
MARVEL : My mom is a ninja, so am i???

The story centers around a boy who has been reincarnated and as a result, can't remember who he is.   The last thing he remembers before dying is fighting with his friend about which superhero franchise is better. The next thing he knows, he has been reborn as Zen Shade, a half- black, half- Japanese kid.   Let’s just say as soon as he gets shot out of the womb, shit hits the fan. His new mom is not ordinary. She takes out ninjas with a magic sword right after giving birth. Zen thinks she is a badass and does not want to get on her bad side. After being born, he moves to New York and sees the Avengers’ Tower. He later realized he has been reincarnated in the Marvel world. The first fourteen years of his life were pretty chill. He learns a whole lot of shit from his mom from sword fighting to Qui control to martial arts even medicine and poisoning and he even gets a special sword that can cut through anything. BUT!!!! One Day, he is at the bank that a super villain tries to rob. He lets it go, none of his business, he is not a hero. But, they piss him off. So, using his skills and his sword, Kurohime he beats the super villains. This gets the attention of the Principal of Avengers Academy, Old Man Tony Stark who recruits Zen to the academy. There, he meets the kids of super heroes such as Spiderman, the Hulk, and even Thor. He makes friends and enemies. Being a super hero is easy; surviving high school with a ton of super-powered, emotionally unstable teenagers, now that is the hard part. ___________________________________________ (A/N) I will update whenever I can, so don't expect any regular updates. important note: it's not my cover i just picked up from internet. MY FRUIT JIZZ IS OUT AAAHH~~~~~

_MARSHEL_ · Phim ảnh
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46 Chs

Chapter 28 Enter...The Wild Idiot

~~~~~~~~`Zen Pov

Zen: Wow who knew a four foot 11 girl could hold all that rage look at her go. She is like a rabid Pikachu that has been starved for several days, and that has been poked by a stick to many times.

Sei: Can you blame her she is grieving

Decklyn: I am just glad she is not grieving on us. I think she is stuck on stage 4 anger. I feel like were the bad guys for not stopping the lightning ball of rage.

Leah right now is like a lose canon. she has gone out of control every assassin as she sees them.

She eliminates them without prejudice. Was she not the one that was talking about justice? DANM! She tuned into electricity and went through several ninjas.

She just snapped that guys neck.

Zola: I will stay here and make sure she does not get into to much trouble. The rest of you go figure out a plan to find the bomb. I won't let any other people on our side die/

Benny: Your brave man Zola

Decklyn: I rather deal with the bomb

BOOOOOOM! A crash down turning several assassins in to charcoal. Leah has defiantly made Shadow Blade's list.

I think we all will make their list after today. We split off into three groups. Zola and Leah are Elimination squad.

They will take out all assassin. Decklyn, Amara and Amy. They are rescue squad. They will try to evacuate as many people as they possibly can.

Finally, Sei and I are the Bomb squad are goal is fine the bomb and defuse it. When did I become a hero? I had better get paid for this shit later. We all head off

Sei: Where do you think the bomb is at.

Zen: They probably want to cause the most destruction they are going to put it in the dead center of the island. So, my guess it is going to be in the hotel dead center in the is island.

Sei: Ok let's go AHHH !

I turn around. I see one of Sei's heels breaks and she falls on her face and eats dirt. I try hard not to laugh.

Lucky for us the gift shop is selling shoes. How can her heel not break when she is fighting, but when we are just walking it snaps? I find her size and we head to the hotel.

We enter it and spot the bomb. I just sitting there out in the open. No guards. This is not their style. Something is up.


A piecing blade of light comes flying at us. I manage to Dodge but Sei gets hit in the leg. SHIT! It Byakko had not have warned me it would have been a lot.

???: Oh, poo My light strike was avoided. and i only manage to damage one of them Regulus what gives.

We see a girl with blonde hair brown eyes. She looks European and has some Japanese descent.

She is Sei and My age. Her breasts are comparable to Sei. Honestly. She looks like a magical girl.

Yellow dress and lion ears sticking out of her hair. and a tail that is shining like the sun. Who is she talking to.

Could she have contracted with something?

Regulus: It appears that boy and girl have contracted with Demons. They are pretty strong as well Hana you will have to be careful.

Hana: Demons not Celestial Beast? Demon are bad right. They must be with people who has been attacking Wonderland.

All wanted was a vacation with my friends one last hurrah and I do not even get that.

Zen: I think your misunderstanding.....


She charges at me I don't even get time to explain myself when she starts attacking me with her Rapier.

I fuse with Byakko. Danm this stupid magical girl she is not letting me get a word in.

Zen: Can we just talk for.....



The idiot uses her sword to thrust and light blast come out of it. I use darkness to absorb all of her attacks. Than I clash with her sword with Kurohime.

Hana: Your pretty good for someone being the same as me. My Gaston is getting a real workout. For villain you have excellent swordsmanship.

Zen: I am not a villain

Hana: HOW CAN YOU NOT BE A VILLIAN! You are dress in Black. You have and evil like power and your eyes are very scary.

Zen:..... Idiot

Hana: I am not and idiot. You're the idiot .....IDIOT !

Zen: You are such an idiot you can't even come up with a good comeback.

Sei: Um guys


Zen: Oh, Stupid head what are we in grade school. are you sure you are the same age me? Idiot Magical girl Bakahime saving the world but losing 1 I.Q point at a time.

Hana: I am half Japanese. I can understand what you are saying. How dare you call me stupid again.

Zen: Sorry I thought you were so dumb you could not possibly know two languages.


Sei: GUYS !

Hana and Zen: WHAT!

Sei: You know we still have a bomb to defuse and I have no idea what the hell I am doing over here. we are down to two minutes. Can you two please stop fighting. Realize we are all on the same side. Both of you are morons

I just realize what Sei has been doing while I was fighting the moron.

She hobbled her way over and tried to defuse the bomb, but she isn't doing so well because she only got a C on her last bomb defusing test in class.

The two of us put aside our differences and go to the bomb

Hana: You're not with them


She turns red and tilts her head down. Looking like a kid that just got caught doing something wrong.

To apologize Hana heals Sei leg good as new. While I deal with the bomb. This thing is difficult.

It is way more advance than the ones in class. Lucky for me I got and A. have gotten it down to two wires.

One red the other is blue. Three are thirty seconds left.

Zen: Ok Red or Blue

Hana: Red

Zen: Blue it is.

I cut the blue the wire the bomb starts to tick and then it stops.

Oh, I did It THANK FUCKING GOD AND HALALLUEHJA! I covered in sweat and can finally relax now.

If I would have listen to the moron we all would have been blown sky high.

Hana: Did I say red I meant blue

Sei: It a little too late for that. All is well that end well.

Zen: No, it is not we all could have died if I had listen to Bakahime.

At nowhere someone goes crashing through the window. it is Hakuto and he is covered in burn marks and cuts.

His face is all bloody and swollen. Saito comes walking. He raises and eyebrow.

Saito: I did not think that both my grandchildren would be here. Zen this is your cousin Hana Onizuka. She is my son's daughter of My first Marriage. When I lived in France for bit. What can I say I was a player back in the day.



Saito: What are you doing here Hana. I thought you were with your parents in France.

Hana: My parents are moving and I must transfer schools. I would only go if. I could go to wonderland with my friends for the last time.

Why do i have a bad feeling about this.

Saito: What School are you going to now

Hana: Avengers Academy I will be a freshmen once my transfer is complete.