
Marvel: The Unknown Story

I thought that if I became a rich second generation, I could just eat and wait for my death, but what I didn’t expect was that there would be various superheroes and villains appearing around me but I have little knowledge of this place. Fortunately, I can go to other worlds for adventure, power, magic, technology but when I become strong, I don't want to be a superhero. I just want to make mankind great again! I will post 3 chapters a week at most but that might increase with the constant flow of Power Stones. A chapter is about 6000-8000 words. ___________________________________________________________ ps: This book is based on the Marvel movie world, but there will be some characters that do not exist in the movies. You can find it on MTL websites as well. Title: Super Cute New To Marvel Author: Ghosts never get lost I have found this image on Pinterest. If you are the artist and want this removed comment down. It's from the account DevianArt

wheretonow · Phim ảnh
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26 Chs

Chapter 12: Black Panther in Action

The blue Lamborghini pulled out in a graceful curve and drove past the Arc de Triomphe and into the busy street. Looking at the traffic, Ethan had to say he had made the right choice, the Lamborghini was indeed much more discreet, at least there were no arrogant armoured cars roaming the streets of Paris.

As soon as the car turned into the Rue Keribel, the Hotel Peninsula was close at hand and Ethan pulled up in front of the hotel and was greeted by a doorman in a bowler hat.

"Welcome to Paris!" After taking the keys from Ethan, the valet attendant carefully drove the sports car out of the door and to the car park.

The receptionist, who had confirmed Ethan's identity early on, was already waiting in the lobby and greeted Ethan as he entered.

"Excuse me, is this Mr Hunt? I am Camille Charlotte, the hotel's personal butler assigned to you, and will be at your service during your stay in Paris, I hope you enjoy your trip!" The lobby manager, who spoke fluent English, bent slightly with a professional smile on her face, her professional dress involuntarily revealing a deep career line.

"Hello Ms Charlotte, could you show me to my suite, I'm a little tired after hours of flying!"

"Book a suite for a month first, and give me a glass of ice water! Then prepare some food to be sent to the room!" Ethan pulled out his credit card and handed it to her.

"Just a moment, please!" Camille nodded, then turned towards the lobby bar to get his room card, while Ethan went to a side lounge area.

It was late in the evening and the lounge area was full of people enjoying coffee and dessert. As a privacy-conscious hotel, the Peninsula's lounge area had large gaps between cubicles and dim lighting, while in the centre of the lounge area was a long cistern from which water flowed into a special pipe next to the pool and then down through the floor to the other side.

"Woof woof!" Prescott looked excited at the sight of the pool.

"Want to go play? Go for it!" Ethan smiled and rubbed the dog's head, then untied the leash and let the dog go over to play in the water on his own.

The shiny black-back with the greasy fur jumped into the pool in a hundred-metre dash and poofed around, the splash and playful movement still attracting a lot of attention.

"Excuse me, sir, your dog is playing in the pool ..." A young man with a manager badge on his chest approached, and although the words on his lips were words of discouragement, his tone came across as a bit grim.

"What's the matter, isn't this fountain put here to play in?" Ethan picked up the sugar cube and put it in the coffee that had just been served.

"No, this fountain is decorative, we have upper-class people here, and you're causing us a lot of trouble by indulging your pet like that!"

"Upper-class people?" Ethan scanned the surrounding crowd of onlookers and saw that a number of them looked like they were watching and eating.

"Well!" Ethan pulled his cheque book out of his pocket and tore off a page and wrote.

"Sir, this is not something that can be solved by a tip!" Watching Ethan's actions, this French manager sneered in his heart, these American thugs, they were so unqualified.

"No, it's not a tip!" Ethan finished writing the last zero, then got up and threw the cheque into the manager's hand, "I'm going to buy this hotel and make a new rule, Anyone can play in the pool!" (TN: I know it's not that easy but give our guy a leeway.)

"That!" The manager looked at the string of zeros on the cheque and for a moment was at a loss for words, he looked over at Ethan only to find that the other man had already discarded the several thousand dollars bespoke suits he was wearing and had gone into the pool to play with Prescott on his own.

Ethan's outburst took everyone in the room by surprise, and the guests who had been waiting to see Ethan's joke were now straining their ears to see how this would play out.

"Sorry, Mr Ethan, your room is ready!" At the critical moment, Camille, the personal butler the hotel had arranged for Ethan, came over and returned Ethan's credit card, followed by glare at his overwhelmed fellow guests behind him.

"I'm sorry for the distress caused to you, the hotel will give you a satisfactory answer regarding today's incident, besides, you and your pets can play here anytime you want!"

"Good! But the hotel I still want to acquire! The Peninsula Hotel doesn't sound good, let's change the name to Atlas Hotel!" Ethan fished the wet dog out of the water and followed Camille headlong to the lift.

......... ......... ...

"You've been in Paris for less than three hours and you've bought a hotel and made a new rule! Are you serious?" Ethan, who had taken a shower and was about to get a good night's sleep, was just lying in bed when Kate's call came in.

"Yeah, this hotel is nice, with beautiful surroundings, first-class facilities, but the people are a bit naive, buy it as a company benefit!" Ethan glanced at the time, well, he could still sleep for an hour and a half.

"Employee benefits? I can't thank you enough for having a boss like you! You've spent an extra nine figures on the hotel, wouldn't it be nice to take that money and pay out bonuses?"

"Uh, Kate, money is only money if it flows, what's the point if it's saved?"

"Fine, you rest, I'll take care of the follow-up!" Kate sniffed and rolled her eyes before hanging up the phone.

And Ethan sighed with relief and buried his head under his pillow to sleep comfortably.

Waking up refreshed, Ethan walked out of the bedroom, naked and wrapped in his bathrobe, to find Camille crouched on the floor feeding Prescott nutritional cream, the dog's big watery eyes looking quite lethal.

"You fell for it!" Ethan couldn't help but interrupt when he saw Camille ready to unscrew another nutritional cream, "That's what this guy usually does when he cheats on his snacks with my mother!"

"Ah, Mr Ethan! I'm sorry, I'm here to bring you your clothes, I've taken your suit to the dry cleaners and I'll bring it to you personally when I'm done! Also, here are the keys to your car!"

"Okay, thank you!" Ethan nodded, then took the replacement suit that was sitting on the couch and went back into the bedroom.

"Do you need me to help you?"

"No, thanks!" Ethan knew exactly what the other party had in mind, for this kind of woman who approached him with a strong purpose, in fact, Ethan did not like it very much, because if something went wrong, it would be very troublesome, Justin Hammer this person was a good example, Justin Hammer and Tony Stark can be counted as the two most studly arms dealers in the United States of America, of course, for Stark it's nature, while Justin is purely to compete with him, for a Justin it's just competing with the other for the top and bottom.

And this Camille was so deliberately ingratiating herself to Ethan, she just wanted to go further at the hotel, and Ethan didn't mind helping her move up another level, even if, of course, sleeping together was much more fun than women when you're cuddling with a dog.

"Do I need to order dinner for you then?"

"No, no, I may not be back tonight, perhaps you could prepare a breakfast for me!" A fully dressed Ethan grabbed his car keys and was on his way out the door.

"Uh, Mr Ethan, if you need to see the sights of Paris, I can be your guide or the hotel can arrange it! We also offer shopping memberships and car transfers!"

"No, thank you, I'm just going on personal business, the tour of Paris will have to be arranged for a later date!"

Leaving his personal butler a bit lost, Ethan drove all the way to the safe house, there was still four hours before he was due to go to that auction and he had to get his backhand in!

The safe house Cormac had set up was underneath a noisy bar, the owner was also a member of the Atlas Corporations, having lost an arm in battle and opted to retire after undergoing prosthetic surgery to open a bar back in his hometown.

"BOSS, welcome to Paris!" The barman was extraordinarily surprised to see Ethan enter, and left his companions who were drinking and bragging aside to lead Ethan into the back of the bar.

"They're in the cellar, I'm going to keep an eye on the front!"

"Good!" For such veterans, Ethan still valued them, and one day when the Atlas Corporation decided to rebuild the world order, they were very qualified bandwagoners, so for their welfare and subsequent treatment, the Atlas Corporation was trying to do the best he could.

It was only after the boss left that Ethan pulled open the door to the cellar and walked slowly down the wooden steps.

Rows of huge oak barrels came into view and there was a faint aroma of malt in the air. At the far end of the cellar was a long table where the men of the operation were currently gathered around it eating a simple dinner.

"Looks like a good meal!" Although the cutlery and surroundings were somewhat spartan, the food on the table was not; filet mignon, seafood pasta, and fried crispy pork ribs and beef tongue made even Ethan's stomach growl at the sight.

"Have some if it's good!" The Recon stepped aside from his stool and greeted Ethan as he sat down, then pulled another chair over to sit next to Ethan himself.

"I don't think it's as good as what you usually eat, don't mind, Boss!" the Battery handed Ethan over a plate full of food, rather embarrassed.

"I don't even eat this fancy as well, ask the Recon if you don't believe me, he knows!" Ethan was not shy about taking a fork and sticking it in his mouth full of noodles and cutlets.

"I'll testify to that!" Recon nodded, he and Ethan had known each other back in their army days and naturally knew exactly what Ethan was usually like.

"By the way, what was the plan to sneak us over here?" After eradicating the food in front of him, Recon poured another glass of freshly squeezed juice for Ethan and wondered.

"I'm going to an auction later and need to get my hands on an item, you guys are my backup, if you get the item without any problems, you'll be responsible for sending it back to the base in Iraq, if not, we'll bring the item over!"

"Can you tell me what the item is? So important?" Ruin looked puzzled.


"Vibranium? What the hell is that?" The youngest, Eyas, expressed his confusion.

"A rare metal, rarer than gold!" The Recon explained to the others.

"Yes, this metal is very important for the development of our air force, I dropped you all here to make sure that nothing goes wrong, any more questions?" Ethan inquired as he looked around.

"What about any enemies we may encounter?" Recon raised his hand, "Are we allowed to use deadly force?"

"The enemy may only have light infantry, don't rule out the other side having heavy armour, I have exoskeletons for you, this will take care of that, as for lethal force, never use it without endangering your own life, understood?"


"Good, here's the satellite map and three views of the environment where the auction will be held, Recon, I'll leave it to you!" Ethan patted the other man on the shoulder.

"Sure, leave it to me, oh yeah, what about your security, why don't you take Ruin with you, that kid is a good fighter, once he gets into a fight, four or five guys won't get close to him! You only have one John and two bodyguards on your side, it's not going to be easy if something goes wrong!" The Recon offered his opinion.

"It's okay! You forget, I'm out of the Marine Expeditionary Force too, and the focus of the night is on James, not me, and if something goes wrong, the enemy will only come for him, understand?"

"Good, then keep comms open at night and call in any time there's a situation!"

"Of course!" Ethan had some respect for Recon, he was calm, decisive and a good thinker and no mission he carried out had ever failed.

An hour later.

"All right, men, check your weapons, we're ready to go!"

While Ethan was fist-pumping and preparing on one side, on the other, James McCullen was listening to his men's reports.

"Did he really buy that hotel?" James McCallum asked with interest as he played with the trinket in his hand.

"Yeah, it's because his dog likes that pool, and he's a damn rich man!" A large, bearded man sitting on the sofa diagonally opposite McCullen waved his glass and couldn't help but exclaim.

"What do you mean damn rich?" McCullen was a little offended, he was rich himself, and according to him, he was damn rich too!

"I'm being envious, boss!" The man known as Firefly waved his hand in a debauched manner, then picked up another bottle of Royal Salute from the table.

With a bang, the bottle of whisky, which cost over a thousand dollars, was opened and then picked up by Firefly who took the bottle and blew a large gulp full of it straight into his mouth.

Looking at him, McCullen was very heartbroken about this drink, of course not heartbroken about the money, but heartbroken that the bottle would end up no different from one of those $15 bottles of whisky.

"Drink less, there's work to be done later!" Seeing that the Royal Salute was about to reach the bottom, McCullen couldn't help but warn.

"You don't understand! For us Englishmen, this whisky is just an appetiser!" Firefly gave a satisfied burp and then sat up.

"Then our target for the evening will be those three weapons-grade uranium rods at the auction!"

"Yeah, God knows how those guys managed to get them out of a heavily guarded military base, but now it's time for them to be mine!" McCullen first despised the original owner of the uranium rods, then expressed his admiration for the fierce man who had come up with them, if it wasn't for such a fierce man, he wouldn't have had the chance to make waves.

"Sir, we are assembled!" At that moment a man in a suit pushed open the door and came in, reporting respectfully to McCullen, behind the man's ears were a few slightly grim scars.

"Come on, I'm looking forward to the evening's auction!" The man in black was already parked outside his mansion in a long line of Mercedes cars, full of big men in black, looking very grand, not looking like he was attending the auction properly, but rather feeling like he was raging to get into trouble.

......... ......... ...

Paris suburb

A building from the medieval time, the Chateau, like other chateaux in Paris, has had numerous owners, including the official residence of Marshal Foch during the First World War and Herman Meyer during the Second World War. The only information left behind is that the buyer was a woman.

And now, the owner of this estate has chosen to hold a grand auction at the estate.

It was eight o'clock in the evening when Ethan drove his Lamborghini into the estate.

"Sir, your invitation!" Having just parked the car, Ethan hadn't even had time to take a closer look at the overview of the estate when two black suits wearing headphones walked over.

"Looks like a pretty formal evening!" Ethan pulled out his invitation and handed it to one of them.

"Sorry, have a nice evening!" After confirming the authenticity of the invitation, the black suit nodded respectfully, and then a waiter came over to lead Ethan towards the venue.

"Is this your first visit to France, sir?" The waiter leading Ethan seemed chatty.

"I've been here a few times before, but this is the first time I've been to this estate, it looks like a very nice place, your boss must be very rich!"

"Thanks for the compliment, but our boss is just an ordinary businessman!"

The two men walked through a pathway made up of greenery, through a garden corridor with an enchanting scent, straight ahead and across a long veranda bridge before entering the main building of the estate.

"Boss, the stuff is brought!" Not long after Ethan entered, John and two bodyguards arrived with two black boxes.

"The Recon and the others are in position too!"

"Good!" Ethan nodded, indicating that he knew.

Since the auction had not yet officially started, the guests who had come to attend the auction were all gathered in the two-storey banquet hall of the main building, but almost everyone's attention was not on the sumptuous feast set on the long table in the centre of the banquet hall, but gathered in groups, discussing the contents of the evening's auction and the identity of the hosts.

Ethan scanned the room and found that most of those attending the auction were Western European and Russian arms dealers, and there were even a few acquaintances from whom Ethan had been able to turn over the rich Soviet stockpile.

Those arms dealers also saw Ethan, and the two sides came together to chat about gossip.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect to see Mr Hunt here too, I wonder what goodies have attracted you to tonight's auction!" A Russian businessman with a heavy Russian accent spoke.

"I've come to join in the fun and see what good collectables there are, buy some back to stock up and sell them when the price goes up!"

"Uh-huh huh ..." the group of merchants could only chuckle a little when they heard such a standard reply, wasn't that nonsense, who came here for anything other than that, did they come here to find a woman?

"Speaking of which, I heard there are nuclear warheads up for auction tonight, is that true?" A dilettante from Holland whispered.

"I've also heard there's a vibranium auction tonight!" Another trader, not to be outdone, also bought up his channel.

Nuclear weapons? Vibranium? Everyone in the room turned their attention to Ethan, the only one of these customers who had the guts and access to these things.

"Don't look at me, I'm not interested in nuclear weapons!" This was the first time Ethan had heard of an auction where warheads were being sold, and shouldn't there be some kind of secret service lurking in the place to stop the auction?

"Recon, confirm the surroundings!" John, who was standing behind Ethan, asked in a whisper over his headset without even needing to be instructed by Ethan.

"Nothing unusual around, wait, there's a convoy coming!" The Recon crouched far away on a huge fork of a tree not too far from the estate, the sniper rifle in his hand quickly aimed at the car park outside the estate.

"Sir, McCullen's here! He's got quite a few men with him!" The Recon, clad in an optical invisibility cloak, couldn't help but taunt.

"This is someone's territory, it's their freedom to bring as many people as they want!" Ethan held his juice and looked towards the door.

The next second, the wooden doors to the ballroom were heavily thrown open, and then James McCullen, dressed in a flashy white suit, walked in with his head held high, followed by a dozen or so bodyguards who stood every two metres, face to face with the guards arranged by the lord of the manor.

"This guy is so arrogant!"

"Can he not be arrogant, his ancestors were aristocrats, and he is the most powerful arms dealer in Western Europe, the guest of honour at the NATO Joint Conference, he has the capital to be arrogant!"

But that's what he expected, unlike Ethan, who normally preferred to keep a slightly lower profile, McCallum felt that the more famous he was, the prouder he was.

"Oh, look who it is, my friend, Mr Ethan Hunt!" As soon as he entered the ballroom, McCullen was looking around and when he saw Ethan standing in the corner, he put on a look of unbridled enthusiasm and walked up with open arms.

Ethan couldn't hide, so he walked up with two glasses of juice and shoved them at the other man before McCallum could hug him.

"Ugh!" McCullen's smile froze on his face as he looked at the juice in his hand and then at Ethan, not knowing how to proceed for a moment.

"Sorry, I'll be driving and can't drink, Vive la France!" Ethan lifted his glass, clinked it with the other man and proceeded to drink the juice inside in one go.

"Bravo! Vive la France!" McCullen, who had put away his exaggerated smile, had to drink the juice in the same way and then shook hands with Ethan.

"You should actually think carefully about our proposal to work together!"

"Of course, I think about it every day. The McCallum Group has always been an important strategic partner for Atlas and I have always advocated deeper cooperation with the McCallum Group within the company, but unfortunately, Atlas is not up to me alone!" Ethan never let go of his opponent's hand, but pulled McCullen into a corner of the ballroom and gave him a hard time.

The other side had a difficult look on his face, and McCullen might have believed it if he hadn't known that the Atlas Corporations were Ethan's one-word shop, but he couldn't say it though, so he could only let Ethan snicker.

"We can start with some small-scale cooperation in certain areas, such as energy. The McCallum Group owns almost half of the energy supply in Western Europe, and the crude oil extracted from the Atlas Corporation's oil fields in Iraq can be sold to the McCallum Group nearby! Together we can monopolise the energy supply of Western Europe, how good!"

"But, the price offered by the Eastern side is even higher, and as far as I know, the McCullen Group's bid for the North Sea oil development last month was jointly offered the project by the British and German governments, right!"

"Then we can have a deeper cooperation in the military can't we, the security business of Atlas Corporation can be merged into the McCullen Group side, we'll have billions of orders in Europe every year!"

"But the Iraqi government has already handed over the power of homeland defence to Atlas Corporation, we can't let the 30 million Iraqi people down!"

"It looks like the cooperation is not negotiable?"

"No, no, no, I believe that Atlas Corporation and the McCullen Group can definitely seek common ground while reserving differences and work hand in hand, only that this matter of cooperation is very important, we both need to study it carefully, once we have the results, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, how is that?"

"I hope so!"

In fact, one of the main reasons why McCullen was so anxious to deal with Ethan was because the market was becoming increasingly saturated, the biggest clients of the McCullen Group were Germany, France, Italy and Poland, and then there were the southern countries of Morocco, whose defence budgets were very limited, while Atlas Corporation was occupying the American market, the Asian market, and even the United Kingdom and the small countries in Northern Europe that were not badly off had fallen into the arms of Atlas Corporation.

If new markets are not opened up, the McCullen Group's development will come to a standstill and may even have a series of unpredictable effects, but Ethan's ha-ha look from side to side makes it hard for him to stop and talk about other topics.

Ethan's attention, however, was at the moment on a man behind him, a man with a messy parted head and a large respirator on his face that occasionally made a whirring sound.

Ethan carefully searched his already slightly blurred memory for information about the other man, vaguely remembering that this man was probably the technical officer of the McCullen Group and also the commander of the organisation Cobra, what was he doing here?

Perhaps noticing Ethan's gaze, the man in the respirator nodded politely at Ethan.

"This is Mr Rex, the chief scientist of the McCullen Group, who had to resort to a respirator because of an experimental accident that traumatised his respiratory system!" Seeing Ethan gawking at his man, McCullen then casually introduced him.

"Oh, actually you can come to Atlas Corporation, we have a mechanical respirator for all injured people with damaged respiratory tracts, so you don't have to suffer so much!" Ethan remembered that this Rex was a man who didn't get along with McCullen, and ended up kicking him out of Cobra and digging right in with a straight face.

"Thank you Mr Ethan for your kind words, but we'll talk about the respirator later, I have to help Mr McCullen now!"

"Oh, that's a shame!" Ethan could only shake his head regretfully.

"Sorry for the long wait, the auction is about to start now, so please enter!" Ethan was about to say something else, only to be interrupted by a tall, thin man with a moustache who suddenly walked in through the door on the inside of the banquet hall.

"Since, in that case, we will attend the auction first and take our time to talk afterwards!"

T'Chaka gazed at the leopard-style helmet in front of him, an ancestral craft, and although the materials had always improved, the look of the leopard's head had remained unchanged.

"Your Majesty, we have arrived!" A female voice interrupted T'Chaka's musings and he turned to look behind him, where two bald-headed female guards, dressed in red compiled battle clothes and armed with vibranium spears, were looking at him respectfully.


"Your Majesty, I am here!" The female escort on the right looked up, unsure of what her sire was calling for.

"Am I, am I, getting old?"

"Your Majesty?" There was no doubt that T'Chaka was a good king, and after he had succeeded, the conflicts between the tribes within Wakanda had been eased and the people were happier, and the king was not content to remain in power.

He had changed Wakanda's previous foreign policy and was actively involved in international affairs, while sending many of Wakanda's elite to gather information in various countries He also sent many of Wakanda's best and brightest to gather information in various countries, helping to inform a closed Wakanda about the world.

But even the strongest lion will grow old, and as the guardian of Wakanda, every king consumes the Heart-Shaped Herb.

This purple grass juice is like the Super Soldier Serum injected in Captain America, which can turn a weak lad into a man with pecs that can pin a man to death, well, maybe not as powerful as the Super Soldier Serum but it is also a human strengthening potion that enhances the user's attributes, making them stronger and most importantly, the heart-shaped herb can also strengthen the user's mental will.

However, the only thing that Heart Shape Herb does not do is increase the user's life expectancy.

Now in his fifties and with his robust body long gone, T'Chaka still dons his cloak of honour for one man.

Ulysses Klaw, the man who led an army to invade peaceful Wakanda more than a decade ago, also colluded with T'Chaka's best buddies to steal Wakanda's invaluable wealth, their store of vibranium, and after stealing it, he detonated a giant cloudburst bomb at the border to get away from Wakanda's pursuers.

Wakanda, with its dead and wounded, saw him as a major problem, and for more than a decade T'Chaka struck hard to bring him back to justice, but he was as cunning as a loach, and every time King T'Chaka was going to catch him, he would get away.

"Your Majesty, we have just scanned the entire building and there is no sign of Klaw, has he escaped?"

"No, Ulysses Klaw has learned the hard way now, we want to capture him and it's not like he doesn't want to finish us off, he must be right here, waiting for us to show up!" T'Chaka looked at the actual image painted by the vibranium rosary in front of him and suddenly asked, "Who are the people here tonight, and have you found out who they are?"

"Arms dealers, fixers, and a few private defence contractors! These guys aren't worth a damn!" Okoye said contemptuously as he flipped through the information on the tablet in his hand.

"Worthless, you underestimate them, Okoye!" T'Chaka scratched the screen to Ethan's avatar.

"Ethan Hunt, his Atlas Corporation, is now almost the largest private arm in the world, they have sizeable armed forces stationed in several countries in Africa, even the nearest military base is just under eight hundred kilometres from Wakanda!"

"But they are still using outdated gun weapons!"

"Their firearms weapons are not much less powerful than ours!" T'Chaka remembered the miniature drone energy weapons and the intelligent tracking weapons that the Atlas Corporations had used against the African warlords, and if he hadn't had someone he knew in the Mozambican government, he wouldn't have thought that the outside world was approaching Wakanda's technological level by leaps and bounds.

"And this McCullen, Okoye, never underestimate them!"

"It was I who overstepped, Your Majesty!"

"No, you can't be blamed for that, only that we rely too much on vibranium, you know? I'm looking for a new way to keep our country alive so that if we ever run out of vibranium, we can still use other technology to grow!" T'Chaka sighed.

Thanks to the convenience of vibranium, Wakanda has always been independent of the world, which has not only allowed them to live in abundance but has also fostered the same mentality of superiority among the Wakandans.

Once Wakanda's vibranium is mined out, what will happen to them? In fact, it was not that the kings had not thought about this problem, but there was no solution.

Turning to foreign powers would only make others covet their vibranium, just like Klaw, who not only robbed it but also blew up his house and ended up bragging about it every day, like a navigator who had opened up a new route.

"Your Majesty, Klaw has appeared!"

......... ......... ...

Under the guidance of the waiter, Ethan arrived at his seat. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, the owner of the auction arranged Ethan and McCullen in the left and right seats in the corridor, only compared to McCullen who had two rows of bodyguards standing behind him, the three people on Ethan's side looked a bit shabby.

As the guests were all seated, the spotlights on the auction floor were suddenly got shut off, leaving only the spotlights on the high platform in the centre of the venue.

"Here we go, the main event is coming on!" Ethan, who was crossing his legs, pulled out his mobile phone, only to find that there was no signal.

"Looks like they've blocked all signals except for our overdrive comms! What's the situation out there? Recon?" Tucking his phone into his pocket, Ethan fished out another Bluetooth headset and put it on.

"There's another group coming, all with heavy firepower, they're transporting something, Recon, scan to see what that is?"

"Roger that!" Recon, who was lying on the lawn not far from the Battery, released a bionic drone the size of a dragonfly and manoeuvred it over.

The dragonfly drone landed silently on the crate being carried by several large armed men, then a small pulse emitter popped out of its belly.

"Okay, now let's see what's inside?" Recon pressed the control panel, then a pulse wave emanated from the drone and landed on the crate.

"???" After waiting a few seconds and realising there was no return wave Recon fired again and still received no feedback.

"The pulse was absorbed! It should be the shipment we want!" Recon manoeuvred the drone back and reported to Ethan.

"Well, keep an eye on it then, this thing should be ours by tonight!"

As Ethan gabbed about arranging matters, a tall blonde in a long backless white dress gown stepped onto the high stage with a microphone.

"Welcome to France, my mother used to say that France was a very beautiful country, it holds immense memories for her, and likewise for me, after her death, everything here remains intact, and I, too, will still provide such a platform for you all to go and converse, my mother was a firm believer in paradoxes, so have a great night! "

"Boss got an ID on her, Margaret Maes, her mother was a former international arms dealer, Mrs Maes, it looks like she took over her mother's business six months ago, so we don't know anything about that!" John motionlessly handed the tablet in his hand to Ethan.

"Blooming beautiful, I love it!" Ethan looked at the plain photo of the other woman on the tablet and suddenly felt a twinge of curiosity about the other woman, mainly curiosity about looking like such a weak woman who had taken over an immense middleman brokerage business and yet managed to keep it out of trouble and even runs it with confidence, not to crave the other woman's body, he was an honest boy.

After a round of applause, she stepped down from the stage with the microphone and handed the stage over to the announcer, sitting quietly in the darkness of the first row herself.

"Sir? Where are you going?" Seeing an empty seat beside the Maes, Ethan quietly got up and walked over.

"My eyes are a bit nearsighted, I can't see well in the back row, so go to the first row for clarity!" The waiter was convinced by this nonsense and brought Ethan a pair of crystal glasses.

"?" The other party was obviously a little surprised at the sudden sitting of Ethan, but after seeing the glasses in Ethan's hand, Marguerite said with a smile, "It's not a good habit to go out without glasses!"

"Yes, actually, a minute ago my eyes were fine, but after seeing you, I couldn't see anything else!" Ethan turned his head sideways and looked directly into her eyes and for the moment his bright eyes seemed to have a thousand stars in them.

"Have you always been so sweet-mouthed, Mr Hunt!"

"It's mostly that scent in the air, La Fraise, isn't it?"

"You know a lot about perfume?" Margaret was a little surprised; the perfume was generally used by very few people, and so few knew about it.

"English perfumes, my mother liked this one too!"

"Well, now, then, I'm a little interested in you! So, may I ask what auction item Mr Hunt is interested in when he comes here?"

"Naturally, the best!" Said Ethan, raising his right hand.

A crystal crown from ancient India was being auctioned off, the main body made of silver, with a diamond setting and a gold filigree surround, and in the centre of the crown was an incomparably beautiful red crystal stone.

"Two hundred and twenty thousand!" After seeing that there were several others ready to continue raising the price, Ethan added twenty thousand in one direct breath.

"This ..." Although the tiara was famous and expensive, the price Ethan raised was immediately more than the psychological price of the other sellers, and in the end, the tiara naturally went to him.

"Nice tiara, mind putting it on and letting me see how it looks?" After the waiter had served the lot, Ethan lifted the tiara with both hands and asked politely to the beautiful woman on the side.

"Of course!" After Margaret nodded that it was fine, Ethan carefully put it on for his partner, "It's very beautiful, Princess Margaret!"

"So you're crowning me?"

"Of course, Your Highness!"

Seeing Ethan amuse the owner of the auction, James McCullen let out a sigh, "It is hard to seduce a beauty!"

"But if one doesn't even have the courage to converse with the woman of one's choice, what makes such a person great?" Rex, who was on the side, laughed heatedly twice and broke up the conversation.

"Shut up, Rex!" McCullen gave his men an annoyed look, then raised his hand and slapped down a sword from the French Bourbon period.

"Seriously, this is the first time I've seen a fixer like you, every lot here would be frantic if the governments knew about it!" Ethan sighed as he watched another Egyptian antique being put on display.

"These artefacts being auctioned are not mine, I am merely a publisher and someone comes to me to auction them off, I am at best a middleman!" Margaret arched an eyebrow.

"Middleman, actually I'm here for the same thing!" Ethan placed his glasses on the small plate in front of him.


"I guessed it, an international arms dealer like you might as well go to Sotheby's if you're coming to me just to auction artefacts!" Margaret nodded, "Come with me, then!"

"With pleasure!"

In the darkness, the pair's departure was barely noticed.

Following Margaret through the curtained corridor, Ethan eventually arrived in a more private parlour, where a large, rugged, middle-aged man was already waiting at the moment, with a dozen other bodyguards standing behind him, and more standing outside the parlour, who lit up at the sight of Ethan, who had followed Margaret in.

"I've heard so much about you! Mr Ethan Hunt!" Despite the words, though, Ethan did not see that the other man had long admired himself.

"Please sit down, Mr Hunt!" Klaw sat down on the sofa in a large, bold manner and made an inviting gesture to Ethan.

"Ladies first!" Margaret, being the natural middle person, couldn't leave, and then she took a seat a body length away from Ethan.

"Looks like you're pretty insecure! Mr Klaw!" Ethan crossed his legs and narrowed his eyes at the row of bodyguards behind Klaw.

Most of these bodyguards were Eastern European-faced, with a strong military air about them, and there were a few occasional large black men in there, all of whom, without exception, had bulging waistlines.

"What, Mr Hunt is afraid? Don't worry, these men aren't after you!" Klaw grinned as if he'd taken a pound or so of dope, and even the men behind him were laughing their heads off.

"I'd be curious to know who Mr Klaw is preparing for!" Ethan didn't give a damn about the little people on the other side, did he really think those people in ambush outside were here for a tour?

The red brick wall on the right was the outer wall of the manor, a centuries-old stone building that was a joke in front of the Recon's Storm PSR sniper rifle (from the Call of Duty 9). The Storm at full power can even shoot through steel plates from two metres back.

Ethan had no problem saying that if he tapped his fingers, the dozen or so guys opposite him would be lying down in less than a second.

"For whom? Hahahaha, Mr Ethan is here to buy vibranium, so do you know where this vibranium comes from?" Klaw waved his big head back and forth, inadvertently revealing the tattoo on his neck and the scar.

"Wakanda?" Ethan waved his hand, saying that Klaw was also reckless. It was fine for him to steal the vibranium in collusion with Prince N'Jobu of Wakanda, the brother of T'Chaka, and to smash and burn his way into Wakanda, and then prepare a big bomb for the other side to escape after taking the vibranium.

"Yes, Wakanda, what do you know about Wakanda? Mr Hunt!"

"The people, the mountains, and the barriers!" Ethan was really curious about what was the principle of that shield of Wakanda, not only was it optically invisible, but it also had a defensive function, and after so many years of squatting in Africa, no other country had noticed it, but Ethan knew that all the world powers had shot many satellites into the sky over the years, but apart from the Atlas Corporation's anti-radiation satellites which had detected unusual energy fluctuations over Wakanda, no other country had really noticed it at all.

"Hahahaha, man, mountain, barrier, it looks like Mr Hunt knows a thing or two about it, do you know about the City of Gold?"

"The City of Gold? Isn't that in South America? The Mayans built it, then it was looted by the Spanish and then the gold ships were sunk into the bottom of the sea by the British!"

"Ha ha ha!" Clough laughed like a two hundred pound child as if he had heard a big joke, he snorted and laughed.

"You're wrong, the City of Gold is in Africa, Wakanda!" There was a glint of yearning in Klaw's eyes.

"You wouldn't think what I've seen somewhere, vibranium, mountains of it, they've only mined so much of it for thousands of years, Wakanda's vibranium is more than just metal, they use it for transport, for clothes, even for weapons!" Klaw had expected a reaction from Ethan when he heard about weapons, but the other man continued to look so light-hearted.

"Weapons, we have them too!" Ethan would be thinking of a question, they say that vibranium is indestructible and can bounce off all energy, so is there no upper limit to this thing?

"Your weapons?" Klaw shook his head, "I'll admit that the Atlas Corporations are leading the world in technology, but it still doesn't compare to Wakanda! Just wait until you see them!"

"Alright, enough of the small talk, let me see the goods!"

"Sure!" Klaw waved his hand and had his men carry a large crate into the room.

"I only took 250 Kg of vibranium with me when I left Wakanda, I've sold off 100 Kg before, there's 150 Kg left, I'm keeping some for myself as a family reserve, the rest is here, 100kg in total!"

"So how do you want to trade?" Ethan shifted his posture and propped his chin on his hands as he looked at the container being handed over from the box by Klaw's men.

"10,000 a gram, cash, online banking, cheque, anything else, and yes, I want 20% of the arms against the debt! I've been coveting the weapons of the Atlas Corporations for a long time, but unfortunately, the ones you guys put out for the civilian market are really not that good, I'll just have to find a way to get some obsolete ones from the government army somewhere!"

"Yes!" Ethan nodded, then John came forward with the case and opened the suitcase in front of Crow.

"This?" Klaw's breath caught sharply when he saw the contents of the case, and even Margaret, who had been acting as a transparent person next to him, couldn't help but stop breathing for a few seconds.

The box was densely packed with crushed diamonds from the Atlas Corporation's diamond mine in Congo, when Ethan intended to set up a base for weapons experiments, he bought thousands of square kilometres of land from the local warlord for six million to conduct weapons experiments, only to have a missile blow up a mountain, then the scientists found a diamond mine with big reserves in the mountain, so Ethan also mined it.

The mined diamonds were used for weapons development, and the other part was given out as a wedding benefit to all the Atlas Corporation's employees who were getting married, and what he took to Klaw was just the leftover trimmings.

"Here's a deposit of 30 million! I'll give you the rest when the vibranium is completely sent back!"

"No, the deposit has to be at least fifty million! Arms, I need those!" Klaw pulled out a PDA and tossed it to John, who then handed it to Ethan.

"X'ian transports, yes, armoured vehicles, both light and heavy weapons, no intelligent missiles, this is expressly forbidden by Congress, I can add a hundred tactical robots to the list, our new product, which can perform more complex tasks, such as capture, escort, and combat, and of course, if you want him to drive, no problem, if you dare! Most importantly, they are completely at your disposal!" After a cursory scan of the list, Ethan gave his price.

The tactical robots were what Dr Samuel Hayden had developed against the grain of C6, but because some of the conditions were not up to the standard of the COD13 world, this first batch of robots could be considered experimental.

"Robots?" Clough was obviously somewhat intrigued, after all these years of running around, he'd seen his brothers hand to hand, and even been betrayed by those around him himself, it felt good to have robots that were completely subservient to him!

"So, the price is set?" Klaw nodded.

"Boss ... Run!" Ethan was just about to shake the other man's hand and say goodbye when the Recon's warning blared over the channel.

"Ethan, there is an unidentified craft overhead with cloaking capabilities, it is unclear what force it is!"

"I got it!" Ethan nodded, then looked to Klaw, "It looks like the man you were waiting for has arrived, Mr Klaw?"

"What?" Klaw looked at Ethan in disbelief, but only saw the other man pull Margaret into his arms, then the next second John and the other two bodyguards turned the empty case that had contained the diamonds into a folded shield with a shake and a pull.

"What's happening?" Margaret was still confused; she and Ethan were now positioned close together, and the hot breath Ethan exhaled brushed against her ear, causing her to panic a little.

"We have a visitor!" Sensing something, Ethan looked up at the ceiling and the next moment it exploded with a bang, followed by a lanky figure swooping down with sharp Klaws that instantly resulted in two of Klaw's guards.

Klaw looked at the black figure and laughed openly as if he had seen an old friend, while his men swarmed up to him, desperately firing at the black figure with the submachine guns in their hands.

"Klaw, you can't get away!" Only at this moment did the crowd get a good look at him, dressed in a tight black battle suit and wearing a black leopard mask, the masked man didn't even have the slightest intention to block the incoming bullets, letting those 9mm and 5.7mm slugs hit his clothes.

"What?" This was Margaret, who was shocked to see that the bullets did not even penetrate his clothes, but even turned into a deflated piece of scrap copper.

"Welcome to the new world!" Ethan mischievously blew a breath in the other woman's ear.

"You!" Margaret glanced back, then squeezed back into Ethan's arms.

This must be the Black Panther, Ethan thought to himself, he just wonder if this is the old Panther or the new one, if it's old it's too much work to be out catching people at an old age, are all the other soldiers in Wakanda dead? Or is the Panther actually the same as the volunteer general?

At this moment, the minions Klaw had left behind to break the back had basically cooled off. In fact, Black Panther did not deliberately kill anyone, but the bonus of the suit plus his own reinforcement, there were still several unlucky people who were beaten and spat out blood, and by this time Klaw had already run out several dozen meters.

"Okoye, Vibranium is here, prepare to recover, I'll go after Klaw!" T'Chaka glanced at Ethan, who was heavily surrounded by three guards, and not only did the other man not show a hint of fear, he even had some frenzy in his eyes, did that mean that this guy had some special hobby? But didn't the other man still have a beautiful woman in his arms? Double Trouble?

T'Chaka had dealt with foreign dignitaries and senior officials over the years and had heard a little about the perverted hobbies of senior people in Europe and America, but the mission was important, so he just called his escort to retrieve the vibranium, and leapt up again himself, smashing through the wall and going after Klaw.

"What the hell is this? A super-soldier?" John, on the sidelines, grasped the MP11 submachine gun with its folding stock in his hand full of confusion.

"It's not coming at us anyway!" Ethan pulled out his phone and tapped on a small app, then the six-wheeled armoured car parked in the car park jerked into action and slammed headlong into the wall of the estate to the astonished eyes of a group of security personnel.

"Quick! Stop that car!"

......... ......... ...

"Sorry Darling, your estate might need a bit of redecorating!" Ethan said to Margaret as he looked at the approaching wall on his phone screen.

"What again?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, there was another gaping hole in the outer wall that had just been smashed through by the Panther, and the armoured car crashed in wildly halfway up its backside, making an already messy room even worse.

"It's time for us to go!" The door opened and John, with two guards, lifted the crate and was about to carry it to the car when suddenly a spear flew swish and nailed it to the wall.

"Sorry, but that chest belongs to us!" A bald black female warrior appeared on the patio at some point and looked at the crowd in the room with a serious look on her face.

"But I just bought it!" Ethan made a do not fire gesture and then stepped out from behind his bodyguard.

"That's the wealth Klaw stole from our country, American. Enough blood has been spilt today, but I don't mind spilling more!" The female warrior said with a tigerish grin.

"Actually, I don't want to, but I'm very sorry if we might have to meet again later, so I'll trouble you to get some sleep!" With that, Ethan gave the other man an American military salute.

"What?" The female warrior was just about to rush over and tackle a few people when a dart bullet hit her exposed skin.

"This?" The female warrior pulled out the dart bullet and felt nothing but a spinning, dizzy spell, even as the Ethan in front of her turned into three.

"It's just anaesthetic, they use this to hit elephants, don't worry, you'll probably wake up after three days of sleep!" Ethan straightened his suit and watched as John finished loading the crates.

"Don't stop in the way, go straight back to base, Recon, and if anyone stops, kill!"

"Understood, what about you!"

"I have a business!" Ethan removed his headset, and it was then that Margaret's guards arrived, clattering guns aimed at Ethan.

"Put all your guns down, I'm sorry, Mr Ethan! Tonight - something like this has happened!" After having her men send the sleeping bald black woman to the hotel next door, Margaret took it upon herself to escort Ethan out of the gates of the estate, where the commotion had just sent the guests running for cover, especially McCullen, who was the fastest.

"Don't you think you should make it up to me, then? I nearly lost a billion dollars because of what happened tonight!"

"And how would you like to make up for that?"

"My dog can do a handstand plus a backflip, would you like to see that?"

In the Peninsula Hotel, the suite, which had been neat and clean and bright, was now in disrepute, with broken pieces of clothing and shoes thrown from the cloakroom all the way to the dining room, and from the dining room to the bedroom.

"I think you're the one who's really not human compared to that Panther Man from last night!" Margaret, who just felt like she was going to fall apart, lay on the soft pillows with her eyes closed and hissed in accusation of the destruction Ethan had inflicted on him.

"But I think you're enjoying it!" Ethan propped his hands on the bed and kissed his way along Margaret's back to her collarbone, where the latter tinkled and pulled Ethan into her arms again.

Prescott could only whimper and scratch at the door as he listened to the commotion in the room, having left behind when Ethan returned last night, and although he had nothing to eat or drink, dogs need exercise, especially since Prescott was still young and needed more of it, but now that Ethan was busy and John and the others were back to Baghdad. Prescott was left to run laps in the one hundred square foot living room of the suite by himself, and in the meantime to show his displeasure by tearing up the house.

......... ......... ...

While Ethan was climbing the ladder and getting better, Wakanda's King T'Chaka was having mixed emotions, having let Klaw run away from him again last night.

T'Chaka had just gone out on his own when a 40mm grenade was fired back into his happy home. His suit had no ability to absorb kinetic energy and he had to rely on his internal nano-coating and external vibranium armour to withstand the blow.

The blast range of a 50g charge of high explosive grenade could throw shrapnel up to twenty metres away, and the shockwave could send a grown man flying several metres, not to mention the impact of a 350mm per second flight speed.

"Ahem!" T'Chaka coughed twice as he lay on the messed up lawn, he was really getting old! T'Chaka had just gotten up when another Mercedes Benz came upon him.

By the time the recovered T'Chaka had dismantled the SUV and the bodyguard in it, Klaw had already run out of time and the only people left on the field where the dead soldiers he had hired from Africa.

T'Chaka who was determined to lead Africa into the future, but just because he didn't want to kill his own countrymen didn't mean that his countrymen wouldn't kill him.

Klaw had paid big money to all these people in his home to ensure that they were clothed and fed and they didn't let him down as the explosion sent T'Chaka flying once again.

"Your Majesty, are you all right!" The other female guard who had remained on the craft hurried down to check on the situation.

"I'm fine!" T'Chaka, whose bulletproof panther suit was a little burnt with smoke, took off his helmet and stifled a couple of coughs.

"The battlesuit still needs work, but I don't have a chance to wear it anymore!" After examining his helmet for a moment, T'Chaka suddenly remembered that there was one more person.

"Where's Okoye?"

Using the locator system on Okoye's battlesuit, T'Chaka found Okoye, who was sleeping in the hotel.

"Your Majesty, Okoye?"

"It's okay!" T'Chaka recalled the look Ethan had given him earlier and waved his hand for his men to pick up Okoye as they prepared to return to Wakanda, after this mission he knew he was no longer fit to be a Black Panther.

James McCullen was also sulking in his room. The uranium rod he was supposed to buy was gone as the seller ran off after hearing the gunshot and took the deposit McCullen had put down.

A furious McCullen left the estate under the protection of his men and went back to his mansion in Paris to find a pretty girl to relieve his frustration.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, then!" Rex huffed the air and bowed slightly.

"Fine, you go on ahead! I'll work on the uranium rods, but the project you're in charge of can't stop, the Arctic base and the missile silos must be finished as soon as possible!" McCullen said with a shake of his head.


After Rex left, the impatient expression on McCullen's face immediately disappeared without a trace, and he turned his head to the bodyguard at his side and said.

"Follow him! See what he's up to!"

"Yes, sir!" The bodyguard captain nodded, his face expressionless as he watched Rex's vehicle leave, the scar behind his ear inexplicably wriggling a few times.

"Huh!" Rex let out a cold laugh of uncertain meaning from the distant vehicle, McCullen didn't trust him and he likewise didn't trust McCullen, back then he was on a mission when he was bombed by friendly forces and was fortunately saved by a doctor who worked for McCullen, but that doctor was actually still a Hydra scientist, under his leadership, Rex was sworn into Hydra and lurked in the McCullen.

But Rex was fine, he inherited everything from the doctor, status, technology and power, and over the years, he used the money within the McCullen Group to add to Hydra's efforts, combining the remnants of Hydra's super-soldier potion with the doctor's nanometer technology to create a drug, with nanites as its main body, can greatly enhance strength and physical quality, that is, resistance to blows, when injected into the human body.

After so many years in McCullen Group, Rex turn their money into the Hydra's accounts, or turned into various resources to send into Hydra's warehouses.

And the most crucial thing is that the drug developed by Rex has a back door, as long as he wants, that personnel who have already injected the Cobra potion will instantly fall to his camp, of course, this is also known to McCullen, because the second master of the potion is him, only he thinks he is the first master.

So, whatever McCullen said, as long as he had a bodyguard with him, then it would take Rex less than three seconds to know.

"Tell him I'm going to the Eiffel Tower for lunch!" After arranging a casual excuse, Rex drove to the villa where Ethan was staying, he had brought with him a difficult mission to pull Ethan in and make him a member of Hydra.

Only when Rex arrived at the hotel he realise that something didn't seem right. It was noon and Ethan hadn't come down, not even for lunch?

At first, Rex thought Ethan had left, but the blue Lamborghini was still there, which left Rex puzzled, but there was nothing he could do about it, the boss above him had set the task, so he could only sit silently in the car and wait.

It was a long afternoon, and it was only at six in the evening that the two men got up, hungry and unable to bear it.

"I'm sure now, you're not human, you're a real beast!" It was eight o'clock by the time the two had finished washing up and were ready to go to the Eiffel Tower restaurant for dinner, and Margaret, who no longer had any strength left, was carried into the bathroom by Ethan.

"Monsieur, they're out!" A hungry and tired Rex almost jumped out of the back seat of the car after being woken up in a daze by his men shouting at him.

At this moment, Rex really wanted to grab the nano potion and give it to Ethan, but when he thought of his boss's instructions, he regained his senses and got out of the car and walked towards Ethan.

"Mr Rex? Can I help you?" Seeing Prescott suddenly woof, Ethan turned to find it was Technical Officer from McCullen group, whom he had met earlier, who politely stepped forward and invited Mr Ethan into his Mercedes.

"But we'll be going to dinner later!"

"I know, it will only take five minutes and the executive chef of the Tower Restaurant will be waiting for you both in the dining room exclusively!" Rex made another gesture of invitation.

"Okay, sorry, just give me a second!" Ethan stepped forward and gave Margaret a kiss, handing the dog to her before getting into Rex's Mercedes.

"Now, what's the matter, you can talk, Technician Rex!"

"Of course!" Rex took out a bottle of champagne and a bottle of Evian mineral water from the car's cooler.

"I'm here to invite you to become one of us!"

"You guys? McCullen?" Ethan looked dismissive on the surface, but his heart was still rippling, it looked like this Rex was a two-faced guy too!

"Sorry, I can't name us until you say yes, but I can tell you that we have comrades all over the world, we are everywhere!" Rex took off his own respirator and finished the sentence with a bravado of discomfort.

"And what about your boss, he won't fail to turn up either!"

"He'll be ready to meet you as soon as you nod, and of course, what I can tell you is that he's one of the few Excellencies in the world with a lot of power at the moment!"

Powerful? Ethan remembered that there seemed to be only two people in high positions in Hydra, one was Gideon Malick of the World Security Council, and the other was Alexander Pierce, who had single-handedly established the Serpent Shield Bureau, but he wondered which faction Rex belonged to.

"Gideon or Pierce?" Ethan asked with a smile as he changed his pose.

"You ..." Rex was shocked, this was a secret within the organisation, if you weren't a middle or senior cadre you wouldn't even know it would be secret, even he only found out about it after his own mentor died.

"Why do you know them so well? Mr Rex, forget about your organisation for a moment and tell me if you are loyal to humanity!" Ethan sat up straight, his eyes fixed on Rex with a deadly stare, in this moment Ethan felt Rex's heart, his resentment towards the American government that had betrayed him, his disdain for McCullen and his ambition to lead humanity into a new era.

"I ... am naturally loyal to humanity!" Rex looked into Ethan's eyes, which glowed with a golden flame, a power that actually gave him a touch of affection as if the mission of humanity had been taken on his shoulders at this moment.

"So, what if one day, you find out that the organisation you serve has betrayed humanity?"

"I ..." Rex shuddered, as if he saw countless alien scumbags rampaging through the planet, the resistance of the military, the cries of the civilians, and a deep sense of shame, "I will always be on the side of humanity! "

"Very well, I hope you remember your oath! Rex!" Ethan let out a breath, as a technical talent, Rex had high value, didn't Hydra like to borrow chickens to lay eggs, so he was borrowing their chickens to lay eggs for a wave today too.

"Loyalty!" This word was like a brand, deeply rooted in Rex's heart.

"From today onwards, your men will no longer be Cobras, but Cerberus, the Three-Headed Dog of Hell, and you are the caretakers of human civilisation!" With that, Ethan wiped a handful of sweat from his head and turned to get out of the car.

"But what am I going to tell Pierce about that?" Rex asked rhetorically.

"Tell him that I'm not interested in Hydra ruling the world and that saving humanity into the future is what we're going to do, not have some alien scum riding over our heads! Rex!"

"As you command, Your Majesty!" The same golden flame flashed in Rex's eyes before disappearing, only this time, he suddenly had a lot on his mind.

"Drive, we're going to the airport!" Rex instructed the driver as he lowered the soundproof window of the Mercedes.

After watching Rex leave, Ethan could not help but reveal a conspiratorial bad smile, he had long guarded against Hydra staring at him, but he did not expect that they had really stared at him, but it was good that they had sent Rex, although he was the founder of Cobra, he was still a scientist after all, and at heart, he was still very proud of human beings, after all, all his achievements came from human intelligence and not from others.

"What did you guys talk about? Laughing so hard?" Margaret asked curiously as she patted Prescott's head.

"Talked a bit about the future! We agreed on very much and he helped me out of a lot of trouble that might come up!"

"Then we can go and eat!"

"Of course, I thought after dinner we could even take a stroll through Paris at night!".