
Marvel: Keeper of Secrets and Lies

As the son of chaos and sibling to the primordials, Echo is an OC and the God of secrets and lies. Follow Echo as he develops to become the strongest primordial. MC is Bi, and is in a poly relationship. This is my first time writing anything like a story so please ignore the spelling or grammar. (better yet point it out if you find it) The chapters might be short. This is a marvel AU. (I don’t own Marvel)

Lazy_Reader5567 · Phim ảnh
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Battles and Shackles (End)

Hestia vs Crius

"What is the weakest Olympian doing on the battle field, shouldn't you be off playing with the soldiers" Crius said with a cocky attitude

"I am here to defeat you" said Hestia in a tone that made it sound inevitable

"Hahaha, how do you think you are going to defeat me? Me, the strongest titan under Kronos, ME, the titan that controls the stars" Crius said while spreading his arms wide and starting to gather star power behind him.

"With my family." Said Hestia sounding like a certain bald headed street racer. She too started gathering power behind her. The powers she gathered started to merge creating, a dark water ball that has been heated up to beyond the boiling point with lighting going through it. The sphere then changed shape into a scythe with an incredibly sharp edge.

Seeing this scythe being formed behind Hestia Crius started to regret his earlier boasting. Although the amount of power Hestia could copy from her siblings were not much, she collected all of them and merged them. This resulted in a multiplying affect so right now the power she gathered was enough to defeat three titans in one swing. Normally she wouldn't be able to balance the powers without a lot of practice but she used Heras power of marriage to bond the powers together.

Realising he was going to lose this fight Crius tried to bargain with Hestia "Wait, wait, lets talk about this. How about you let me go, I promise that I wont target you or your family again in the future."

"No." replied Hestia not trusting someone who would betray his own family.

She slashed down releasing the power she built up. Seeing his doom approaching Crius started to use all the star power he could gather and form a shield around him, it held up for about 3 seconds before it started to crack and fall.

The left over power fell onto Crius who screamed out in pain and collapsed passing out. Not before losing three of his limbs.

Hestia looked at the damage she caused, the shield Crius made didn't stop the power from moving around it so all that power spread forming a canyon miles long that she couldn't see the end and at the bottom she could see magma rising , she managed to cut through the earths crust.

Gaea showed up and saw the damage Hestia caused, "*sigh* did you really have to go and destroy the crust?"

"Sorry" she said weakly sounding ashamed of herself.

"its okay go and meet up with he others they should almost be finished by now"

Hestia nodded and left to find her siblings, which wasn't too hard as she could still hear or see the battle going on. Hades managed to finish his battle first, then Hestia, then Demeter because she was too busy talking to her opponent, then Poseidon, then Hera, the last person to finish was Zeus.


Zeus vs Kronos

Kronos was still crashing through the mountain range disorientated. Feeling danger he speed his time up and dodge out of the way of a thunderbolt that was aimed at this head. They were locked in a fight for 20 minutes with Zeus throwing lightning bolts and Kronos speeding up time to dodge and counter attack.

Kronos realising that Zeus is much stronger than usual decides the only way to win this would be to outsmart his son, which all things considered wasn't that hard.

"So my worthless son has finally gotten stronger. It took you long enough" Mocked Kronos

"How dare you!!" shouted Zeus, with his anger rising storm clouds form in the sky.

"What did you do all those years while your siblings were stuck in my stomach? Because you are pathetically weak, I don't know how I thought you could over power me and take my throne." Mocked Kronos again

Zeus was getting by the second his body started to radiate lighting bolts the size of sky scrapers, damaging the surrounding areas even more.

"I cant believe I even had you as a child, you weaken the bloodline of the great primordials just by being alive, even second of your existence brings shame to our family, you don't deserve to be King of the cosmos, you don't even deserve to clean toilets " Kronos got in one last insult.

During this time Zeus wasn't the only one to start gathering energy Kronos was as well. He was going to use all his power to trap Zeus in a time loop so he could win, the plan was fine but he didn't know about how the Olympians now had weapons to boost their power.

Zeus was so infuriated that his eyes turned red and his aura skyrocketed. He pulled out his weapon and his aura was boosted even more. Zeus weapon was a lightning bolt that channelled and amplified his lightning by a factor of five hundred.

Kronos seeing the danger coming from Zeus decided to activate his trap, and successfully trapping Zeus in a time loop. He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt that he succeeded and fell to the ground.

Silence reigned the battle fields that was until a massive lightning bolt the size of Monaco broke through time and hit the Kronos in its full power.

Light spread in all directions and earthquakes began happening all across the world starting from a 7 7.0 on the Richter scale to ending above 8.

Even the barriers Gaea set up at the beginning of the battle didn't contain it, mostly because she didn't think she would need a stronger barrier.

Zeus floated down and looked at the remains of his father, the only thing left of him was his head, he was still alive but just barely.

"Am I still a failure father?" Zeus asked in a mocking tone

Kronos open his eyes and said weakly "hehehe you will never be the true king" before closing his eyes and passing out

Zeus infuriated at not getting the recognition he deserved attempted to kill his father once and for all only to be stopped, much like Poseidon with a hand holding his lightning bolt, but unlike Poseidon Zeus attacked the perpetrator.

He spun around at shot a lightning bottle at Gaea who casually grabbed it out of the air and sent it back much stronger, and it hitting Zeus squared in the chest and sending him flying backwards.

Gaea picked up Kronos and took him to Tartarus.


While Zeus and Hera were still fighting the rest of the siblings met up to plan the next move.

"I think we should help Zeus and Hera" said Hestia worried about her siblings, and Poseidon was nodding along with that idea as he wanted to steal Zeus' achievements.

"I don't think that is a good idea" said Hades knowing that if they helped it would only make them angry.

"well we cant stand her and do nothing" said Hestia

"just wait and watch the battles" a voice said from behind them. It was echo "eat, have some drink and watch the battles" he said while making a picnic blanket form with a large spread of food and drink.

"okay" said Demeter who was more than happy to do nothing and relax.

Seeing Demeter start relaxing the others joined her.

Soon Echo disappeared and a massive lightning bolt went off in the distance, they all felt the earth rumble and it destroyed the picnic.

Demeter sighed she was enjoy relaxing but now she knows that's its going to get busy again.

Echo appeared again but with Hypnos and Thanatos this time while Gaea went to collect he defeated child.

Hera soon joined the rest of the Olympians followed shortly after by Zeus who looked pretty injured and seeing that they all looked fine with no injuries and him being the only one injured his already bad anger issue resurfaced, only when he saw Echo and Gaea again did he calm down.

"Well I think congratulation are in order, you have successfully took the throne away from your father, you are now the rulers of Olympian Pantheon" Echo said while clapping his hands

"Finally we can rule the cosmos" said Hera sounding proud of herself

"What are you talking about? What cosmos?" said Hypnos

"They think that they are the only pantheon on earth so they were under the impression the they rule the cosmos" said Echo explaining

The Olympians heard this and didn't like what Echo was implying

"Wait they didn't know about the other pantheons, like the Egyptians who are literally their neighbours or the Asgardians or even Yahweh who is as strong as our grandmother?" questioned Hypnos

"Wait, wait, wait, what are you talking about, Kronos ruled the cosmos" said Poseidon

"no, Kronos is an ant in the cosmos, especially with his low mastery in time, even Tartarus has a better understanding of time and all he does is sleep" explained Echo " I mean the only reason you guys haven't been taken over by the other pantheons yet is because we are still around but that wont last much longer as we don't like to get involved in wars of the weak"

This was a huge blow to their egos. This whole time they thought that they would rule the cosmos but they only get to rule Greece.

"don't be too sad, if you create beings to worship you it will boost your power but that is a two way street, if they stop worshiping you, you will lose your power" Gaea explained

Zeus and Poseidon were happy with that as they would get a huge power boost while the others were seeing it as more of a disadvantage than benefit, but its not like they are going to explain that to the others.

Echo smiled sadistically at that, as this would lead to chaos in the future.

"well anyway it looks like we are done here, good luck in the future, your going to need it"

"wait, before you leave how do we find you?" said Hestia wanting to ask him to train her in the future.

Seeing this as a chance to get closer to Hestia Echo decided to make her one of his secret keepers for his realm.

So he lent close to Hestia's face and whispered in her ear the secret to his realm.

When she heard his voice, it was like time had stopped, his voice was a smooth a silk and so compelling that she would do anything he asked of her. This was the first time she heard him speak aloud as all the other times he spoke in telepathy.

When she heard the secret she felt a connection to some place but she could find where it was, she only knew that she could enter it whenever she wanted.

"Don't enter my realm yet, I still have some things to sort out before I can have visitors" explained Echo "And you can't share the secret to anyone as they will only hear a lie that will send them to a place worse than they could ever imagine,(the garden of lies)"

Hestia nodded and he left with his nephews.


Appearing in his realm with his nephews and Gaea Echo walked into his house,

It was a small house in the middle of the garden of lies. It looked like a small cottage but the inside was much larger giving him enough space for any extra rooms he might need in the future.

"thanks again for the help Echo, it would've take much longer for this war to end if you didn't step in" Gaea said

"its okay sis, but we should punish the fates a bit first" Said echo

" you are right about that, they pissed me off a lot this time."

"so while we are doing that I want you guys" he point at the brothers "to meditate in the garden of lies and figure out how you are going to develop you powers better, don't worry you wont get affected by the garden as long as you wear these" he said while passing them a ring each.

After that he and Gaea teleported to where the fate were.


Appearing in front of the fates Gaea released her aura, and crushed them to the ground.

"I have reached the limits of my patients with you" she said angrily

"but all we did was in accordance with the fate given to them by the universe" said the youngest figure

"what do you mean?" question echo

"the universe had already decided the fate of the titans but it couldn't stop the primordals from interfering so it asked us to threaten you" explained the middle age sister

"who asked you? there is only a guideline towards fate in the universe there isn't a being who controls It, did it name itself?" ask echo

"it gave us its name, Kang" said the elderly sister

"Kang? I have never heard of this name before" said Gaea "Do you know who he is?"

"give me a second" Echo said as his mind connected to the library of secrets and combed through them all in a couple of minutes.

"I found only one secret about this being called Kang and it is that he is at the end of time"

"someone at the end of time is messing with the past?" asked Gaea.

"it is irrelevant anyway as he cannot do anything to us for some reason, it could be that he is not powerful enough or that we are important to the future but the fact still remains that the fates have too much power over the weaker beings so we have to limit them"

Gaea nodded and they both put restriction on the fates, they can now no longer manipulate the fates to an absurd degree as before but instead have been given the power to hide from anyone that want to (with exceptions).

"I think that is a fair trade off, now you can protect yourselves a bit better and not get yourself into trouble by messing with things you shouldn't" said echo

The fates could only agree with him, as they themselves couldn't fight him, plus they could see that some beings were already looking for them as they messed with other pantheons.

Echo nodded and went back to his realm to train his nephews while Gaea went to see her children and catch up with her siblings.