
CH-8: A Missing Time

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I cautiously ascended the ancient, creaking attic stairs, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and dread. 

Well, well, I thought Eddy's old man was just an abusive dad. Who would've thought he'd be capable of such cruelty, experimenting on his own flesh and blood? I mean, seriously, that's some next-level sadism right there.

Venom's words might not be the gospel truth, but hey, I'm not exactly best buddies with the symbiote, it's just a voice in my head and I'm trying to avoid another city-wide chaos like last night. 

Still, I gotta admit, these whispered hints are all I've got to crack this mystery. I need to figure out what Jack Brock was up to and who the hell he was working for. 

Cause let's be real, if anyone caught a glimpse of the symbiote during last night's fiasco, I'd have a whole organisation hot on my trail.

Paranoid? Maybe. 

But in this crazy universe, I can't take any chances.

As I reached the top step, I surveyed the dimly lit room, adorned with boxes stacked in a completely haphazard manner, covered in more dust and cobwebs than a '90s attic.

It seemed like a place where people didn't dare to venture, which is surprising considering Peter occasionally sneaks up here to nab a few books or old toys. 

Taking a deep breath, I embraced the musty aroma invading my nostrils and began rummaging through the boxes. 

Ever since I moved into the Parker residence, I knew Uncle Ben stashed away some boxes from my old home. 

They were filled with stuff related to Eddy's parents, and I was desperately hoping to stumble upon something useful.

I embarked on my quest, sifting through ancient photographs, books devoured by moths, and clothes that had seen better days but after a few minutes of digging, all I was left with was a healthy dose of disappointment. 

Nada. Zilch. Not a single trace of my dear old dad's belongings. 

Frustration gnawed at me like a persistent mosquito as I pushed aside yet another box, revealing a faded photograph album hidden in the dusty corner.

Curiosity piqued, I delicately picked up the album, wiping away the layers of grime obscuring its cover. 

The weight of it in my hands felt heavier than a dictionary, which is saying something. 

I cracked open the album and just as I started leafing through the pages, Aunt May's voice echoed from below, piercing my eardrums like a bullhorn.

"Eddy, what in the world are you doing up there?" Her tone oozed sternness, as if scolding me for trespassing into forbidden territory. 

Oh boy, she really doesn't appreciate anyone snooping around the attic, especially since Uncle Ben used to store his chemical experiments up here. Can't say I blame her.

Panicking, I hastily closed the album, slipped it under my arm and scampered down the stairs, hoping to evade her wrath. 

Alas, Aunt May stood at the foot of the staircase, her hands firmly planted on her hips, an expression that beautifully blended concern and annoyance. 

Ah, the quintessential look of a disappointed yet loving guardian. Can't escape it, can you?

"What on earth were you doing up there, Eddy?" May repeated, her voice tinged with worry. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, conjuring up an excuse I had ready in my back pocket.

"I... I was on a quest, you know, like Indiana Jones searching for lost artefacts." I stammered, trying to sound cool and mysterious, hoping Aunt May wouldn't push for more details. 

I mean she can't really scold a 10 year old kid for playing make believe in the attic, even if my situation is way more serious than that.

Aunt May's gaze softened as she took the album from me, her eyes sparkling with a hint of nostalgia.

"And where did you stumble upon this little treasure, Kiddo?" May inquired with a smirk.

She opened the album and flipped through the pages, a smile slowly spreading across her face as she soaked in the vintage pictures.

"Oh my god, I can't even wrap my head around the fact that she actually kept all this." she chuckled, dropping a casual remark in the middle.

Naturally, my curiosity was piqued. 

"Whose precious pic-book is this?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Believe it or not, it belonged to your mom." May replied, gently closing the book. "Hold on tight, this is gonna be a fun ride."

She guided me to the couch in the living room, where we both took a seat as she opened the album to a specific page, she pointed at two photographs side by side.

On the right, Uncle Ben and Aunt May stood there, grinning like Cheshire cats, flanked by two other individuals.

"It's Peter's mom and dad, Richard and Mary." May explained, pointing at a man with hair as grey as Gandalf's beard, rocking an identical pair of glasses to Uncle Ben's, while on his right stood a woman with flowing brown-red hair, looking like a cross between Ariel and Jessica Rabbit. "You do remember them, right?"

"Yeah." I nodded, pretending to recall those long-lost moments. "Uncle Richard used to shower me with wafers every time I swung by."

"Oh yeah, he had an insane stash of those, a sugary wonderland." May chuckled, relishing the memories. 

She moved on to another picture, revealing a family portrait with Peter and me standing proudly in front of our respective moms.

"Those were the good ol' days." May sighed, her smile tinged with a touch of sadness. 

We continued flipping through the album, commenting on the pics, one snapshot at a time, until we reached the end.

There were countless pictures, including a younger version of Ben and May cradling a baby Peter in their arms.

But my observant eyes couldn't help but notice the glaring absence of my own baby pictures. 

I mean, seriously? Was Eddy invisible or something? It struck me as odd, considering this album supposedly belonged to my dear old mom.

"Why aren't there any baby pictures of me?" I blurted out, my voice barely a whisper.

Aunt May sighed softly, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and understanding.

"Your father and mother were out of America, Eddy, Your father worked overseas, France, I believe and you were born during that time. They only returned when you were a year old." She explained gently.

"Soo.. I'm like half-French?" I asked with an excited smile.

May blinked in surprise and rolled her eyes awkwardly. "I'm not sure that's how it works."

"Whatever." I shook my head and picked up the album before moving towards my room. 

As soon as I got in, I felt a surge of confusion mixed with curiosity. 

Why were there no pictures of me before that? 

What was Eddy's parents hiding?

If I was doubtful before, I was sure now, there was obviously something fishy with his parents, both of them.

I need to visit Eddy's old house and find what they did to him.

What they did to me.


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