall out of love if I get used to you not being there."

Hearing the teasing tone in her voice, I pull her towards me, my lips near her ears, and whisper, "Is that so? I'll just have to make sure you remain in love with me, don't I?"

Selene presses her lips to my ears, nibbles for a second, and says, "I love you, Athreos. You don't have to worry about losing me this way."

I smile, grateful for the reassurance. Spinning her around, I drop us down, teleporting us back to the Sanctuary, and as she lands on my bed, I hold her hands over her head, and say, "I love you too, Selene. I am glad you approached my corpse that day."

Selene snorts, and says, "Seriously? I'm hot and bothered over here and you say that?"

"I admit it sounded better in my head." I say, and with an abashed smile, go on to kiss her.

I do love her, and I am glad she's with me. She's my Selene. Mine.


A/N: So, how was this? As I said, Mason wasn't going to be taking part in Sylvie's revenge plan on TVA.

The TVA sucks any enhanced strength out of anyone they meet, turning anyone into a normal human level being. Everyone.

This is just a theory of mine, and not canon. Another, similar theory is that the armours the TVA agents wear grant them the ability to always be of equal strength to their enemies, so the battle is always of skill. I used the first one in this story, but Selene has a way to fix that issue.

Thank you for your support! Tata!