
Marvel: Tech System

For one individual, the boundary between science fiction and reality blurs when they are unexpectedly transmigrated into the Marvel universe, a place where the technological wonders of their dreams are tangible. Equipped with a system that promises growth and evolution, they begin as an underdog in a world of heroes and villains. Drawing inspiration from the movies, comics, and even cartoons, this alternate universe (AU) tale weaves a narrative that, while familiar, brings its own unique twists and turns. As our protagonist navigates this new life, they will encounter romance, face challenges, and harness the power of advanced technology to rise to the heights of power within the Marvel Patreon Unknown_To_All The upload schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Unknown_To_All · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 31 A Stroll In Oscorp

Getting inside Oscorp was pretty simple, only needing me to hack the doors to enter. The problem however came afterwards.

There were guards and cameras stationed practically everywhere. It seemed that they had upped their security in response to losing the spiders.

Too bad it won't help them at all. I thought as I glanced down at my invisible body. This stealth suit really was a great purchase. Making this way easier than it should be.

Walking in I just treated this place like a regular park stroll. The only time I needed to be cautious was when guards were nearby. I may have been invisible but I still made sound so it was something to look out for.

I also took the time to check out some of the labs on the way but didn't find anything interesting. It seemed like they moved everything of importance to another location.

Reaching the end of a hall I finally found the section I needed to get to.


The door to this lab was a bit tougher to crack than the others with added security and alarms placed on it. but it was eventually opened allowing me to enter the room safely.

Looking around it looked similar to the other labs thus far. Clean white walls and floors, sanitizer could also be smelled in the air. It was basically what you would expect from this sort of place.

Now let's check what kind of equipment they have. Moving further inside I began to see some things that I needed: a gene editor, a synthesizer, and some other equipment I didn't recognize but would figure out.

My eyes suddenly noticed a particular piece of equipment, a genetic analyzer. Now this was something I needed to use. I still had no idea on whether or not I had the X gene so this was the perfect opportunity.

However, before I started anything I made sure to use pre-prepared malware to loop the camera footage. I didn't need a bunch of guards running in here just because of the camera getting footage of floating equipment.

With that done I went over and got a syringe as I pulled out a sample of my blood and put it into the machine. Next, I set it up to search for mutations within the DNA.

After around an hour the machine had finally finished as I got the results and there it was. The gene responsible for one of the world's most hated groups of people.

The X-gene

It was inactive at the moment but I knew my X gene was practically guaranteed to activate with all the enhancements I planned on giving myself.

from what I remembered in the comics the X gene was prone to activation under stressful environments. I couldn't imagine anything more stressful than a spartan procedure. So the chances really were high.

There was obviously good that came with the gene like superpowers but it came with so many problems.

Let's just hope that it doesn't activate after taking in the 24th Chromosome. I'm just not ready for that bag of problems yet.

Walking away from that machine I went over and began the process of creating and editing the chromosome. It was fascinating from beginning to end as I truly experienced just how much effort they put into creating it.

The chromosome was near perfect. It improved the body's overall function. Except for one slight problem.

If you had some sort of mental problem or issue then the chances of said person becoming a monster was basically guaranteed. Thankfully I don't have that sort of problem so it's mostly safe I'd say.

Around 98% safe…

Finishing its design I suddenly thought back to my friends.

"I bet they'd love something like this. It makes you immune to all sickness and disease and pushes your body to its peak condition." With that thought in mind, I prepped the machine to produce 20 vials.

This was something great for regular people like Ned and Gwen and I wasn't selfish enough to keep everything for myself. Plus I did go against all of them and decided to go down the path of military technology so maybe this would appease them somewhat.

The only person I was hesitant about was Peter and how it would affect him.

You see the main function of the 24th chromosome is its ability to repair DNA. Which in Peter's case is quite dangerous due to his DNA being mangled with a Spiders.

I already saw this as a problem before coming here and took out a couple of hair strands belonging to him. As well as a couple of samples I got from the spiders in my house.

I still needed to test those spiders after all and chose to just do it all in one go.

Heading to the center of the lab I found a huge familiar hologram. Floating in the center of it was an image of a lizard and a rat with broken DNA chains saying failure.

Clearly, Connors and Peter were still working on it but from what I could see they were already getting close.

I even thought about deleting all there progress but who knows what kind of repercussions that would cause. Connors might just inject himself with a less-perfect version and become a worse monster. So I left it alone.

Walking forward I inserted everything inside. The machine quickly got to work as it tested the combination and let's just say that what I saw next amazed me.

"It's perfect, just perfect! Down to the last-minute detail"

The Chromosome didn't straight up kill everything like I expected it would. No, it fixed what the process damaged as it truly integrated and became one. Almost like a new species.

All the spiders and Peter's DNA didn't just combine but became something more.

Seeing this I removed Peter's DNA and submitted my own instead hoping for the same result. Only for the test to end up drastically different.

The DNA was ripped to shreds and surprisingly it wasn't the 24th chromosome but the spiders that caused it.

Checking the computer's log I found the problem. Apparently, Peter had a natural-born mutation that made him extremely compatible with all the spiders. While the CH-24 just cleaned up the leftover problems and enhanced everything else.

Without the mutation, a regular person would end up like Connors and become a monster. Instantly shattering my chances of spider powers unless I invested time into making my own mutation.

I was upset at this but not for very long. There were plenty of other things for me to use in the future and the spiders were just one of many. Instead of dwelling on what I can't have it's better to focus's on what I can.

Glancing back at the results I thought of Peter. This may not have been good for me but I could use this for him. With that goal, I produced another serum that had all the spiders combined along with CH-24. Spider-man was guaranteed quite the upgrade in the future.

I even shivered imagining it.

Just how many powers would the guy get with this?

Once everything was done I cleaned up the room and computers till it was spotless with no traces of me ever being here. Making my exit as I went straight to the warehouse.




[POV Switch]

Charles Xavier was a mutant gifted with vast telepathic powers, a specialist in mutant biology and sociology, and the founder of the Uncanny X-men as Professor X. With immense commitment , his life had become dedicated to fulfilling his dream of mutants and humans coexisting peacefully.

He had even transformed his family's ancestral home into a sanctuary for mutants to train and learn about their abilities.

To aid himself in this endeavor of helping other mutants he created the Cerebro. An advanced computer designed to enhance his mental abilities to discover the location of mutants all across the globe.

This machine turned out to be a great success as new mutants were constantly discovered and given guidance. However, today didn't seem to be one of those days.

"Professor, were you able to find him?" Ororo asked hesitantly. It had already been a couple of days since Jeans brought up her strange encounter.

Yet throughout all this time, they have not been able to find him.

"It's hard to say"

She raised her eyebrow as this was not the usual no he responded with.

The professor took a moment to clear his thoughts on what exactly he found.

"This Kol has a very strange mind. Almost like it's constantly trying to hide itself as it is covered in a fog. Now it's no surprise as to why I couldn't find him last time."

This had been one of the most difficult children to find thus far for Charles.

There were even moments where he thought he found Kol just for his mind to become clouded as he drew close.

"So he is a mutant? I can't imagine a normal human having that sort of ability."

Charles wanted to agree with Storm but held himself back.

"There's a high chance but I think it's better if we go and meet him. Notify Jean and her friends"

Kol on the other hand was completely unaware of the mass of trouble called the X-men as he slipped out of Oscorp.

Power Stones and Reviews are appreciated :)

Unknown_To_Allcreators' thoughts