
Marvel: The Suns Anomaly

Helios was a legend, a miracle and God to many. However, he was also recognized as the bringer of death as that was the only known trace he had ever left behind of his existence. Nevertheless, after conquering a city and leaving behind an irreversible mark on the world, old age caught up with him. With his lover gone and kids old, it was time for his final wish and desire to come true. After building a special spacecraft, Helios flew into the sun's surface, and the ship exploded as his heart gave its last beat. But his story doesn't end there. Helios reincarnated into Marvel inside a sun's core before being sent to an orphanage on earth 616 (original earth) as a one-year-old by the sun's rays. With his past life complete, Helios starts anew with the potential to surpass even the gods and the goal to conquer not a city but the... --------------------------------------- Author Notes --------------------------------------- This story takes place in an MCU (marvel cinematic universe) that is an AU (alternate universe). Thus, there will be changes to the original plot.

Zenfree · Phim ảnh
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36 Chs


I surged forward like an arrow released or a bullet fired, swiftly navigating the flat expanse. As I ascended the mountainous section of the contraption, it dynamically constructed new obstacles, continually altering its terrain beneath me.

Meanwhile, the section I occupied was in constant motion, either descending or retreating, adding to the challenge of my ascent.

Creating a endless running cycle with horrible footing, trees, branches, leaves and such. Basically a real forest mountain.

Never slowing down. I sped past every obstacle as if the obstacle were avoiding me and the game was on assist mode (a mode even easier than easy mode, basically protagonist aura).

Arriving at a sudden 90 degree angle structure. I smoothly moved up as I free climbed the mountain.

My speed seemingly faster than my running. Moving like a margay (wildcat and fastest animal in climbing) I margayed my way up the tree.

As I continuously got faster, swifter and more agile, to the point I began shocking myself. I was rapidly embodying an animal to a degree that was unnatural.

Something inside me changed at that moment. It was small and nearly unnoticeable. However I felt it.

Yet that didn't stop me as I jumped up to a height signaling the machine to send me to the real life obstacle field (forest parkour and acrobatics area).

Not letting go of the feeling I ran swiftly as I thought bigger, stronger and more impossible. A Werewolf.

An almost wolfish howl escaped my throat as my muscles contracted and rearranged my body morphed and my appearance changed.

My height was still 7ft but my internal structure was altered, my muscles, joints and everything was different. Yet I still held a near identical appearance.

My feet that previously and continuously pounded against the ground, became silent and padded. Then my heels were slowly altered and changed position to as if I had heels on.

However, it was absolutely comfortable, as if every function in my feet was changed to make me faster.

While allowing me to seamlessly run flat footed or by forefoot, without transforming. It was as simple as raising my heel.

My arms and muscles overall were also a bit stronger. Along with my teeth as well as my finger and toenails feeling more dense, tough and extremely sharp with crazy connective tissue.

However my teeth and nails were only slightly elongated, nothing a few rare humans can't have appearance wise.

My running speed on the real life obstacle field became supernatural, as I kept moving faster and faster as my transformation progressed.

Every flip, swing and leap went from fluid to straight up aggressive and suicidal.

Feeling my control, dexterity and flexibility increase but not in proportion to my newfound speed and strength.

I felt limited in my movements. I felt stuck and hindered, I felt like I was lacking. As I swung across the tree branches and felt my lack of flexibility and control.

Usong the margay as an example. I initially thought of a monkey, followed by a jellyfish before settling on an octopus, which led to thinking about the kraken (a mythological octopus type beast).

Immediately, my body cackled with electricity, the cold wind currents slamming against my body lost its chill and my movements looked alot less suicidal, as they were becoming abnormarly fluid and controlled.

Yet I couldn't propel myself the way I wanted, so I thought of an ape, then settled on the monkey King, however as if rejected nothing happened.

Acknowledging my titan form had something to do with partial shifting and evolution, instead of simply getting bigger.

I took maxing this ability as much as currently possible as the test for my titan abiltites.

Commencing the challenge, I made a command. "World wide reality initiate."

Immediately, I was moved to a different field that was vividly more realistic, and increasingly more large and hard to traverse.

Pushing my mind to find the perfect creature to embody, while testing out my new capabilities.

In the new and enlarged field my strength was severely lacking as I was about to miss the following branch.

Due to my limited size and lacking force of propulsion. I gave up on settling for ape and thought of King Kong.

As if time froze, everything around me stopped. Except my internal changes. My muscles all instantly bulged as each fibre gained 2 that weren't previously present.

For example, for my type 1 muscle fibres they instantly gained a type 2a and type 2b muscle fibre.

Then it all contracted and condensed. Issuing a loud deep grunt from my throat as the condensed muscles bulged again. Then condensed again with time seemingly coming back.

Immediately my other arm fires out and latches onto the branch I nearly missed. With immense strength I pull myself up and stand on the branch.

Feeling the primal power of the Kin-Kong, the unstoppable force of the Kraken and the mystical yet savage strength of the werewolf flow through me was incredible.

Yet I knew evety creature wasn't being integrated at their peak and there was alot more potential to tap into.

Blasting off the branch, carried by extreme forces, I contort into a straight line as I shot my two hands out to grasp the next tree branch. Using the force I spin myself around the same branch gathering momentum. Then explosively launch up the tree.

For a brief moment when I reached the peak of my ascent while parallel to the ground I was floating.




Until the next sun🌅