
Marvel: Silver Superman from Asgard

Rhodes traversed into the Marvel universe, assuming the role of a duke's son in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He envisioned a life of dominance, but his path led him to Asgard, the ethereal palace, where he found himself in service to Hela, the goddess of death. Living a life in servitude can be a bleak prospect, but a stroke of fortune granted him the Silver Superman genes. Under the nurturing rays of the sun, his strength burgeoned ceaselessly, allowing him to swiftly adapt to any challenges and acquire new abilities. The might of Silver Superman was staggering, almost beyond reason. Eventually, he ascended to become the sovereign of Asgard, reigning supreme over the universe. "Thanos? This mere individual? I could kill him with a single breath!" [T/N: This novel is not my original work, and I am just rewriting the machine translation for all of you. All rights, including those related to the characters and concepts from Marvel and other sources, belong to their respective authors and creators.]

LordAddict · Phim ảnh
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51 Chs

44: Challenger Harold Bell

Rhodes held the guardian spear and walked toward the steps of the Hall of Valor, preparing for the next lecture and formulating rules.

At this moment, more than a dozen heroic warriors stood up, each holding a spear, their eyes filled with relentless determination.

It was clear that they were deeply offended by Rhodes' earlier words. While Rhodes admitted that his words might have been harsh, he understood that sometimes, a display of strength was necessary to bring rebellious individuals in line.

This group of heroic warriors, including their leader, Bell, were not ordinary fighters. They were stronger and more imposing than the average heroic warrior. Rhodes suspected that the transformation process in the Hall of Valor had enhanced their combat abilities significantly.

Bell, who appeared to be the leader, stood more than two meters tall, with muscles as hard as rock. He stepped forward and addressed Rhodes.

"We are not cowards!"

The word "coward" was a grave insult to these ancient warriors, and they valued their honor above all else, even in death.

Bell continued, introducing himself, "My name is Bell, Harold Bell."

"I challenge you, and if I lose, all the heroic warriors will surrender to you. But if I win, you will kneel and apologize to each of us, kissing our boots."

A small smile played on Rhodes' lips. He was confident that Bell had little chance of winning.

"Very well, I accept your challenge."

Rhodes' response was immediate. He had no doubt about the outcome.

"Shall we fight one by one or all together?" Rhodes inquired.

Bell and his comrades had initially intended to confront Rhodes as a group, but Bell raised his hand to halt them.

"No, this is a battle of strength between fighters. If others interfere, we will fight as a group, and that wouldn't be a true test of skill."

Bell's words carried a sense of honor, which Rhodes respected.

"Agreed. We'll fight one-on-one, fair and square."

Bell picked up his golden spear and donned his helmet. He tapped his chestplate.

"I am Harold Bell, former commander of the First Legion of the Babylonian Empire. I challenge you. Please accept."

Rhodes nodded in acknowledgment, tapping his own chestplate in a show of respect.

After this exchange of formalities, Bell grasped his spear firmly and, with a powerful roar, charged towards Rhodes.


Rhodes watched as Bell's imposing figure caused the stone slabs under his feet to shatter with each step. It was clear that Bell possessed extraordinary strength, much greater than other heroic warriors.

Bell's commanding presence suggested that he had been a formidable leader in life.

Rhodes, however, remained calm. He intended to test Bell's skills and adaptability before asserting his dominance. He consciously suppressed some of his strength, as he wanted to gauge Bell's true abilities.

Rhodes held the guardian spear with one hand and met Bell's charge head-on.

The clash between their spears created a deafening sound, and the impact sent debris flying.

Even those heroic warriors who had retreated to a distance of thirty to forty meters felt the gust of wind and were struck by flying stones.

Many retreated even farther to ensure their safety.

When the dust cleared, Rhodes still held the spear with one hand, while Bell's spear was pinned beneath his guardian spear.

A large crater, three to four meters in diameter, had formed on the ground.

Bell struggled to retrieve his spear, but even with his immense strength, he couldn't overpower Rhodes.

Rhodes, seeing Bell's struggle, gently adjusted the position of his guardian spear, allowing Bell to reclaim his weapon. However, Bell's momentum caused him to take a few steps backward, ultimately sitting down on the ground.

His face was flushed, and his confident strength had proven insufficient to reclaim his spear from Rhodes' grasp.

Rhodes remained unfazed, showing no sign of having exerted himself.

Bell, humiliated like never before, leaped to his feet and charged once more, spear in hand.

Rhodes still held his spear with one hand, expertly deflecting Bell's attacks.

Bell employed all the spear techniques he had mastered throughout his life—tricky angles, feints, and even kicking up sand to obscure Rhodes' vision. Despite his efforts, Rhodes stood unwavering, neither moving nor disheveled.