December 31st, 1983
Dark Dimension
Sacrificial Chamber
In a dark room, a woman with pure white hair and enchanting blue eyes was seen pacing back and forth in great distress in front of a glass case with a tiny sleeping baby in it. The case was set in the middle of a giant runic circle that was glowing light blue.
The baby seemed to have been molded by the Gods; with pure white tufts of hair and a face that seemed to have been sculpted by Michelangelo himself.
This, of course, was Jack Worthington: Author Extraordinaire.
"Don't worry, my sweet little thing. Everything will be okay, mommy will take care of you." The woman with white hair and enchanting blue eyes was seen crying over the small glass case after approaching it.
"CLEA! What do you think you're doing?! YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED IN HERE!!" A booming voice resounded throughout the cave.
"Father! I'm sorry! I was just seeing how little Jack was doing," replied the terrified girl after giving a startled jump.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTORY OUR MASTER'S HARD WORK?! STEP AWAY FROM THE CASE AND MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE RUNIC ARRAY! YOU'VE ALREADY RUINED THE GREAT DORMAMMU'S PLANS ONCE!" A huge man with a golden upside down triangle mask boomed as he strode into the cave. He was at least 13 feet tall, with muscles Arnold would be jealous of.
This man is Orini, the first disciple of Dormammu and the father of the pitiful woman.
"Father, please don't do this. Jack will be the best servant possible for Dormammu. We don't have to sacrifice him, please, father, he's your grandson as well," replied the sobbing woman.
"HAH, pathetic! The greatest Dark Dimension Sorceress alive is actually crying over a half-human VERMIN! Ever since that worthless mortal, Winston impregnated you, you were dead to me. A mortal we were supposed to bleed dry, and you were actually impregnated by that fool! That little piece of trash is no grandson of mine! He'll be nutrients for the Dark Dimension, and our Lord Dormammu will master the element of ice through this mortal morsel." Orini boomed with palpable anger and fanaticism.
Clea, knowing the level of fanaticism her father had, knew that nothing she said would get through to him. After all, she was just like him, not even a year ago. Everything changed, though, when she found out she was pregnant with Winston Frosts' child.
With one last defiant look towards her father and another sad one directed at her son, she wiped her eyes and left the cave reminiscing about the past year and where it all went wrong.
Winston Frost was only supposed to be a sacrificial lamb, so to speak. The disciples of the Dark Dimension scouted him out due to his wealth and vile character. After finding a perfect subject to fund their endeavors on the mortal side of Earth, Orini volunteered to Dormammu for his daughter to be the one who makes contact.
With utmost fanaticism, Clea promised she would get the funds and have Winston under her thumb within the year.
She needed to siphon enough funds from Winston to afford the ingredients needed to open up a runic array that would connect the Dark Dimension to Earth.
Bypassing the Ancient One's ward structure surrounding Earth by building it inside the ward structure itself was the only way Dormammu would be able to invade this pitiful planet. The biggest problem is infiltrating Earth itself. That bald bitch has that planet locked down tighter than a virgin's ass.
According to Dark Dimension followers on Earth, the needed amount is nearly $2.3 billion for the needed runic ingredients, and it would take an additional 10 years to make even if all the funds were secured.
So, Dormammu sent Clea to Earth on January 2nd, 1983, through an esoteric amulet that allows only a being with a certain amount of power to use. Beings like Dormammu are too powerful for the amulet to transfer.
Unfortunately, the amulet only has two uses, for getting there and getting back, after that it disintegrates.
That bald magician has been such a pain in the ass for Dormammu; he actually spared an entire world full of sentient beings to get this amulet. For a few days at least.
At first, it was going exceedingly well. She had found Winston easily enough, and she soon had Winston under her thumb with mind magic. After controlling him, she had funds continually pumped into an offshore account.
What she didn't expect was that after a while, Winston started to get more and more enamored with her.
With extravagent gifts from Earth and other romantic cultural gestures she has never experienced before, she eventually gave in and slept with him on March 3rd, 1983.
The next morning, not knowing that the leaking energy she emitted while having sex awakened Winston's X-Gene, she made her way into the bathroom relaxed.
The next thing she knew, she was shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dart, passing out on the cold, hard floor.
"Mr. Frost, she's been incapacitated, Sir." A burly soldier in decked out tactical gear reported through his walkie-talkie.
Repelling down from skylight window, the soldier landed next to the unconscious body of Clea.
"Received," was the short reply he received.
A while later, a blonde man with blue eyes walked into the bathroom. After that wild sex last night, it felt like a fog cleared from his brain. He could think clearer and remember everything that's happened to him since a child, and he swore he thought he could hear the voices in others' heads.
With this fog cleared, memories he didn't know he had kept appearing in his mind.
One of those memories is of Clea using some sort of black mass to control his thoughts and actions. He remembers resisting it at first but later submitting to it after a grueling mindscape battle. After that, he remembered transferring $50 million every month to an offshore Swedish account for a total loss of $150 million.
Knowing Clea is most likely the cause of this, Winston contacted his families mercenary contacts to subdue this woman after she fell asleep.
Within the hour, a fully armed squad of men were outside Frost manor and ready to engage.
"What should we do with her, sir?" The burly soldier who shot the tranq dart asked.
"Send her to the 'Frost Institute for the Mentally Insane'. She'll fit in real nice there." Said Winston with a devilish smirk. After that, he turned and left without looking back even once.
Luckily, on the way to Mental Asylum, Clea woke up bound to a stretcher. With returning clarity, she realized she fucked up. So, with her bound arms and the tranquilizer still running through her system, she had no choice but to return to the Dark Dimension using the amulet. Afterall, she couldn't risk one of these mortals taking it and her being trapped in some prison.
After injecting her energy into the amulet, a black hole was opened, and with it, the whole truck fell in, leaving Clea and the team transporting her to be never seen again.
After returning to the Dark Dimension, Clea knew that Dormammu would exact a harrowing punishment upon her for failing a 10 year long mission in 3 months.
She just didn't know at the time how unforgiving his punishment would really be.
March 4th, 1983
Dark Dimension
"I beg for your forgiveness, Lord Dormammu. It was not my intention to ruin your plans. Please let me make up for it in any way possible!" A kneeling Clea pleaded to the giant grotesque being sat upon an obisdian like throne. Orini could be seen on his left, guarding him like a dog.
*Clrunchhhh* "Clea, how disappointed I am in you... Once one of the most promising, to now nothing more than a useless sack of meat with some magical talent," Dormammu said while snacking on one of the mercanaries transporting Clea. Blood and guts pouring down his jaw.
Clea didn't dare to respond.
After what seemed like an eternity, Dormammu threw the rest of the screaming mercanaries into his mouth and stated, "Since you failed, you'll need to be punished," Dormammu cackled with guts and flesh swirling in his mouth.
Clea, already shivering, replied, "I'll do anything in my power to make up for this folly Lord Dormammu, you have my word!"
"Good, good," Dormammu replied while wiping the blood off his face.
"Your punishment will be the sacrifice of that disgusting little fetus that's infesting your womb. It'll be a great nutrient for the Realm, I can already feel the power radiating off it." Dormammu said with a gnarly grin, skin from the mercanaries stuck between his teeth.
In what felt like an instant 20°C drop in temperature, Clea managed to stutter out:
"W-w-what do you m-mean fetus? I can't be with a child! I only slept with Winston once, and that was only yesterday!"
"WHOREEEE!!!" Orini screamed while rushing at his daughter.
With a smack that seemed to resound through Dormammu's throne room, Clea was thrown to the floor by her own father.
*KICK* *KICK* *KICK* Orini swiftly followed her body on the floor to deliver 3 devastating kicks.
With 3 consecutive strikes to her midsection, Clea would not be surprised if her child had already perished.
"YOUR DARE RUIN THE GREAT DORMAMMU'S PLANS BY SPREADING YOUR WHORE LEGS?!" The towering giant Orini was frothing under is mask. His anger, a sight to behold. With punches and kicks, Clea was on the ground crying and unable to get up.
"Orini, stop. We don't want to hurt the child after all." Dormammu said nonchalantly.
Instantly, Orini turned back into his submissive self and kneeled in front of Dormammu.
"Yes, Master, I'm sorry about my outburst. It won't happen again." Seemingly a different person, none of the previous anger was shown.
"Now, take your daughter and make sure she's well fed until she gives birth. I can feel the energy emitting from her womb, and that child will bring me to a new level of power after it's sacrificed." Dormammu said after taking a sip from his chalice filled with blood of unknown creatures.
"YES, MY MASTER!," Orini responded immediately.
After striding over to his daughter, he picked her up by the arm and dragged her into the deepest cave the Dark Dimension has and threw away the key; completely forgetting about her for the next 9 months.
December 25th, 1983
Dark Dimension
Clea's Cave
"ARGHGGH" In a deep and dark cave in the Dark Dimension, a beautiful woman with white hair and dazzling blue eyes that don't match her depressing surroundings is currently giving birth.
"You can do it, mi'lady! Push! Push! The baby is crowning!" An excited green skinned alien girl that couldn't be any older than 16 could be seen tending to this woman. Most likely, one of the many slave's Dormammu has acquired through his conquests, she has been assigned to watch after Clea for these past 9 months.
"AGHHHHHHHHHH" With one final push, the woman squeezed out little Jack Worthington.
"Wahhhh wahhhhhh wahhhhh wahhhh!!!" A baby's wailing could immediately be heard. The baby was absolutely beautiful. The green skinned girl has never seen a baby so cute before.
Obviously, as a newborn, Jack has not awoken his consciousness. That didn't stop him from wailing at the top of his lungs, though.
"Congratulations mi'lady it's a beautiful baby bo-" Before the girl could even finish her sentence, her head was crushed by Orini with his giant fist, spraying blood everywhere in the cave. Even covering Jack in blood.
Clea, having just given birth, fainted from shock.
"This little vermin deserves no congratulations. It's from the seed of a mortal. This things only purpose will be to give sustenance for the Great Dormammu. How dare trash like you call it beautiful." After spitting on the corpse of the green skinned girl, Orini turned and left with Jack clutched in his hand like a football, heading for the sacrificial chamber; all while leaving Clea, his daughter, fainted in a mess of blood and gore.
Present Day: December 31st, 1983
Dark Dimension
Clea's Cave
Clea, having relived those awful memories, decided that she has had enough. She used to be a Dormammu fanatic, but ever since she gave birth to Jack, her view of the world has done a complete 180.
She wouldn't abandon her child like her mother did to her. Clea decided it was time for her to let go of the hatred she had held in the mother she never met. She wanted to try and be the thing she wished for the most as a child: a good mother.
Being a sorceress who has lived for thousands of years, Clea was determined to find a way to save her son before he was sacrificed.
Unfortunately, she has no methods that would work in time to stop the sacrifice. Except one.
Bartering with a being on the same level of Dormammu is her only chance to save her son. He's too heavily protected by Orini, and she isn't confident enough in taking Jack while keeping him and Dormammu at bay.
So, she made a decision only a loving mother with no more options would make: She contacted Mephisto.
"Amane, Sumano, Victorum, Sequith, Falocum" In a chant like voice, Clea could be seen amidst a giant pentagram, with numerous skulls of different races adorning the intersections of every line.
After finishing the chant, the blood red pentagram could be seen glowing eerily. With a giant *POOF*, all the skulls burst into a blood mist covering the middle of the pentgram in a blood haze.
After 20 or so seconds, the blood dispered, leaving a 6'5 muscular blood red demon standing there. He was draped in a scarlet cape, and he seemed to be made out of blood.
"Oh? How very interesting, a half Faltine has summoned me." The blood red demon stated.
After receiving no reply, he continued, "Why have you summomed me, the Great Mephisto, woman?"
"I wish to barter," she replied, trying to look as imposing as possible.
With a slight uplift in his smirk, Mephisto said, "What is it you wish for, and what is it you're willing to trade." He finished his sentence with obvious giddiness.
"Dormammu is going to sacrifice my son. I want you to save him. I want you to transport him to Earth, untouched, unharmed, healthy, and alive. I want him in a place you and any other being like you won't be able to harm him. I want him in a place where he can grow and be himself. As for the price I'm willing to pay? Anything," Clea responded with an ice cold resolve.
Shocked, Mephisto replied, "Even your undying soul?"
"Yes," Clea responded with no hesitation.
"Very well, half Faltine, you have yourself a deal. Your soul, in exchange for your little boys continued survival and safe transportation." Mephisto said with a bloodthirsty smirk.
Decreasing the power of that shitstain Dormammu and receiving a rare soul in exchange, Mephisto felt like he hit the jackpot.
After conjuring a contract for both of them to sign, they both reviewed it and stamped their blood fingerprints on the signature line after finding no loopholes.
"Now, show me to your son. We should do this fast before Dormammu catches wind of this." Mephisto stated.
"Okay, follow me." Knowing that after she walked out of her cave, there was no turning back, she resolutely walked through the exit.
January 1st, 1984
Dark Dimension
Sacrificial Room
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, c'mon now little Orini, that's no way to talk to your daughter. You should show some respect." Mephisto, having said that, gouged one of Orini's eyes out with his long-clawed finger.
Though he didn't dare to kill him in Dormammu's realm, inflicting some pain won't matter.
While Orini was screaming in pain, Clea approached her son for only the second time since his birth. As she peeked into the glass container holding her son, the most beautiful blue eyes she's ever seen were looking back at her.
"Damn, who is this hot babe?! Why is she in this gross dungeon? She's definitely one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen!" Thought Jack while looking up from his enclosed container.
"How lucky of me, the first thing I see in a brand new world is such a beautiful woman. Things are definitely looking up!" Jack thought optimistically.
"My son, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry we'll never get to spend time together. I'm so sorry I was so weak, that I couldn't even protect you. I'm so sorry for bringing you into the world like this. You don't deserve to grow up without family like I did. That's why I sold my soul to Mephisto to hopefully buy you a chance at a happy life." The beautiful woman explained while crying all over the glass case containing Jack.
"Er, spoke too soon" Jack lamented.
Jack is absolutely speechless from this information bomb. He had a bewildered look on his little baby face. This beautiful lady is my mom? Why did she sell her soul to save me? Mephisto? Fuck.
Before he could contemplate more, Mephisto came from behind Clea and said, "So this is the little tike you sold your soul for, huh? The thing is pretty cute, I guess. Well, Clea, it's time to fulfill the bargain." Mephisto said with a smirk.
"Wait, Clea? as in Clea Strange?" Before Jack could finish that thought, Mephisto shoved his arm through Cleas back, ripping a hole through her chest. With a clenched fist, he pulled back, and her soul was separated from her body.
With a blood curdling screech, Clea's soul was stuffed into a small bottle by Mephisto. "Nice, another rare one for the collection." Mephisto exclaimed.
Jack being completely stunned by this action was despondent at first, but then became extremely enraged. This woman who obviously loved him so much was just killed in front of him. In his past life, he had no parents, so seeing this woman that was supposed to be his mother in this life get torn apart like that made something inside Jack break.
"WAHHHHHHHHHH" Jack, not knowing how to respond, just let out an angry wail.
"Oh, is that rage I hear and feel? From a baby no less?" Mephisto approached the glass container that contained Jack.
Staring back at him were hate filled crystal blue eyes. Jack swore that he would rip this fucker apart when he grows up. Perhaps he could team up with Doom?
Mephisto, feeling a chill down his back, said, "Eh, fiesty little one, aren't we? If I didn't sign that soul contract with your mother, I would've gouged your pretty little eyes out and feasted on your flesh for daring to look at me like that." Mephisto was going over the contract in his head looking for anyway to kill this little shit.
After a while of thinking, Mephisto sighed, "No matter, off to Earth you go." With a wave of his hand, a black hole opened up beneath the glass capsule, swallowing Jack up whole.
Turning around, Mephisto saw the one-eyed Orini crying over his dead daughter's body. "Eh, that's odd." Mephisto thought.
"Whatever, better get out of here before Dormammu shows up and that crying bitch decides to do something stupid." With a flick of his fingers, Mephisto disappeared.
Luckily, he did before a booming voice resounded throughout the Dark Dimension.
A giant being seemed to emerge from the darkness of the Dark Dimension. Looking at the slave town below him, he slammed his arm down, killing hundreds of thousands of slaves instantly from the impact in a blinding rage.