
Marvel: Mission System

This fanfic is about a young guy who became a transmigrator but later fought the transmigrator who is ambitious enough to cover the world which he didn't like to protect his family and to avoid the destruction of the Main character of MCU and change some plots. ======= The new author kindly gives me some suggestions and if you see a mistake just comment to fix it. P.s English is a second language and knows some basic grammar.

The_World_4215 · Phim ảnh
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Haise and Origami arrive at her school, he then goes with her holding his hands while other people misunderstood us because we look like a couple, a black hair and white hair couple which is a pretty good combination, to be honest.

"I hope I can be her girlfriend."

"Don't hope because the girl he held with, start staring at you."

The girl who blurted out those words turned and look at Origami glaring at her with a smug on her face which annoyed the girl but she know that she can't do anything against her because she often sees this girl is good at anything except cooking, she can cook in the average way that can be eaten without being delicious or disgusting.

They then arrive at the front door of the school leading inside, he then separates his hands from Origami hands which struggle a bit then lets go but sulking over it.

Looking at her expression, he then pats her head and messes with her hair that making her happy.

"I will be back with a girl after doing something." He thinks about a minute before saying with a smile on his face.

Origami heard his word, she look at him with an expressionless face but within her eye is full of joy and affection.

She then nodded and went her way while turning away, she then waved at him.

Haise then waved back much to his embarrassment. After waving at her, he then takes a taxi to their home because he has to do his quest for today.


[Side Quest]

- The system decided to give you a quest to prepare yourself before the disaster arrives.


100 Sword Swing [0/100]

100 Sword Piercing [0/100]

100 Sword Slash [0/100]

100 Sword Block [0/100]

Kill 50 Robots [0/50]

Duration: 1 day

Reward: 5+ Level Up and 5 Year of memories and experience about Swordsmanship


Looking at his daily quest, he then went to the house without hesitation. Why does he train at his house, well he got a training function in his System that slows time like two times and he got a training robot to get experience with but they are average like having stats of 10 Strength, 10 Agility, and 10 Endurance but they are smart which can make his battle harder than an average person.

As for the orb thingy he gives it to Origami. Well, the system gives it upon seeing Origami because the System said that she is a genius mage that you can see once a thousand years which is not surprising for him. I mean, she is a SS Rank Spirit in her alternative world. (The one where she is the one who killed her parents while the past Origami witnessed her family getting killed by the Future Origami)

As for why he gives it fast. Well, here is the answer to it.


[Side Quest]

- The system detects a genius mage that only appeared once five hundred years. Find it and give her an item that recovers her mana and makes her control it.


Gave it to her


After arriving at her school

Reward: Upgrade All Magic Ability to D & 1 Gacha Ticket

Punishment: -10 Reduced Intelligence Stats


A blue orb appeared in his palm, he then look at it for a second. A translucent blue screen appeared before his eye.


Mana Orb [S]

- A item that can control your mana with great skill and fix your mana within your soul.


(Note: I created this item because why not, it's just fanfic not novel.)

After looking at the quest, he then gave it to her without question because, in Haise memory, Origami mind is uncontrollable which can result in full of negative feelings but can be solved temporarily but making her happy which is hard for everybody except him.

The taxi shone brightly that he closed his eye while his hands in front of him because of the glow but good thing, it can only be seen in the taxi, not the outside which is good but he knows that the bald woman detect it because of the high energy just to fix Origami mana within her soul.

That happen before he arrive at their home which his parents bought to prepare an unexpected thing to happen which happen.

As for what my parent's jobs are. Well, my father is a police officer and my mother is a lawyer which is a good career but dangerous at the time because you can get involved in dangerous things like seeing something you shouldn't see or something like that.

After arriving at their home, he takes out his key from his pocket and unlocks the door. After unlocking the door, he then open it and closed it.

He then went to his bedroom which is on the second floor where his family sleeps. Haise room, Origami room, and Parents room.

For the first floor is the living room where you can find a sofa, a glass table in the middle of it, a television and a ceiling fan.

Arrive in his room, he then heads inside the room.

He then sits at his bed he takes a deep breath to suppress his excitement because his luck is bad in the previous life but he never knows if his luck in his current life is good or bad.

He needs an answer because, with good luck, he can get a good skill, item, and ability that is valuable for him.

He then opens his inventory, he sees a golden ticket in his inventory and take it out.

A golden ticket then appeared in his hands, he then take another deep breath to calm himself. After calming himself, he then does his ritual to get lucky.

"Lady of Luck, lend me luck for today's action."

After finishing his simple ritual to not get himself a disappointment, he then split the golden ticket that has the letter [Gacha] on it into two.

He then heard a sound in his head that indicates the notification of the system.

[You obtained.....]

Suggestion about our Mc and his sister hero/anti hero name?

The_World_4215creators' thoughts