
Marvel: Silver Superman from Asgard

Rhodes traversed into the Marvel universe, assuming the role of a duke's son in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He envisioned a life of dominance, but his path led him to Asgard, the ethereal palace, where he found himself in service to Hela, the goddess of death. Living a life in servitude can be a bleak prospect, but a stroke of fortune granted him the Silver Superman genes. Under the nurturing rays of the sun, his strength burgeoned ceaselessly, allowing him to swiftly adapt to any challenges and acquire new abilities. The might of Silver Superman was staggering, almost beyond reason. Eventually, he ascended to become the sovereign of Asgard, reigning supreme over the universe. "Thanos? This mere individual? I could kill him with a single breath!" [T/N: This novel is not my original work, and I am just rewriting the machine translation for all of you. All rights, including those related to the characters and concepts from Marvel and other sources, belong to their respective authors and creators.]

LordAddict · Phim ảnh
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51 Chs

3: Encounter with the Goddess of Death

"Rhodes, the servant entrusted with the study's care, pays the utmost respect to the princess."

Rhodes set aside the book in his hand and bowed reverently.

"Oh? Do you know who I am?" The green-clad beauty displayed curiosity. She entered the study with graceful steps, approached Rhodes, and cast a glance at the Asgardian Legend.

"I made a guess." Rhodes replied cautiously.

His thoughts, however, pondered the vast gap that likely existed between him and Hela now. Could he potentially defeat her?

"You guessed right. Rhodes, are you reading?" Hela inquired, a smile gracing her features.

"Yes, I'm relatively new here, and I aim to learn more about Asgard." Rhodes answered.

Possibly sensing Rhodes' cautious demeanor, Hela added, "You're welcome to use the study whenever you wish. For now, kindly leave."

"Of course." Rhodes observed that Hela bore no intent to reprimand; he felt relieved and exited the room.

Hela, a central figure in Asgard, remained preoccupied with her responsibilities, frequently engaging in warfare. Consequently, her presence within the mansion was sparse. This marked Rhodes' first interaction with Hela.

"Hela seems rather approachable..."

Rhodes proceeded a distance, casting a backward glance at the study.

Yet he harbored no naive beliefs that Hela's true nature resembled this benign facade.

How could a Goddess of Death, actively pursuing ambitions in all directions, be a benign and carefree master?

The following day dawned brightly.

Rhodes arose, freshened up, and super hearing immediately activated, granting him access to the conversations among the mansion's numerous servants.

After days of acclimation, Rhodes grew adept at utilizing his superpower.

Casual, unimportant chatter was filtered out, leaving only pertinent information for assimilation.

"I heard the Frost Giants are stirring up trouble again. A considerable number of troops were recently sighted..."

"So, Asgard is headed for another battle?!"

"Indeed, the princess departed early this morning, undoubtedly due to the Frost Giants' affairs."

Upon hearing these discussions, Rhodes pondered the matter.

The ongoing conflict between the Frost Giants and the Asgardian Protoss was far from unprecedented.

The likelihood of warfare remained high.

"If I join the army, I might have the chance to venture outside."

"Nevertheless, the garden, basking in sunlight, provides a more comfortable and advantageous environment."

Rhodes calmly maintained his routine of garden maintenance.

Presently, even Hela had left the mansion.

Given her endorsement, Rhodes was free to explore the study without constraint.

At dusk, Rhodes entered the study once more.

This time, he chose to deviate from reading the tome.

Hela possessed a diverse collection of books.

His gaze roving the bookshelves, Rhodes encountered a copy of "Protoss Fighting Technique."

This tome contained a variety of combat skills.

Enthused, Rhodes seized the opportunity to read and absorb the contents.

Although physically robust and endowed with superpowers, Rhodes remained bereft of combat expertise.

Brute strength, without adept application, held limited value. Learning was paramount.

"Punches, kicks, elbows, knees, footwork... Detailed and easy to understand—excellent!"

Half an hour later, Rhodes concluded the volume, closing his eyes.

Almost instantly, intricate fighting skills crystallized in his mind. The bones and muscles throughout his body subtly adjusted, as if he engaged in combat against a tangible adversary.

After a span of time, Rhodes exited the study and proceeded to the vacant garden to train.

Each movement resonated with potency and finesse.

With the passage of days, Rhodes grew increasingly acquainted with his fighting style. Rapid progress ensued, as his body developed refined muscle definition, a contrast to his previous slightness.

Another ten days elapsed.

A month transpired since Rhodes arrived in Asgard. Time had come for his salary to be disbursed.

A line of servants queued before the accounting room.

The elder housekeeper conducted roll call, and servants sequentially received their wages.




Soon, it was Rhodes' turn.

He entered the accounting room.

The elder housekeeper stated, "A servant of the gods receives five runes monthly."

A servant placed five coins into Rhodes' palm.

"Five runes. Not a substantial sum."

Rhodes pocketed the coins and departed the accounting room.

In Asgard, one rune equated to one hundred large gold coins and one thousand small gold coins.

Five runes corresponded to five hundred large gold coins.

A substantial fortune on Earth, yet in Asgard, gold was abundant and held little value.

Within Asgard, a small gold coin wielded purchasing power akin to a dollar in subsequent generations.

Thus, in relative terms, Rhodes' monthly wage stood at merely 5,000 yuan.

"Recently, training in combat skills caused two holes in my shoes."

"With my earnings, I can procure a new pair of shoes."

Rhodes contemplated the coins, mentally calculating.

Residing within the princess's mansion for a month, he hadn't ventured out for a proper exploration.

Now was the opportune moment, as he could imbibe the surrounding air.

"Merely four runes this month—a pity."

"Raymond, your idleness is the cause; you deserve the penalty."

"Varys, could you lend me two runes? It's an emergency!"

"Negative, I plan to indulge in some shopping."

Servants conversed on the periphery.

Two individuals, one with blond hair and the other with brown, caught Rhodes' attention. Both stood tall and robust. Beside them was a vivacious maid, her countenance embellished with freckles, and her eyes sparkled with liveliness.

As Rhodes observed, the freckled maid approached with a friendly smile.

"Rod, right? We've met before, haven't we?" She greeted.

"Yes." Rhodes confirmed with a nod.

The blond and brown-haired men regarded each other quizzically as the two conversed.

"Tessa, do you know him?"

"He's new, you've hardly been here long."

"He's a fresh servant of the gods, named Rhodes."

Tessa extended a warm welcome, noticing Rhodes' tattered shoes. "Rhodes, we're heading to the market for some essentials. Would you like to join us?"


Rhodes deliberated before agreeing, "Sure."

Unfamiliar with his surroundings, it made sense to have these individuals as guides.

"Let's be off. Varys, Raymond, Rhodes."

Tessa beckoned, and the quartet exited the princess's mansion together.

Amidst the bustling street, people flowed like a weaving tapestry, engendering an ambiance reminiscent of sizzling oil in a pan.

Overhead, an array of aircraft shuttled to and fro.

Asgard's architecture, tall, elegant, and straightforward, incorporated advanced high-tech components that contributed to the city's indescribable allure.

Apart from the Asgardian Protoss, diverse races populated the streets.

A myriad of forms greeted Rhodes' eyes. Tessa, Varys, and Raymond, all seasoned servants who had served the gods for years, evinced no surprise. In contrast, Rhodes remained captivated by the experience.

"Dude, don't stare so intently; you might provoke someone with a short temper!" Varys offered a friendly admonishment


"I... thank you for the advice." Rhodes smiled, realizing he had been staring without intent.

A sense of being observed nagged at him, yet swiftly faded.

"Servants such as us shouldn't attract undue attention, should we?" Rhodes contemplated.

The four journeyed through several streets.

Rhodes purchased cheese, two bottles of rye wine, and various necessities.

As for himself, he acquired a sturdy pair of brown riding boots, all he required.

On their return, the quartet navigated the bustling thoroughfare.

The procession of people necessitated the aid of Varys and Raymond, who carved a path through the crowd.

Tessa perspired profusely while cautioning, "Rhodes, stay close; the crowd can be disorienting."

Rhodes hesitated, his sense of being observed resurfacing.

Abruptly, his attention was drawn to a blond beauty barring their path, emanating an aura of seduction.

Her eyes exuded allure, captivating and enchanting.

"Follow me, all of you."

The blond woman cast a sweeping gaze at the group and issued her command.