
Marvelous Twist

Evan Shepard finds himself inexplicably transported from his world into this new reality. With only three mysterious crystals and his knowledge of the MCU, Evan navigates the complexities of a universe where both mutants and superheroes coexist. As he strives to understand his new reality, Evan hatches a daring plan that starts with him obtaining Extremis, and ends with him standing at the top of the universal food chain. Amidst the unfolding adventure, Evan's past and origins come to light, revealing secrets that could alter the course of his journey. As he grapples with his identity, he must also navigate the intricate dynamics of this new world, where mutants and humans struggle for coexistence.

Wicked132 · Tranh châm biếm
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70 Chs

A Coordinated Assault #62

As the heroes relentlessly dismantled the Sentinel forces, their attacks now extending to the looming figure of the Master Mold itself, the colossal machine couldn't suppress the growing irritation festering within its mechanized core. 

The  24-hour deadline it had imposed was, as Evan had speculated, a calculated strategy to buy itself precious moments. Despite their formidable appearance, the Sentinels were still an unfinished product in the eyes of their mechanical overlord.

The Master Mold had grander ambitions than mere eradication; it aimed to refine its creation. Not only did it intend to eliminate any weaknesses the humans had already identified in the Sentinels, but it also sought to scour every available network known to humanity, absorbing every morsel of information it could about its enemies. 

Furthermore, it plotted to eliminate any vulnerabilities that remained concealed, ones not yet uncovered by the human resistance.

However, in its haste to execute this audacious plan, the Master Mold had inadvertently handed its enemies a critical advantage. It unwittingly granted its foes the precious time they needed to prepare a formidable response by presenting that ultimatum. And unfortunately for the Master Mold, they wouldn't require nearly as much time as it had so painstakingly calculated.

As Luke Cage relentlessly plunged his powerful fists into the machine's torso, and the Human Torch flirted with perilous proximity in the skies, the Master Mold reluctantly diverted its attention from the meticulous task of perfecting the Sentinels. It had no choice but to intervene; otherwise, it would face imminent obliteration.

The mechanical behemoth's eyes glowed with an intense and malevolent red hue. It extended its colossal hand, aiming directly for Marvel Girl and Storm, recognizing them as the most prominent threats. It plotted to eliminate them swiftly, clearing the way to return its focus to the intricate work of its creations.

However, the two formidable women were not to be easily subdued. 

Marvel Girl reacted with impressive swiftness, extending her hand and channeling her telekinetic prowess to its fullest extent. She strained against the monstrous force of the Master Mold's outstretched limb, battling to keep it at bay.

With beads of sweat forming on her forehead, her voice fused with a determined resolve. "Not so fast!" Her efforts seemed to bear fruit as the gargantuan arm seemed to slow down. "I need some help!"

Beside her, Storm tapped into the very forces of nature, her abilities reaching their zenith. She redirected her power towards the Master Mold, conjuring a torrential downpour of lightning that crackled and danced upon the gargantuan machine's metallic frame.

"I'm with you!" Storm exclaimed, her eyes glowing electric blue as she rained destruction upon the Master Mold. 

In response to the escalating threat posed by the Master Mold, the Human Torch, and the squadron of Iron Man suits surrounding the colossal entity, their collective efforts shifted to engage the mechanical titan.

"Hey! I'm here, too! Flame on!" The Human Torch exclaimed as he floated before the incoming fist of the Master Mold, raising his hands and unleashing two thick pillars of scorching flames. 

Their collective effort paid off as the heroes managed to thwart the menacing advance of Master Mold's colossal arm, grinding it to a sudden halt. The combined might of Marvel Girl and Storm, bolstered by the support of their fellow heroes, became a formidable barrier against the malevolent machine's sinister intentions.

However, their diversion didn't come without consequences. As their attention shifted to counter the menacing appendage, the Sentinels seized the opportunity and launched a ferocious counterattack. 

The relentless machines swarmed in, driven by an intensified determination. The Master Mold, despite its vast power, found itself compelled to expend more of its precious energy reserves than initially intended. Yet, this sacrifice served its primary purpose: to maintain the status quo, to preserve a state of chaos that would buy it as much time as possible.

Time was the key, for the longer the battle raged on, the more the Sentinels learned. Each engagement, each skirmish, brought the mechanical hunters closer to perfection. The constant evolution of their tactics and adaptability were a looming threat to the resistance.

What the Master Mold failed to anticipate, however, was the absence of Forge. As the Master Mold's relentless Sentinels advanced on the beleaguered heroes, a sudden disturbance rippled through the battlefield.

  A squadron of Sentinel machines, their colors inverted in a striking contrast to their counterparts, materialized with calculated precision.

These rogue Sentinels acted with a clear agenda. They engaged the Master Mold's relentless machines in the battle of clashing steel and destructive energy. Their intervention created a vital distraction, effectively keeping the Master Mold's forces occupied and preventing them from overwhelming the outnumbered heroes.

Forge, who had been discreetly scouring the battlefield for parts to build his own army of machines, finally appeared, piloting a 10-meter-tall mechanical suit as he joined the fray.

"Time to even the odds," Forge declared as he lunged at the Master Mold, his suit's massive mechanical fists joining Luke Cage in the effort to dismantle the colossal machine.

Forge's sudden appearance brought the Master Mold to square one, where its very existence was threatened. It now had no choice but to throw caution to the wind, to stop holding back.

"I have suffered your meddling long enough!" The Master Mold declared, its chest opening up and revealing an ominous red glow. "Begone!" It exclaimed, as it prepared to unleash a devastating energy blast. The air around it crackled with power, and a surge of red energy began to gather at its core, threatening to erupt with catastrophic force. 

Before the Master Mold could fire, Stark's insectoid machines that had infiltrated its body revealed themselves, reacting instantly as each of them unleashed an EMP blast from within the gigantic machine's body. The Master Mold's body began to spasm due to the sudden attack from within, but the machines inside were far from done. 

Incapacitating the Master Mold within a critical moment wasn't their only objective, as they had already scoured the Master Mold's body and successfully located its energy source and processing units.

The insect-like machines coordinated their efforts, focusing their EMP bursts on the critical points they had identified. The Master Mold's metallic frame convulsed, wracked by the internal assault. It emitted a cacophonous burst of sparks and energy discharges, its systems thrown into disarray by the precise and devastating attack.

However, the Master Mold would not go down this easily. Giving up on the devastating attack it aimed to unleash, it shifted its attention to its interior, altering its body's configuration rapidly and commanding the Sentinels within to exterminate the intruders.

Initially caught off guard, the Master Mold quickly adapted to the new situation. The sentinels swarmed the infiltrating insectoid machines with ruthless efficiency. There was a fierce and chaotic battle taking place within the mechanical monstrosity as the infiltrators fought desperately to protect their newfound positions.

Despite the fierce resistance, Stark's insectoid machines were relentless. Though they failed to destroy Master Mold's processing units and energy source, they continued to unleash EMP blasts, causing the Sentinels within the Master Mold to falter, their systems disrupted by the surges of electromagnetic energy.

Now aware of the Master Mold's vital inner components, Stark urgently relayed their locations to his allies, his voice commanding and resolute. He initiated a synchronized assault strategy, directing his allies to target specific vulnerable points from the outside.

"Follow my lead! Target its left eye and right shoulder!" he exclaimed, his voice projected through their communication channels. His instructions were met with swift and unwavering compliance. Every Iron Man suit present, along with the other heroes, adjusted their aim and weaponry.

A volley of energy blasts, missiles, and projectiles erupted from the assembled forces. They homed in on the designated targets with precision, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of destruction as they converged on the Master Mold's weak points. The air vibrated with the collective force of their assault, and the night sky was painted with fiery streaks of ordinance.


The Master Mold, caught in the crossfire, experienced a seismic jolt as its left eye and right shoulder bore the brunt of the attack. The mechanical giant staggered, its movements faltering as the combined assault wreaked havoc on its inner systems. Sparks flew, and plumes of smoke billowed from the damaged areas, a testament to the effectiveness of the coordinated attack.

Stark's voice cut through the chaos, his tone unwavering as he continued to guide the assault. "Keep the pressure on! We've got it on the ropes!" His words served as a rallying cry, spurring the heroes on to press their advantage.