
Marvel: Keeper of Secrets and Lies

As the son of chaos and sibling to the primordials, Echo is an OC and the God of secrets and lies. Follow Echo as he develops to become the strongest primordial. MC is Bi, and is in a poly relationship. This is my first time writing anything like a story so please ignore the spelling or grammar. (better yet point it out if you find it) The chapters might be short. This is a marvel AU. (I don’t own Marvel)

Lazy_Reader5567 · Phim ảnh
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: Collecting reinforcements

While the battle was getting closer Echo left mount Olympus to gather reinforcements, as the Olympians are entirely outclassed. Seeing as the first generation Primordials cannot interfere without the fates doing something against Gaea, Echo decided to do the next best thing and gather second generation primoridals, Hypnos and Thanatos.

Entering the House of the Night (Nyxs house) Echo found Nyx and Erebus relaxing with each other watching the surface world.


"Hello Echo, weren't you helping Gaea?" asked Nyx

"Yeah I came to ask if Hypnos and Thanatos wanted to get some training from me in to develop their divinities more" Replied Echo

"That's a good idea, they both have gotten lazy since we finished their training. All they have done is laze about and sleep." Said Erebus sounding tired of his children's antics.

"That's good, I'll go kidnap *cough* I mean convince them to join in"

Nyx giggled at that.

"I want to talk to your daughters after this Nyx" Said Echo in a serious tone

Nyx nodded in understanding "they went too far this time didn't they." She replied

Echo wouldn't have cared about the Fates in normal circumstances but threating his family with their Childrens lives crossed the line.

"Don't worry, I wont do anything over the line. I am going to limit the power they have over the fate of weaker beings. They can create a basic outline of a persons fate, but wont be able to change Fate for their benefit anymore and threaten people."

"Thank you" Nyx said with a breath of relief, she loved her children too much to do anything to them but she was also worried that one day they would cross the line and mess with the wrong person and suffer for it.

"Don't worry about it" replied Echo with a smile.

"Ill go find Hypnos and Thanatos now" He waved goodbye

"See you later Echo, also when you find tell them to come back and visit us from time to time" Said Erebus, he might not show it outwardly very often but he does love his family a lot, especially his children as he and Nyx tried for ages to conceive them.

Echo knowingly smiled and disappeared.

When he reappeared he was in the middle of a massive forest, with the song of wood nymphs in the background and the sunlight gently caressing the leaves of the lush forest, in the distance you could see a sleeping figure leaning on a tree surrounded by many sleeping animals, from birds on its head to wolves and deer on his legs. It would've been a beautiful scene if you ignore the perverted grin on the figures face.

Growing up Hypnos spent a lot of time with his family especially the perverted member of the family, Eros. Eros had been corrupting Hypnos from young, teaching him the perverted ways or as he like to call it 'doing research'. Eros had taught Hypnos to use his power over sleep to enter dreams of people and make them dream of perverted things, and often taking the form of the persons crush and having sex with them in the dream.

Echo walked up to Hypnos startling the animals and punched him in the head.

A scream could be heard throughout the forest overpowering the wood nymphs song.

Hypnos woke up and looked angrily at the rude person who interrupted his dream.

"Who dare----Uncle!!!" his voice cracked when he saw the face of the only person who manged to show up in his dreams (read nightmares).

"Hello my perverted nephew" Said Echo with a sadistic grin plastered on his face.

Hypnos shivered when he saw that smile, every time he saw that smile something bad happened.

"what are you doing here uncle?" asked Hypnos trying to avoid eye contact.

"I cant see my nephew anymore?" questioned Echo with a sad look on his face, which was further enhanced by his childish look

"no, no, of course you can" Hypnos said quickly, but regretted it as soon as Echos face changed back to his usual sadistic smile.

" I have come to collect you for training" said Echo

"what training? I thought I finished all my training with dad" said Hypnos, now regretting not hiding better in a better place. 'next time I hide, I'm going to hide in someone's dream.'

"you did finish, but that was your fathers standard not mine"

"but I'm already strong enough to fight a couple of titans on equal footing I doubt there is anyone out there that could actually hurt me"

"there is plenty of beings out there that could hurt you, didn't your father tell you about the adventures we had while travelling the cosmos"

"but they wont be able to get past you guys anyway so there's no point"

"there are plenty of beings that could still overpower us if we are separated or seal us or even kill us if they were properly prepared" said Echo with an unusual seriousness

Seeing his uncles attitude Hypnos accepted the truth, "okay then but still I don't know if I can get anymore powerful than this, my divinity is pretty weak, the only way I can think of is it will get stronger when I age".

"you are deeply underestimating your powers, my nephew. What were you doing before I woke you up?"

"Visiting the dreams of people?" Said Hypnos looking confused.

"Exactly visiting dreams. Dreams hold a lot of power, if you develop this power more an find a way to bring dreams into reality do you know how powerful that could be?" Said Echo with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"I would become a reality warper like you?" Said Hypnos sounding as excited as Echo.

"not only that, sleep is in the domain of the mind, as your divinity strengths so does your mind and visa verca, you could develop telepathy like me"

{A/N: remember that Echo can only communicate through telepathy as he can only speak in secrets and lies}

"Okay, when can we start." Hypnos showed uncharacteristic enthusiasm, the only other time he showed this was when he was being 'educated' by Eros.

"First we need to pick up your brother, any idea where he is?" Said Echo

"Probably walking amongst the humans, he got very attached to them lately"

Echo nodded then grabbed Hypnos and disappeared.


As Thanatos was walking through a destroyed town, a result of the Titanomachy.

'so much destruction and death' he thought with a sigh escaping his lips.

Thanatos was the God of death, unlike what his divinity suggests Thanatos does not take pleasure in death. As a result of his divinity he appreciates life more than the average person.

While he was walking through the destroyed town and collecting the souls to transport them to the underworld, he saw two figures walking towards him.

He recognised them immediately and a small smile forms on his face, which quickly disappeared.

"Hello brother and uncle Echo" he said when they got closer.

Thanatos was always quiet when he was growing up, he would always be observing and had a emotionless face. This was because of he divinity, death was always impartial so he couldn't show his emotions. He still loved his family very much, and Echo was his favourite as echo could read his emotions because of his telepathy.

"Hello Thanatos" said Echo with a smile.

"Hey bro" said Hypnos while hugging Thanatos, who return the hug.

"what are you guys doing here?"

"Uncle is going to train us to develop our powers more" Hypos said

"I thought we finished our training" Said Thanatos confused

"Not mine" said Hypnos with the normal sadistic smirk

Thanatos shivered, there was the one part he didn't like about his uncle and that was his sadistic nature.

"Okay" said Thanatos he knew better than to go against his uncle so he accepted straight away.

"perfect. Now before we start the training I need to see where you are at in terms of power and it just so happens that there is a war going on right now and one side is ridiculously outnumbered and outpowered."

"the Titanomachy?" Hypnos asked

Echo nooded "yep and it also happens that there are 5 titans that have no opponent"

Hypnos and Thanatos sighed, they could both take on two titans each easily so it wasn't that hard but they knew Echo wasn't going to let it be that easy, he is going to push them to their limits.

Taking both of them by the shoulders they disappeared.