
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · Phim ảnh
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263 Chs

Hulk Smash! -30


Sitting down in front of his computer, as soon as he made his way back to his office, Bruce quickly searched up SCP-4255.


The file he got was indeed as interesting as it was surprising. To think that all this time, Santa Claus had indeed been real! And a time traveler at that! 


Incredible! Unbelievable! Even as he read, he couldn't quite believe what he was reading; he knew that if it wasn't because he had already worked with and seen impossible things, he wouldn't believe this.


Thinking back to his own time as a child. He couldn't quite remember when he had stopped believing in Santa; it had been early, at least. With his brilliant mind, he quickly realized that Santa was but a lie.


Yet here he was reading that his discovery of the truth merely had been him discovering the "truth" the Foundation wanted him to find. 


Bruce saw himself as an intelligent man, which was why he was struggling to believe something like this. It is amazing to think that the Foundation was able to make everyone believe a lie like that.


Scary was the only thought that went through his head: lying to the world and getting away with it. He suddenly started to understand all those crazy people believing in conspiracy theories; after all, he had proof that powerful organizations were indeed fooling everyone. 


"To think that only by being part of the Foundation can anyone know this." Bruce muttered to himself as he skimmed through the interviews with the time-traveling Santa.


Bruce, like so many before him, quickly fell deep into the rabbit hole that was the SCP database. Going from one file to another and cursing every time he saw something had been redacted, which was almost all the time due to his still low-security clearance.


The more he read, the more he wanted to start working on some of them, to test himself against their mysteries.


Before he could do that, though, he first needed to deal with the Hulk. After all, as long as there was a danger of him turning into a monster of uncontrollable rage and destruction, he wouldn't be allowed near any dangerous SCP object or an important one.


Which naturally was the ones he wanted to work with the most as well. This all meant that he would have to begin his research into his own situation soon.


So with him being done with SCP-1555, he didn't have a good excuse to continue to delay. The first test lined up for him was to Hulk out and gather some data from that experience. Normally he always did everything he could to avoid turning green.


'I shouldn't be so worried; they are all used to working with stuff like that. Even if they see that side of me, nothing should change right?'



"Alright, Bruce, everything's set for your experiment," Dr. Oliver Bell, a colleague who had quickly become one of Bruce's trusted friends within the facility, announced with a reassuring tone. Bruce, however, couldn't quite match his friend's composure as he peered apprehensively into the abyss of the pit before him.


"I have my reservations, Oliver. What if he decides to stay hidden today?" Bruce's voice betrayed his unease, the prospect of leaping into the unknown churning his stomach.


Dr. Bell's attempt at levity came through with a chuckle. "Should you tumble down and remain merely Bruce, failing to summon the other guy, we'll just have to resort to plan B: a few bullets should work as a little motivation, perhaps," he quipped, implying a less-than-gentle nudge might be necessary. Bruce could only hope that Oliver's humor didn't hide a kernel of truth.


The jest didn't alleviate Bruce's anxiety. "Oliver, now's not the time," he pleaded, the gravity of the moment weighing heavily upon him.


Oliver's smile, ever enigmatic, danced on his lips—a look that Bruce found equally endearing and exasperating, especially in moments charged with tension. "Well, it's about time for the other gentleman to make his appearance, wouldn't you say?" Oliver remarked, the mischievous glint in his eyes softening into something more supportive.


"Ensure you're already in the pit when he decides to show up. We wouldn't want to explain any, ah, structural renovations to the director," Oliver added, the same inscrutable smile playing across his features.


"Understood. Just... make sure everything's ready on your end before you leave," Bruce replied, his gaze drifting back to the daunting pit as he tried to steady his nerves.


Once Oliver had made his final preparations and exited the chamber, the heavy steel door sealing with a resonant thud, Bruce was left alone with the silent echo of his own heartbeat. He took a deep breath, steadying himself for what was to come.


"Here goes everything," he whispered to himself, a mixture of resignation and determination in his voice. With a final glance at the secure confines of the room, Bruce closed his eyes and surrendered to the leap, embracing the uncertainty of transformation as he plunged into the depths.



















The voice of the Hulk came through into the observation room, while a live video feed also allowed the researchers of the Foundation to watch as the now Transformed Dr. Banner smashed up the distractions placed inside the containment cell.


"I think we need to reinforce the cell further before the next test. Add more shock absorbers as well." One Researcher said.


"Indeed, he is a lot stronger than I would have thought from knowing the man." Dr. Bell said as he looked at the display of power and rage inside the cell.


Nods and words were exchanged throughout the room as the Hulk continued his rampage while they made sure to record all the data and keep a close eye on the situation so they would know if there were any signs of the object escaping containment ahead of time.


Inside the cell, the Hulk was screaming and smashing; the floor was covered in cracks already, and the walls soon suffered the same fate. 


Around the room were prominent wooden 2d figures of tanks and General Ross. Giant wooden helicopter replicas hung from the ceiling. Even figures of Banner were placed around the place. All of which met a swift end at the fists of the Hulk. 


After smashing everything around the room for the next 21 minutes and 17 seconds, the Hulk calmed down somewhat. At this point, the only area not too damaged by the Hulk's rage was one filled with not just foodstuff. But also a life-like figure of Betty Ross, which even the Hulk hadn't attacked in any way.


As the rage and smashing came to an end, the Hulk just ended up wondering about a bit, the Hulk seemed confused as there wasn't much danger around; no one was screaming. The Hulk looked, almost bored. 


He wandered over to the food, which included dozens of huge pizzas and huge buckets of fried chicken, as well as a small mountain of candy. The Hulk looked at it suspiciously, sniffed it before sitting down, and started to eat. Getting the specially made outfit dirty in no time. 


"Maybe we shouldn't use a white outfit in the future? The stains will be harder to remove on this than something darker." One of the researchers watching the show said to a round of agreements.


They continued to watch as the Hulk consumed all of the food, snacks, and drinks prepared before growing bored and falling asleep. At this point, they saw the green giant shrink down into the small scientists they all knew.


"Well, let's get Banner out of there, have the cell fixed up, and get it ready for the next experiment." Dr Bell said as they called for people to have it done. After all, there were no stairs or ladder leading out of the pit, so without help, he wouldn't be able to get out.



"Welcome back, Dr. Banner; let me tell you that you are a lot better company than the Hulk," greeted Bruce with a mix of relief and amusement as he slowly regained consciousness. These words, echoing through the aftermath of chaos, were a stark reminder of the duality of his existence.


As Bruce sat up, his eyes widened at the sight of the extensive damage that littered the room. Amidst the debris, the sight of Betty, unharmed and present, provided a comforting anchor in the chaos.


"Did he try to escape?" Bruce inquired, his voice laced with concern as he surveyed the wreckage around him, fearing the worst.


"Not at all, Bruce; he reacted just like we expected him to," Dr. Bell reassured him, descending on the temporary lift with a calm demeanor that belied the scene of destruction.


"He did? I will be honest: I would have expected less damage to be done if that was the case," Bruce confessed, struggling to reconcile the Hulk's predictable behavior with the unexpected level of destruction.


"Well, Bruce, what can I say? He appears stronger than expected. We will probably have to reinforce everything further once we get out of here. But at least this time, he didn't attempt to escape, which is good news indeed. After all, that means we do have some way to contain him," Dr. Bell explained, optimistic about finding a silver lining in the Hulk's enhanced strength and their ability to manage it.


"I guess that's gonna put upper management at ease, that they don't have to be afraid I will become a danger," Bruce mused, pondering the implications of their findings on the Foundation's perception of him.


"Now Bruce, don't be like that; management believes that you can be a great asset for the Foundation; be proud of that. Not many SCP objects are allowed the same level of freedom you are," Bell tried to offer reassurance, emphasizing Bruce's unique position within the Foundation. However, Bruce remained introspective, caught in the complexity of his situation.


'I'm not sure what to think; normally, transforming is something terrible. Here, though, it seems like they all treat it as nothing,' Bruce reflected, grappling with the Foundation's pragmatic acceptance of his transformation as a mere eventuality rather than a tragedy.


"Well, let's get you up and out of here, Bruce. We need to put you through the works, and you probably need a change of clothes and maybe even a shower," Dr. Bell suggested, gesturing towards Bruce's tattered attire, a tangible testament to the Hulk's emergence.


At that moment, Bruce glanced down at his own clothes, now registering the extent of the stains on his once white outfit. 

"What happened!?" he exclaimed, momentarily overwhelmed by the physical evidence of the Hulk's presence.


"The Hulk happened, friend," Dr. Bell responded, encapsulating the complexity of Bruce's situation with a simple yet profound statement.


Bruce let out a resigned sigh, acknowledging the mixed emotions swirling within him. Despite the unsettling aftermath of the Hulk's emergence, he couldn't deny a sense of scientific curiosity about the results of the experiment. The prospect of diving into the data offered a sliver of solace amid the chaos. The subsequent hours unfolded in a whirlwind of evaluations and inquiries, with every test designed to unravel the immediate effects of his transformation on his physiology.


The promise of a long, soothing shower loomed as a much-needed reprieve from the day's rigor. Cleansed and somewhat refreshed, Bruce then turned his attention to the task of analyzing the data collected during the experiment—a process he both dreaded and anticipated.


As Dr. Bell prepared to depart, his words carried a blend of concern and practical advice. "Alright, Bruce. I'm calling it in for the day. Cranford will be here in a bit and join you as you go over the videos and stuff. And Bruce, do try to get some sleep as well, won't you? You might not be tired, but it's been a long day."


Bruce's immediate reaction was to dismiss the need for company. "I don't need Cranford or anyone else to help me tonight; I'm just going to watch the footage and make some notes, is all."


Dr. Bell, however, persisted, emphasizing the importance of not facing the aftermath alone. "Bruce, please don't start now. This is the first time you have witnessed this kind of stuff like this; having someone else here to talk to might be helpful. And it was either Cranford or someone from mental."


Bruce's frustration was palpable. The thought of being perceived as a patient requiring surveillance, rather than a scientist engaging with his own research, grated on him. While he generally found the staff supportive, it was clear that the protocols surrounding his unique condition were non-negotiable, leaving him to navigate the delicate balance between his dual identities under the watchful eye of the Foundation.

Resigned to the situation, Bruce silently acquiesced to Dr. Bell's insistence, offering a simple nod and a farewell gesture as he settled down to engage with the footage—a moment he had been anticipating with a mixture of dread and eagerness.


The initial scenes of the recording brought a sense of surreal anticipation as Bruce watched himself poised at the edge of the pit, the swift closure of the lid marking the beginning of a pivotal transformation. As he sifted through the footage, seeking the angles that captured the ensuing metamorphosis, he braced himself for the confrontation with his alter ego's visual record.


The transformation, captured on camera, provided a stark, unfiltered glimpse into the duality of his existence. It was a controlled shift, a decision he had made, marking a departure from the involuntary changes of the past. This realization offered a sliver of solace amidst the discomfort of witnessing his own alteration.


Absorbed in the analysis, Bruce was oblivious to Dr. Cranford's arrival, his focus entirely on the Hulk's documented behavior. The predictable aggression towards the representations of military adversaries mirrored expected responses. Yet, the Hulk's antagonism towards the image of Bruce Banner himself was a revelation, suggesting a complex psychological landscape within the Hulk that was distinct from Bruce's own consciousness. This insight into the Hulk's possible self-awareness and the nuanced animosity towards Bruce sparked a flurry of speculative thoughts and theories.


The evidence of the Hulk's independent sentience—his discernible emotions and reactions—prompted Bruce to consider the implications of this newfound understanding. The notion that the Hulk might actively resist efforts towards a cure was a significant realization, necessitating a strategic approach to any future research endeavors aimed at reconciling their coexistence or seeking a resolution.


Engrossed in these revelations, Bruce began fervently jotting down observations and hypotheses, driven by a relentless quest for understanding. The internal conflict between his disdain for the Hulk and his scientific curiosity fueled an intense desire to unravel the mysteries of their shared existence. The possibility of the Hulk's sentience opened up a myriad of research pathways, each promising insights into the nature of identity, consciousness, and the untapped potential lying within their unique condition.