
Marvel: My Iron Suit

A person named Ray got the power to travel different universes. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a FanTranslation with some things changed. Author: Steel Battle Suit _____________________ Original- https://www.uukanshu.com/b/70950/ _____________________ If you like my work consider Supporting! https://www.patreon.com/AbyssFC 100 Stones = 1 Extra Ch 200 Stones = 2 Extra Ch ______________________ English is not my first language.

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61 Chs

Sneaking In

Carter wanted to say something, but Ray raised his hand to stop her.

"No changes. The rest of the journey is not difficult for us, and there is no need to risk approaching."

Carter didn't insist anymore after hearing the words. After all, Ray was the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D, and he always made the battle plan. He was the mainstay of all combat affairs, and even Colonel Phillips seldom intervened in his combat operations.

The Hydra base was only thirty miles away from the front line. At the speed of a plane, it quickly entered the mountains and approached the base.

Ray pretended to "take out" his weapons and equipment from the cargo compartment at the rear of the cabin. He carried the shield and the King's Sword behind his back, and two black M1911 pistols were inserted into the holsters on both sides of his thighs. Twenty knives were inserted into the armed belt.

After confirming the location of the Hydra base, Ray and Steve parachuted ahead of time two hills away from the base.

"Be careful!"

Carter shouted to the two of them standing at the cabin door.

With the cover of the night, Ray and Steve quietly landed in the woods, sorted out their equipment, found the right direction, and quickly walked towards the Hydra base.

With their extraordinary speed and physical strength, they quickly sneaked to the vicinity of the Hydra base and hid in a forest in front of the gate.

The Hydra base not far away was like a giant beast lurking in the night. The huge building dozens of meters high stretches across the mountains like a majestic dam.

A wall composed of tall concrete columns and barbed wire surrounded the entire base, leaving only a gate in front of Ray, which was connected to the outside world through a forest path.

More than a dozen bright searchlight columns swept inside and outside the base constantly, searching the darkness.

It's not going to be easy to sneak in quietly. Although the wall is useless to Ray, as the sword of the king can be easily cut open.

But there is a wide-open field between the wall and the base. Even if the two of them are fast, they can easily be exposed to the searchlights that scan back and forth frequently and thus startle the enemies.

The two hid in the woods and waited quietly for an opportunity.

Just when Steve was about to wait impatiently, Ray suddenly said softly.

"See there!"

Steve looked at Ray suspiciously and found that his eyes were directed to the end of the forest trail connecting the Hydra base.

Steve's gaze followed, it was a path in the forest, but it was three or four meters wide. The path opened in the woods, and there were tall and lush trees on both sides.

Under Steve's gaze, there was soon movement at the end of the road.

First, there was a faint sound of the engine. It was getting closer and clearer to them, and then two lights shot from the darkness. It was obvious that a vehicle was coming.

Not long after, several trucks came out from the corner at the end of the road. Ray glanced at Steve and reminded him in a low voice.

"Follow me"

Steve nodded, followed behind Ray, and approached the side of the road quietly. After a few trucks passed by, Ray took the lead, quickly dodged out of the woods where he was hiding, rushed to the back of the last truck, and flipped over with a single jump into the cargo.

Steve followed closely and jumped in. When he stood firm in the carriage and looked intently, he saw that Ray had already sat down on the wooden box on the side of the carriage, while two fully armed soldiers lay on the ground with a knife inserted in their eyes.

"Take back the knife and throw all the corpses out!"

Steve hurriedly agreed, stepped forward and pulled out the knife, wiped it clean, and handed it back to Ray. He easily picked up a corpse with one hand and threw it out from the back of the car.

The truck they were in was at the end of the convoy. There was dark and dead wood behind the car. There was no light source. All they could see was pitch blackness.

The truck convoy successfully entered the gate of the Hydra base and stopped in front of the warehouse on the side of the base. The materials carried on the truck will be unloaded one by one here.

Several fully-armed Hydra soldiers patrolled back and forth in front of the warehouse, and a group of workers quickly came to the first truck to start carrying supplies.

Taking advantage of the fact that the workers and guards outside did not notice this, Ray and Steve quickly jumped out of the carriage and sneaked towards the towering base building in the dark.

Between the warehouse and the huge base building is a wide open space, Dozens of black heavy tanks and armored vehicles were neatly parked in the open space, and the skull and hydra logo on the body looked more icy and evil in the night.

There was a large number of Hydra Corps armored mechanized troops stationed in this base, and Steve can't help but worry a little about whether he can successfully rescue the prisoners or not.

But seeing Ray's tall and steady figure in front of him, Steve calmed down inexplicably, put aside his distracting thoughts, and followed closely behind Ray.

Under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, dodging the searchlights and patrolling Hydra soldiers, they quickly passed through the open space and came to a row of long buildings connected to the base building. A heavy vehicle more than three meters high was parked right next to the wall.

Ray stepped on the armored vehicle and quickly climbed to the roof, followed by Steve, completely disappearing off the Hydra soldiers patrolling below.

The two quickly ran along the roof to the tall base building in the distance. The buildings along the way were different in height, but the height of three or five meters was not a problem for the two of them. The two climbed all the way. In the darkness of the night, they approached the building silently, and successfully sneaked into the base through a window.

Ray was very clear about the situation in the base, including the internal structure and layout of the entire building.

Ray carefully sensed the surrounding situation, led Steve to avoid waves of Hydra soldiers, passed through the perimeter smoothly, and entered the inner area of the base. The huge production workshop of the weapons factory was fully exposed in front of them.

The outer periphery of the entire building was separated by layers, but in the middle of the building, the area that occupies nearly half of the entire building is a huge production workshop that is connected up and down, with a height of tens of meters.

Chapter Length: 1188 words

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