
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!

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180: Odin's Request


When the Secretary of State saw the scene in front of him, he slammed his fist on the table with incomparable anger.

"What the hell is this Emperor doing?"

"Doesn't he want our United States to be great?"

No matter how much he tries, the Secretary of State can't figure it out, the Emperor's Hero is so blatant and beats the diplomat directly to death.

Sticks to the fighter's skin like a dead fly.

The faces of several other members of Congress Men also turned ugly.

"Is this the Avengers that Nick Fury always wanted to form?" said one of the congressional members with gray hair in a green admiral's uniform.

"It has just been formed, and after winning a battle, it dares to openly disobey the orders of the superiors."

"In the future, do you still want to rebel?"

When the high hat was buttoned, the Secretary of State's face suddenly became even more ugly.

S.H.I.E.L.D has always been a thorn in his side.

Although a lot of people were arranged to get in, but as long as Nick Fury was still there for one day.

It was impossible for him to completely control S.H.I.E.L.D.

But this time...

Nick Fury's "Avengers" is a blatant disobedience to the order of his superiors.

He also killed an officer with his own hands...

This is a first-class crime in the United States governed by military power.

The Secretary of State took out the satellite phone and immediately called Nick Fury.

On the S.H.I.E.L.D podium.

Nick Fury saw the call from the Secretary of State, and with his scheming, he immediately knew what the Secretary of State wanted to do.

After picking up the phone, Nick Fury said nonchalantly, "Sir."

The Secretary of State immediately yelled, "Nick Fury, this is what you brought out!"

"It's okay to openly disobey your boss's orders, and you dare to kill your boss!"

"Is this what you swore to protect the Avengers of the United States?"

Seeing that the Secretary of State had lost his sense, Nick Fury was not only not angry but even wanted to laugh a little in his heart.

After the nuclear launch just now, Nick Fury also realizes that S.H.I.E.L.D has been infiltrated.

And the cause of all this is most likely the Secretary of State who is calling now.

So Nick Fury doesn't have a good face for him.

"Sir, I think you have misunderstood something."

"what's the matter?"

The Secretary of State's tone was taken aback.

In his vision, Nick Fury is not supposed to excuse the Emperor now.

And then take the opportunity to take Nick Fury to court martial?

"If you take a good look at the list of Avengers I handed in."

"I'm sure you'll be clear."

"The Emperor is not from the Avengers, he is free."

The Secretary of State's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at a document in front of him.

That's what Nick Fury handed in about the Avengers candidate.

It's just that I have always held objections, so I didn't care about the content inside.

But it's different now.

The Secretary of State put down the phone and read the information inside.

The members of the Avengers are: Captain America Rogers, Dr. Banner, Spider-Woman, Iron Man (Tony Stark), Black Widow, Hawkeye...

There is also S.H.I.E.L.D's original high-level agent codename Black widow.

Turning to the last page, sure enough, in this document, there is no information about The Emperor at all.

In other words, there is absolutely no way for him to use the Emperor as a seed to fight Nick Fury.

Now he has not only lost a good diplomat, but the negotiations with Asgard have completely broken down.

"Damn... the Emperor!"

The Secretary of State looked fiercely at Andrew on the screen.

Nick Fury, who didn't hang up the phone, heard the Secretary of State's incompetence and fury, and his heart was darkened.

"Should I be glad now?"

"The Emperor didn't join the Avengers..."

Andrew did not know that he had just become a bargaining chip between Nick Fury and the Secretary of State.

Even if he knew, he didn't care.

It's the same old saying, as long as these people didn't provoke him, Andrew wouldn't attack him for no reason.

But if that bottom line is crossed, Andrew will not be polite.

Odin looked at The Emperor's Sword in Andrew's hand, hanging on Loki's neck, and was in a dilemma for a while.

Not to mention that Loki is his adopted son who has been raising him for so many years, and he already has a considerable emotional foundation.

Secondly, Loki's identity is also the reason why he has been able to maintain peace with the Giants of Jotunheim for many years.

If Loki dies...

The Giants of Jotunheim will attack their Asgard immediately.

At that time, it will be an unprecedented disaster for Asgard.

With his current physical condition, it is a question of whether he can overcome this disaster.

Since it's not good to be soft, it can only be hard with the Emperor.

Odin's face turned solemn, his divine scepter slammed against the ground, and a circle of golden ripples suddenly swayed.

A powerful divine light erupted from the roof of the Stark Building, and behind Odin, countless golden thunders converged into a giant.

The giant looks exactly like Odin.

Except for Andrew, everyone present felt an unprecedented pressure.

Black Widow and Hawkeye, who were beside Rogers, sat directly on the ground.

There was only fear in their eyes.

With the help of the Iron Suit, Tony barely stood up straight.

As AI intelligence, J.A.R.V.I.S will not be affected by Odin's divine power.

And the battle suit on Gwen has the symbiote as the material, and this is even a joke for the symbiote?

So Gwen looked at the others with a puzzled look: "What happened?"

Tony said in surprise, "I don't know either."

"I just feel like there's a big mountain coming down."

Banner also reluctantly stood up straight because of the Hulk in his body: "This seems to be a method of Mind Control."

At this time, the golden giant slowly opened his mouth and said, "Emperor, you don't have to go too far."

"Do you want to cause a war between Earth and Asgard?"

"Can you bear the consequences!"

Andrew was also aroused by Odin's shameless temper: "Pretend all you want!"

"Fine then."

The Emperor's Sword in his hand instantly pointed at Odin: "Okay, come on then!"

"I don't need anyone else, I can fight all of your Asgard alone!"

"If you want to fight, I don't mind having Ragnarök come early..."

The Light and Shadow Horse, who has been beside Andrew, seems to feel Andrew's surging fighting spirit at the moment.

It started up automatically and rotated in the air for a while.

A golden blank Dharma appeared, and after the Light and Shadow Horse passed through the Dharma, it slowly turned into a golden and silver mecha dragon.

Hovering around Andrew, he roared at the thunderbolt Odin in the air: "Ang!!!"

Andrew also didn't expect that the Light and Shadow Horse would be affected by his fighting spirit and automatically become the Emperor of Light's Battle Dragon.

An extremely powerful sound rushed towards Odin's Thunder Avatar.

Odin's expression suddenly tightened, and a giant hand made of thunder and lightning patted the sound.


Immediately, countless golden thunderlights erupted in mid-air.

By the time the thunderlight dissipated, Odin's golden giant had lost half of his shoulders.

Odin under the giant, holding the scepter, stared at the Emperor: "How did you know Ragnarök..."

"You guess..."

Andrew sneered, raised The Emperor's Sword in his hand, and was about to rush out of space with Odin for a big fight.

Odin shouted, "Wait a minute!"

"I agree to your request that I can repair all the damaged buildings in New York."

"And the resurrection of those who died because of the war."

"But I want you to promise me one thing..."

"Are you negotiating terms with me?"

Odin's expression changed for a while and then replied: "No, it's a request..."

"Tell me."

Odin took a deep breath, and for a moment seemed to have aged countless times: "If there is a disaster in Asgard in the future."

"I hope you don't interfere."

Andrew put away The Emperor Sword in his hand and said, "I'm not interested in your business."

Even if Odin didn't say, Andrew wouldn't care about Asgard's mess.

After speaking, Andrew waved his hand.

In the pit, Loki suddenly floated up and flew towards Odin.

He believed that although Odin was a little shameless, he still had no problem doing what he said.

Odin caught Loki and looked at Thor, who had completely lost his confidence and became silent.

He understood that taking Midgard as a trial to the two brothers this time was the biggest failure in his life.

But this is what already happened.

The confrontation just now made Odin deeply understand one thing, if it was his heyday.

Maybe he can rush out of the universe with The Emperor and fight.

But now...

Odin's divine scepter pressed harder against the ground again.


A ripple centered on the Stark Tower spread across Manhattan.

Wherever they went, the broken walls and ruins were repaired automatically one after another.

The wounded and the dead also recover in an instant.

It's just that with the use of this magic, the wrinkles on Odin's face gradually deepened and became older...

To be continued...



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