
MARVEL : My mom is a ninja, so am i???

The story centers around a boy who has been reincarnated and as a result, can't remember who he is.   The last thing he remembers before dying is fighting with his friend about which superhero franchise is better. The next thing he knows, he has been reborn as Zen Shade, a half- black, half- Japanese kid.   Let’s just say as soon as he gets shot out of the womb, shit hits the fan. His new mom is not ordinary. She takes out ninjas with a magic sword right after giving birth. Zen thinks she is a badass and does not want to get on her bad side. After being born, he moves to New York and sees the Avengers’ Tower. He later realized he has been reincarnated in the Marvel world. The first fourteen years of his life were pretty chill. He learns a whole lot of shit from his mom from sword fighting to Qui control to martial arts even medicine and poisoning and he even gets a special sword that can cut through anything. BUT!!!! One Day, he is at the bank that a super villain tries to rob. He lets it go, none of his business, he is not a hero. But, they piss him off. So, using his skills and his sword, Kurohime he beats the super villains. This gets the attention of the Principal of Avengers Academy, Old Man Tony Stark who recruits Zen to the academy. There, he meets the kids of super heroes such as Spiderman, the Hulk, and even Thor. He makes friends and enemies. Being a super hero is easy; surviving high school with a ton of super-powered, emotionally unstable teenagers, now that is the hard part. ___________________________________________ (A/N) I will update whenever I can, so don't expect any regular updates. important note: it's not my cover i just picked up from internet. MY FRUIT JIZZ IS OUT AAAHH~~~~~

_MARSHEL_ · Phim ảnh
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46 Chs

Chapter 18. A BITCH and our Hero protecting his heroine

~~Zen's POV~

Decklyn: "I put $150 on Amy."

Sei:"That's a lot of money of you. You must have a lot of of confidence in her."

Decklyn: "Of course, I have confidence in my girlfriend. I was the one taking all of her attacks when we were training together for the past 5 days."

Sei and Zen: "GIRLFRIEND!."

Benny: "Wow, you two have not noticed. You two are real idiots when it involves matters of the heart. Haven't you noticed them spending time together after the dream incident? Both of them leaving at the same time going out on dates. They were not hiding it at all."


Decklyn:" I did tell you but, I think you were too busy counting money. I think Amy tried to tell Sei, but she was looking at a sneezing baby panda video. Then we just forgot about it."

Sei:" I think I would have noticed something like that. Wait she has been going out a lot more. I never thought it was that."

Benny: "She knows what she wants and goes after it. Not like other girls who like to drag their feet. You two have not even kissed yet."

Sei's face instantly turns red. What he said should not be that embarrassing.

Hey, something is up with her like she knows something. Decklyn is just giving a smile. Does he know something I don't?

Decklyn: "Actually..."

Sei walks over and instantly covers Decklyn's mouth. Okay, something's up.

I am about to ask when Sei throws a roll of hundreds out of her pocket.


Zen:" YAY MONEY!."

~~Sei's POV~~

Zen chases after the hundreds like a cat chasing a mouse. I think he just punched a guy.

That ought to get his mind off that subject. When it comes to money, he forgets everything else he's thinking about. It is perfect distraction.

Benny: "You just treated him like a cat with a ball of yarn."

Sei:" Decklyn, if you say what happened in the Dream Dimension to Zen, I will break your fingers. Nod your head if you understand."

He nods his head and I let him go. Benny thinks something suspicious is going on but he does not pry.

I look at Amy on the screen and she literally nukes the competition.

Ref: "Winner Spellcaster."

The prelims were quite easy for the rest of us and before we knew it, the top sixteen were decided.

The top sixteen participants are freshmen Zen, Amy, Benny. Decklyn, Me, Torin, James Rodgers, Tommy Banner, Ethan Cage, Sara Lane, The bitch Clara Barton, Mike Davis, Joey Rand, Zola, Alberto Sanchez, and Finn Macfly.

I start to wonder where Zen is. He has not been back for a while now. Then, I hear an explosion.

Sei: "What was that?."

Benny:"I don't know. But, I have a bad feeling."


Amy: "What idiot would pick a fight with....."

She doesn't even finish her sentence when all of us arrive at the same conclusion.

Everyone: "ZEN!."

The four of us rush to see what's going on. We push our way through the crowd.

Finally, we come to a clearing and I see Zen in his tiger form. He has his new version of Kurohime out and is battling Torin.

Torin also has his ax Fenrir out. They both look pissed off.

Zen:" Usually, I ask for compensation for wasting my time. But for you, I will kick your ass free of charge."

Torin: "I have never hated someone more than I have right now. Your name has been forever burned into my memory. I WILL SEND YOU TO VALHALLA SHADE!."


Everyone's eyes start staring at me. What the hell! This is about me? Don't look at me.

I have no idea what is going on either. But for some reason, my heart starts to beat a little faster. A ref see the commotion



Torin: "For once, I agree with Shade. DO NOT INTERFERE OR YOU WILL BE DESTROYED!."


Sei:" What the hell happened that caused this?."

~~Zen's POV~~

Before the fight

Right now, I am looking for the wad of cash Sei threw. She sure threw that thing far.

But, I can sniff money out like a bloodhound. I see a kid about to pick it up. But, I threaten him and claim the cash.

My stomach starts to gurgle. I knew I should not have had that burrito last night. I quickly head to the bathroom.

I am in there for about an hour, damn burrito. I probably missed everyone's fight. But, I am confident that everyone has passed the prelims.

I saw their names listed in all their brackets. So, they should be good. I finished washing my hands and I see Torin talking to Clara. I never really liked that girl. She came off as a schemer.

Clara:"I thought we had a deal. You get Sei to fall in love with you and then you would dump her."

Torin: "There were complications. I did not expect that guy Shade to appear. That guy has been a real pain-in-the-ass. Don't worry. I will hold up my end of the deal. I started this because I think she is pretty, but She is more of a challenge than I thought. She will be my best conquest yet."

As I am hearing this my hands are wound so tight that a little bit of blood comes from them. My blood is boiling.

He wants to just use Sei and treat her like some sort of toy. I am getting increasingly angry as I am listening to this.

Clara: "That Mob daughter has embarrassed me repeatedly. It's time she gets a little payback. How dare that little slut look down on me when she is the daughter of a gangster. I have already isolated her from the class. It would have been only a matter of time before she would have left on her own. If that transfer student hadn't shown up. My plan would have succeeded by now. I can't have trash like that in our Academy."

Torin: "First, I just did this for the money. Now, I want to take her away from that bastard. I want him to look on jealously. After I break off their relationship, I will be done with her."

I can't take it anymore and I throw two throwing knives that I keep around my ankles. Torin manages to dodge them both. But Clara is hit in the shoulder.

Clara: "AHAHAH!." (that's what you deserve you b|T¢π(


Zen: "SHUT UP!."

They look around and see me. Clara looks shocked and Torin looks angry.

Zen: " I heard everything."

Clara: "What are you going to do? Tell a teacher."

Zen: "No, I am just going to kick both your asses. I don't give a damn if you're a girl."

Clara: "Powers are prohibited outside of duels and gym."

Zen: "Like I give damn about the fucking rules. Did you Know Sei was the very first friend in my fourteen years of life. Hearing you talk about her like that makes me angry. I never knew this about myself.  But, I am very protective of my friends. BYAKKO FUSION!."


Every time I do this I feel like a super saiyen because my hair and my eyes turn a different color.

Before you know it, I am instantly by Clara and I pimp slap her.  She is sent flying.  

A Pimp slap was perfect for her.  If she wants to act like a bitch, I will treat her like bitch. Then, I go for Torin and I kick him.

He's sent flying.  But he blocks  the attack with his Ax. I can see a bit of blood come out of his mouth.


Torin: "YOU! To make me bleed; trash like you actually made me bleed. SUCH HUMILIATION; I CAN NOT LET THIS GO UNTILL I TEAR YOU APART!."


We begin our fight.  Torin with his Axe and Me with my sword, we begin slashing away causing destruction in our path. crowd started to form around us.

~~Back to present time~~

Zen: "The two of us can't live under the same sky."

Torin: "I agree."

We charge at each other; but, we are stopped by someone grabbing us by the collar. The kid looks eighteen or so.

He must be a senior and he is strong. He manages to grab both us at the same time.

He has black hair, green eyes, and a strong build. He also has a scar above one of his eyebrows.

???:" Freshman sure are scrappy this year."


Logan: "I usually don't interfere in a kid fight but, you're destroying my favorite napping spot. I can't let that happen."



He bonks our heads together.

Zen: "Ow!!."

Torin: "Ow!!!!!!!!!!!!."

Logan: "I don't know what is going on and I don't care. If you are going to fight, you can fight in the tournament; unless you want to have a couple of rounds with me."

Energy comes over his body and pressure is dominating. I am no match for that guy. He is stronger than I am.

Torin: "Fine. We'll settle this later."

Zen: "fine."

He lets us both go. I get in one good punch.

Torin: "YOU BASTARD!."

Zen: "That one was for Sei. You said your name was Logan Macalister right. I don't care who you are or how strong you are; get in my way again and I am going to bite back."

Everyone looks shocked at what I just said.

Logan: "hahahahahahahahha this kid. You will bare your fangs at anyone who pisses you off even if they're stronger than a wild animal. We definitely have some interesting freshmen this year. Kid what's your name?."

Zen: "Zen."

Logan:" I will remember it."

After that, I undo my fusion and walk away. Amy, Benny, Decklyn and Sei follow. People clear a path and are looking at me like I am some sort of moron. I don't give damn.

Decklyn: "I said it before; I will say it again. balls of steel."

Benny: "Do you realize who you just threatened. That was Logan Macalister, strongest guy in the school. He can even challenge some teachers."

Zen: "For now."

Benny: "What?."

Zen: "Strongest for now."

Sie: "Why were you so angry?."

Zen: "Don't worry about it. It's over. Now, I must go blackmail someone so I will see you before the second round starts." (i like this fellow even more)

Everyone:" huh!??! what."

If Clara tells people what I did to her,I will defiantly be disqualified and won't be able to wring that bastard's neck. So, I head off leaving confused people behind me