

Tony Xiao, who traveled to the Marvel world,obtained the game technology system.By publishing the game, you can get corresponding rewards based on your reputation. However, Tony Xiao feels that life is a game,why does it have to be virtual? ...... Tony Xiao, who traveled to the Marvel world, obtained the game technology system. By publishing the game, you can get corresponding rewards based on your reputation. However, Tony Xiao feels that life is a game, whydoes it have to be virtual? Morality and Rule of Law 5: Online is reality, LosSantos, Liberty City, and five-star good citizen semerge one after another. Call of Duty: Titan Group, leading technology, player selection. Resident Evil: If you want a serum to evolve, go find it,I put it on Neon Island. Death Stranding, Three-Body Problem, Old Scroll 5, Titanfall, Halo, Warhammer... The universe is also a huge playing field! patreon.com/Din_hamine in more chapter

din_hamine · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

passionate kiss , containment 2

Ahaha, it looks like I disturbed you." Hannah's grandmother looked at her blushing granddaughter and said with a smile.

"It's indeed disturbing..." Hannah looked at Merlin's retreat and patted her hot face, feeling a little lost.

The next day.

Merlin went to call Gwen, but to his surprise, she was not at home.

She would definitely not sit idly by when the lizard men appeared. Last night she probably put on her spider suit and drunkenly swung spider webs over the Big Apple.

I just don't know if I have ever drilled into a sewer.

As soon as Merlin arrived at his destination on his motorcycle, a group of reporters and technology company personnel who had been waiting for him eagerly gathered around him.

"Hello, according to the police report, it was you who fought off the lizard men. Is this true?"

"According to our investigation, Spider-Man was also present at the time. Why did it appear that you were the one who defeated the Lizard?"

"Is it because of your close relationship with Sheriff George Stacey?"

"How did you fight off the lizardmen you targeted?"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, it's not convenient for him to accept your interview now, we are the real ones."

Before Merlin even got out of the car, he was surrounded by people with big guns and small guns. The reporters also gave various directions or guidance words, trying to get more explosive and contradictory points.

On the contrary, people from various technology companies were squeezed out by these reporters.

Merlin looked helplessly at the microphone stuck to his mouth, fearing that the microphone would be stuffed into his mouth when he opened his mouth.

But it's best not to speak at this time, and even so, they can twist it into various meanings and label it with various titles.

Silence default.

Not to mention talking.

Fortunately, soon, the principal of Zhongcheng High School called in the security guards and temporarily calmed down all the reporters.

After all, these people did not make an appointment, and such casual interviews were against the rules.

"We will hold a special press conference later, and everyone is welcome to come for interviews."

"No, we just want to know the specific situation yesterday. You can't stop us from pursuing the truth!"

"Yes! He needs to stay!"

The reporters immediately stopped working. If you pull them back and tell them, what else are we digging for?

They just saw that Merlin was still young and could come up with more words, so they were stuck here early in the morning.

But the principal knew the nature of these reporters, so he did not indulge them. He directly asked the security guards to escort Merlin into the school and blocked them from outside.

People from various technology companies straightened their collars and followed them in.

They came here to discuss cooperation this time and see if they could poach Merlin, a high school student.

Atomic energy guns have been developed, and there is no need for universities. It is better to directly recruit people into companies for training.

(End of chapter)


Chapter ahead

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