
Marvel: Keeper of Secrets and Lies

As the son of chaos and sibling to the primordials, Echo is an OC and the God of secrets and lies. Follow Echo as he develops to become the strongest primordial. MC is Bi, and is in a poly relationship. This is my first time writing anything like a story so please ignore the spelling or grammar. (better yet point it out if you find it) The chapters might be short. This is a marvel AU. (I don’t own Marvel)

Lazy_Reader5567 · Phim ảnh
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13 Chs

Chapter 9: Battles and Shackles (II)

"It was the right decision to give a power boost to the titans otherwise these fights will be over far too quickly" Echo said while watching the ongoing battles 'maybe I should have given them a bigger boost aren't they losing a bit too quickly?'

"Its fine these fights are causing too much damage and the time I will need to take to clean the resulting energies is already a lot"

"That's true" said Echo nodding in understanding

"oh it looks like one of the fights are about to end, I should head over to make sure none of my children are killed" Gaea said and disappeared. Echo continued eating his food and watching the battles 'I need a way to show this in the future, it will be fun to show these memories to my future children' he said while again thinking of Hestia.


Demeter vs Tethys

{same time as the other fights}

"I have a feeling I am going to lose this time" said Tethys

"your probably right, I mean the boost we got was stronger than yours even without our weapons" replied Demeter

"Damn you have weapons now?"

"Yh we just couldn't use them because they were too powerful"

"you couldn't use them because they were too powerful? Damn that is so unfair."

" I know right, but I can already see this causing problems in the future"

"well Zeus is a lot like Kronos, and Zeus isn't the time to correct his personality issues just because someone asked him too"

"tell me about it, and I bet he is going to become even more arrogant when he becomes king of Olympus, cause there is no way Hera or Poseidon stand a chance not when he is Rheas favourite child"

"Ahaha good luck to you, I'm quite looking forward to my vacation in Tartarus, we are actually quite good friends although he and my husband (Oceanus) don't get along well"

"damn this kind of pisses me off, I'm defiantly going to send you down there with at least 2 black eyes and you wont be able to move for at least a month" Demeter said with a smirk

"ahaha please go easy on me" Tethys says trying to earn some sympathy.

"Nope." Demeter said emphasizing the P.

Demeter pulls out a pitch black scythe with green lines pulsing through it.

"damn that looks really sick, I want one for myself, or maybe even a staff with a bunch of rivers surrounding it"

"ask the Hecatoncheires if you decide escape Tartarus"

"will do" said Tethys as she surround herself with plants and raging rivers.

Demeter shot forward and sliced through her defence and hit her in the head with blunt end of the scythe handle.

"Damn" said Tethys weakly as she collapsed

Gaea turned up to see the collapse form of Tethys and Demeter leaning on her scythe with a bored look on her face

"are you ever going to tell your siblings how strong you really are?" ask Gaea with a hint of amusement on her face

"Probably not as then they will start to see me as a threat and that sounds like a hassle to deal with"

Gaea just nodded and picked up Tethys like a sack of potatoes and walked away.

'she is always a weird one' thought Gaea

'troublesome' thought Demeter


Hypnos + Thanatos vs the titans

{same time as the other battles}

"so how do you want to do this one on one or all at once" ask Hypnos to the titans

" who are you" Coeus inquired

"I am Thanatos lord of death and the son of the primordials Nyx and Erebus"

"And I am Hypnos lord of sleep and the son of the primordials Nyx and Erebus"

After they finished their introductions the titans sweated a little. They themselves could count as a third generation primordial as they were born of a primordial and a half primordial, while the Olympians could be counted as a fourth generation primordial but by then then the bloodline is too diluted to really contain the power of a primordial.

"Why are my lords participating in the war?" ask Iapetus

"Training." Replied Thanatos

"You must have been weakened to fight on our level while we have been given a boost to give us an edge over the battle." Themis deduced showing of her wisdom and her theory being confirmed when Thanatos nodded.

"Then lets us fight all together as I doubt even in your weakened state we could beat you one on one" this time it was Theia who spoke.

"before we start what is your divinity?" Hypnos asked Mnemosyne

"memories" she replied

Hypnos nodded he felt a connection to her when he saw her and now he understood why, her and his divinities were closely related as divinities of the mind. He would remember her for later.

They lined up to face each other

Mnemosyne started by launching a physic attack to try to lock away their memories of fighting but it was blocked but a wave of physic energy from Hypnos who then sent out a wave of energy to make the titans sleep.

Seeing the energy coming towards them they all jumped away and started to surround the two.

Thanatos was more of a close to mid range fighter using a pair of sickles attached to a chain that can pull out a target soul, while Hypnos was a long ranged fighter that used physic attack to disorientate and incapacitate his enemies, he could also fight close range but preferred not too, his weapon was a giant pillow that enhanced his physic attacks and can transform into a shield or spear.

{imagine death's sickles from Puss in Boots with a chain attached and Kings pillow from the Seven Deadly Sins}

As the titans surrounded the brothers they pulled out their weapons with Thanatos switching to his divine form and Hypnos going to sleep on his pillow. His power get a slight boost if he is asleep when fighting, he use this instead of a divine form as he doesn't get a power boost from it.

Hypnos was trying to attempt what Echo suggested earlier, bringing dreams into reality.

'this is harder than I thought it would be, I need a medium of sorts to bring the imagined into reality'

"Stop getting distracted" shouted Thanatos as he dragged Hypnos from a punch from Iapetus.

Focusing back on the battle Hypnos send out mental attacks toward the attackers while continuously dodging the attacks.

Thanatos speed dominated to battle with the only person able to keep up being Theia using the power of sight. But nobody could out run him as nobody can outrun death.

Thanatos threw his sickle to Coeus who was the weakest in the group, he was more suited to research than a battle field. The sickle embedded itself in the titans shoulder and he fell forward as his soul was threating to come out. It didn't as Thanatos didn't want to kill any of his cousins.

As Coeus fell disoriented Hypnos to his chance to put him to sleep, now it is a two vs four.

Seeing their sibling collapse the other titans knew they weren't going to win this, they haven't even landed a single hit on the weakened primordials.

This was understandable, when they were young they were trained in combat by Erebus and Nyx while the titans never really have training in working together formally as they got rid of their father and pissed off their mother.

The fight didn't last much longer with the same thing repeating with Themis, then Iapetus, then Mnemosyne and finally Theia who thanks to her sight she could dodge the attack coming towards her but she had no defence against physic attack now that Mnemosyne was taken down.

Gaea then showed up with a smile "you two did very well fighting even when weakened so much but you ended this fight a bit too quickly so he is not happy" she said making them shiver

"exactly I didn't get a good look at your full strength, it looks like I'm going to have to get you to show me your full strength in other ways, maybe I should make them face a weaker celestial?" he said showing up behind them scaring them but not as much until they heard that last part. They had heard about celestials from their parents and knew they wouldn't be a match for it.

As Gaea was collecting her children and the brothers were panicking and begging their uncle for anything else than fighting a celestial. They heard a massive explosion of lighting go off in the distance.