
Date and MCU

Friday night…

I met Anna at a park. She told me that she had to get away from her other friends. I am sure as shit that Xavier knows she is coming with me, so no doubt he will be spying on this date with his mind-raping abilities. Originally, I had planned on a fancy restaurant and everything, but I realized that's probably not her style. So instead, I tried to make it a little romantic. I set up a picnic on top of a tall building facing the sunset. Corny, yeah, I know.

Arriving at the park in blue jeans, a white shirt, and some vans. I was able to see her way before she could see me, and damn. She was wearing a sleeveless white blouse and black jeans that seem painted on.

"Hey," I wave at her when our eyes meet. I can see her face light up upon seeing me, and I am sure mine does as well.

"Hello, Andy. Hope you haven't been waiting long." She asks

"Nah, just got here," I say; she does not need to know I have been here for the last hour.

"Well, where are we going? I hope you planned something because I haven't." She says

"Ahh, yeah, I got plans. We got to walk a bit, though. I hope that's ok." I say and take her hand when she nods, and we start walking through the park.

"So, what are we doing?" she says, smiling at the fact I was holding her hand.

"Secret. When we get there, you will know, but we got to speed up a bit if we want to make it in time. Are you sure you will be ok with no jacket?" I ask the last part looking down at her with a smile.

"I assumed we would be inside. Is that not the case, because if so, you are right, and wouldn't you need one as well?" She asks and waves her arm at me

"Don't worry; I will fix everything. Let's go down here." I said as I made my way down an alley, and she stops.

"It better be worth it." She says and then starts following again. When we get to the middle and notice we have a lull in the number of people walking by the alley, I pull her close and tell her to stand on my feet.

"Now, close your eyes. Keep them shut tightly." I say, and she does so. 'What a super trusting girl. Holy shit. I hope she doesn't do this all the time.' I thought as I slowly rise off the ground. I increased my speed and then slowed down when I got to the building's top. I tell her to keep her eyes closed as I set her down on the blanket I laid out, as I still have other things I need to grab that I stashed nearby.

With everything set up in about 5 minutes, I sit down next to her and tell her to open her eyes. She first looks right at me as her face was still pointed in my direction, and she immediately smiles. Which I gladly reciprocate. She looks around at what I have arranged. We are currently sitting on cushions that I set her on already. An outdoor fireplace, which I had lit with my eyes quick like before she opened hers. I ended up just getting pizza from the joint we met at for dinner. I had to heat it again as I got it 15 minutes ago.

"Wow, you had this all planned out then. I guess I was worried for nothing." She said as she locked eyes with me again after looking around.

"Yeah, I figured you wouldn't like anywhere fancy, so I just made my own place. The sunset is about to go down." I said as I tossed her a blanket

"You surprised me. I never expected anything like this. It's perfect." She said as she leaned into me. I put my arms around her shoulders, and we look at the beginning of the sunset.

"Hey, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and I am full of surprises. No one has been lucky enough to learn all of them, though." I said as I squeezed her to me. We stayed silent for a while, just appreciating the view. I eventually caught her looking up at me out of the corner of my eye and look at her as well, and we have our first kiss.


It has been about a month since Anna and I shared our first kiss. Since then, we have gone on a few more dates and gotten to know each other more. She invited me to a BBQ in June, coming up in a couple of months. So, of course, I agreed. I am at the point where I wouldn't really give a shit if anyone knew about my powers. Eventually, I will move everything to an island I find, up north most likely. So being a bit looser with what I do and how I use my abilities shouldn't be an issue. I am obviously not going to just come out and shout my name to the world but using the suit and showing people that I am here won't hurt much, which is exactly what I am planning today.

I had Alice hack Obadiah Stane's phones, and he had multiple. I just told her to track where the calls originate from. Eventually, we got a hit in Afghanistan earlier this month, and I flew by weekly until I finally saw them starting to work on Tony's suit. I had left Tony in his current condition to start working on the ironman suit, so he becomes his alter ego in the future. I came here for another reason, though. I read a few fanfics in my last life, and Yinsen always dies in every single one. So, I made it my goal to save him this time.


It is April 26th, and right at this moment, I see Yinsen picking up a gun, getting ready to run through the corridor to save Tony's ass. As I am about to drop into the cave from high in the sky to save him, I hear a voice from beside me.

"Yo, how's it going?" ???

"WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed, and no, it was not like a little girl.

"Not too loud now boy, you will ruin the show." A voice said as I turned to it with wide eyes.

Sitting there in a chair with popcorn, a red bathrobe, feet posted up on an ottoman, was Stan fucking Lee.

"That's me. Now watch. You almost ruined this Reality. This is one of my favorite parts. It is the key moment in Tony's life. The moment where a dead Ironman or a great Ironman is born.

"So, you are saying Yinsen has to die? Is that why you stopped me?" I asked him as I looked down to see Yinsen getting hit multiple times in the chest and a few in the head to truly end his life.

"Listen, kid; I am the God of multiple realities of Marvel. Yes, before you ask, I know you aren't from this Universe, and honestly, I don't give a shit. You might liven things up or destroy everything. I only came to a stop you this one time to show you how horrible it could be to mess with the timeline more than you already have." As he said that, he snapped his fingers.


Sitting before me now was Tony's Stark Building in California. I can see below Stane and Tony fighting. It looks almost like it did when they fought in the movies. The only difference was Stane's suit was much more advanced. It almost looked like he was able to replicate Tony's Reactor.

"Come on Tony, is this the best you got? I gotta say I am not impressed. One of the greatest minds, and you use it as a toy. You could have been so much more. You could have just worked with me, and we would have lived like kings. This world is meant to be in constant war. You can't change that. Do you think dressing up in a tin suit is going to stop anything? You're living in a dream." Obadiah said as he was looking down at Tony, who ended up under the foot of his buffed-up suit.

"Stane, I looked up to you as a father. How could you do this? Selling under the table and making back door trades. Kidnapping? How low have you gone?" Tony said while struggling and looking for a way out of his predicament. You could start to see sparks coming off his suit by the immense pressure it must be under.

"Kidnapping Yinsen was just to get this little nifty toy. Have to say Tony, you outdid yourself with this one. The power this could give to weapons and advancements. It is going to make me a lot of money." Obadiah said as he put more pressure on Tony until the suit gave in. "Goodbye, Tony." and I was pulled from the vision.


"Not the reality you wanted when saving Yinsen, huh?" Stan said as we watch Tony blast the door open and start heading for the entrance.

"I wouldn't have let that happen. I could have been there and stopped him from killing Tony." I said

"Yeah, but the thing is, this whole ordeal is what makes Ironman, and that means EVERYTHING that happens here. You would be surprised by how many people are made, good or bad, by the simple death of someone they care about. Thor when he thought Loki died at the Bifrost. Peggy when she thought she lost Steve. The Maximoff siblings. And yes, Tony, losing Yinsen as well. This was just a taste of what could happen if you change too much. I have hundreds of thousands of realities, and they are all different, including this one young man. Oh, it looks like this is about over. I will be heading out now; it was good to see you. Your Father hopes you pass his tests. I had a little hand in creating some 'obstacles.' He was pretty, insistent. Oh, and change your fucking suit. Red and black is overdone. TaTa," He said.

"Wait. Who is my…?" I said as I spun around so fast a tornado was almost picked up. 'God, that reminds me about the dreams I have been having. I can't get the intense light and silhouette of a huge man on a throne.' I sweat dropped when I realized my Father was able just to ask One-Above-All for something. 'Fuck.' Thinking this, I start heading down as Tony is spreading fire across all the armaments supplied to the terrorists.


"How's it going?" I said as I waved, landing on the ground a little in front of him. 'I really need to stop fangirling. What kind of man am I. I killed someone less than a month ago, and here I am being a little girl about to buy new clothes. Which reminds me what the hell happened to my mind since coming to this World? I really need to get a lock on why it's so easy to end a life. I was never like this in my last life.' I thought as I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Would be a lot better with a burger and a coke. Who the hell are you supposed to be? I didn't know there was a comic convention in these parts." He said a bit on edge as he points his weapons at me. Which is understandable, seeing where he came from.

"You want me to fly you back?" I ask him. Tony was my favorite character in Marvel. No powers or anything, just a brain and a mean to get shit done. Sure, he was a dick sometimes, but who isn't. Everyone is a dick sometime in their life.

"I don't need your help, Mr. S, or whoever you are. I am all figured out. Just stand there and watch my awesomeness." He says as he activated his thrusters. He hovered there for a bit before taking off into the sky and shooting off into the desert.

'What an asshole.' I thought as I followed him, knowing he was going to crash. Sure enough, about a mile or two, his suit starts breaking apart, piece by piece, and he heads towards the ground skipping along the dunes.

"HaHaHaHa" I started laughing at him as I hovered a little above the sand.

"You could have caught me or something. Guess I will be taking the ride now…." He said as a helicopter started getting closer. I pull him out of the sand, and he stood up as the copter lands, and out comes Nick Fury himself.

"Who the fuck are you? S man, what the fuck is that supposed to be…." Fury started yelling over the copter, but I cut him short.

"Sorry, Tony looks like I gotta go. See Ya." I say as I clap his shoulder and start to float up. Tony looked over to me and back to Fury, who looked like he actually had nothing to say

"Hey, get the fuck back here! I need to talk to you!" Fury yelled over the copter even though I could hear him perfectly anyway.

"I'm going to have to turn dinner down Fury, sorry. You will find someone though; I have no doubt." I said as I take-off into the sky and Tony starts laughing.

"What the hell are you laughing at," Fury asked Tony, who shut up, knowing he would leave him here in this desert.


Much needed review guys. I hope it's a bit better. A lot longer, at least. I am back, but mainly for the weekends. My job takes a lot out of me, but it is really fulfilling, and I believe I am making a bit of a difference.