
Marvel: Reincarnated as Aldrich Killian

He was reincarnated in the Marvel universe as the super villain Aldrich Killian and obtained the Supreme technology system. He then created Baymax at the beginning. Tyrant and Terminator were developed in half a year. In one year, artificial intelligence was invented and spacecraft developed the solar system. Ten years later, when Thanos began his journey to collect gems. Killian took the suitcase from the Protoss warrior on the side and opened it directly. 'Here! There is a box full of gems, you can choose any color you want!' ..... Warning: No nationalism, you heard right, no nationalism, at least it's not unreadable, whatever, this is a Chinese fanfiction, I'm just posting it, I'm not editing too much, I'm just making it not unreadable

Muzan_Zoldyck · Phim ảnh
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81 Chs

Chapter 53: Project No. 2 was successfully investigated

To improve the level of Baymax's artificial intelligence, besides the necessary hardware that has to undergo several generations of comprehensive updates, it must also reach an environment where the Internet is used worldwide.

This means that the birth of artificial intelligence not only requires excellent hardware, but also the soil in which it is born, meaning that everyone in the world uses smart devices.

In this way, Baymax can truly detach from the chip server and exist on the network, truly improving its capabilities in all aspects.

Unlocking the power of artificial intelligence, this is when the real horror of AI begins.

Now, Killian can only let Baymax's smart system enter the lab and cooperate with researchers to process various data calculations.

It's conceivable that with Baymax's help and its constant, terrifying learning efficiency, data that was originally complex and took a long time to deduce was shortened by more than half the time.

That's why the T-Virus project is progressing so quickly.

As we all know, the most challenging part of experiments is usually the data part, which happens to be the most basic point of artificial intelligence.

Adding the two together, the result is 1+1>5.

"Boss, Project No. 2 was successfully researched."

Just as Killian began processing the documents, a Black Watch team member came in and informed Killian.

After hearing what he said, Killian immediately showed a happy expression, dropped the document, and walked to the underground research room.

After a while, after going through numerous security doors and passwords, Killian arrived at a medical laboratory.


After seeing Kilian enter, the responsible researcher, Elias Bane, approached Kilian.

"Well, how's it going now?"

After nodding, Killian directed his attention to a man lying on a bed in the sterilized room not far away and said.

"Boss, everything is ready, and the biological experiment has been successful."

"Now let me introduce you to the specific situation of the project."

"First, our experimenter is now the man in the room.

His identity is that of a veteran who retired from the battlefield, but his wife and child almost tragically died due to the appearance of PTSD (post-war stress disorder) after he returned."

"After we learned about his situation, we communicated with him as soon as possible, and after reaching an agreement, he signed the experimental consent form."

"Now, we'll combine Project T's memory editing and our latest brain control chip as the base, and a brain control chip will be born that can control the target's brain, modify memory fragments, and change cognition."

"Boss, the main goal of our experiment this time is to erase some of the target's war memories and fragment and blur most of them to reduce the experimenter's impression of the battlefield without losing memory. Then we add some memories, and the combination ends up being a perfect, complete, and intact memory."

"Based solely on the responses of animal experiments, human brain control chips are already mature and feasible."

"Now it's the final human experiment, everything is waiting for your order."

At that moment, Elias took the project's information in his hand and began to seriously report to Killian.

"Let's begin!"

Then, when Killian's order was given, the lab staff immediately got to work.

A doctor also arrived at the lab with the help of his assistant, placed the experimenter, who had already been injected with general anesthesia, in the nearby medical cabin equipped with a robotic arm, and then followed the operation, with the mechanical arm also firmly grasping the man's limbs.

Once the target was fully tied up, the doctor beside him walked to the side of the surgical equipment, instructed the assistant to shave him, and performed a full disinfection.

Then the doctor started to work.

First, he verified and confirmed the surgical location, and then, with a gentle movement of the scalpel, a perfect nail-sized circle instantly appeared on the back of the target's head.

Immediately after, after using various medical devices to drill and pierce holes, the skin and skull were immediately extracted, revealing the bright red flesh and hard brain bones unique to the creature within.

At that moment, the doctor fixed his gaze on the translucent cerebral meninges at the deepest level.

After carefully holding the brain control chip that had been placed in the prepared disinfectant, the man inserted it directly from the wound and deeply into the meningeal layer.

The implantation was completed in just a few seconds, and then other agents that had been prepared began to inject adhesive glue for wounds into the wound and reposition the cut bones.

Kilian specially exchanged this type of adhesive glue for wounds.

It's a high-tech medical agent; it not only has a very strong adhesive effect and can be effectively applied at the bone junction, but also has anti-inflammatory, sterilizing properties and rapid healing abilities.

Its effect can accelerate several times or even dozens of times the speed of healing for wounds that often take tens of days to heal.

The operation was completed in just an hour.

The medical staff inside confirmed that the experimenter's vital signs were stable and everything was normal, and then took a stance.

But for everyone in the research room, now is the real beginning.

A group of researchers began debugging the data equipment they were responsible for.

Elias Bane also took the initiative to approach the main control computer and began entering relevant instructions step by step.

After more than ten minutes of control, Elias Bane pressed the confirmation button.

I saw a big screen in front of everyone. After a long black screen, it finally started successfully.

What is clearly played on the screen are the memory fragments in the minds of the men and the false memories they implanted.

The whole scene was presented in front of them through the brain-controlled chip in the form of a video player.

Everyone started getting excited about it at this moment.

You should know that editing human brains and arbitrarily modifying memories is something only gods can do, but they managed to do so.

This is simply a miracle.

Of course, for them, the success of the project means they will be able to receive a large sum of money.

Pioneer Technology is famous for being generous worldwide; the treatment given to Pioneer Technology employees was even criticized by other industries because it was once too high.

And after completing this project, they can expect they won't have to worry about luxury cars, mansions, young models, and beautiful womens.