
Marvel : I Can Enhance My Talent Infinitely

Wang, who suddenly transmigrated to the Marvel universe, became Kamar Taj’s apprentice. He thought that he wouldn’t be able to learn magic, but he awakened a system that could fuse other people’s talent fragments. [Magic talent fragments have been detected; do you want to fuse with them?] "Fuse!" "Are you really new to magic? How come everyone is an apprentice, and you have mastered the usage of the sling ring in one fell swoop?" [Time-Space Portal talent fragments detected; do you want to fuse with them?] "Are you really just an apprentice? How did you learn about the time-space portal all of a sudden? I’ve been learning it for several months!" Wang: "Maybe my talent is stronger." ******************** This is a fanfic translation from a Chinese webnovel by 'Mind Wandering." I tried my best to correct all the errors. Grammar, broken sentences, gender changes, name changes—everything I could find, as well as the racism I don't own the cover art. After testing the poison, I tried everything to make it as enjoyable as possible. You can support me and get access to early chapters by becoming my patron. patrḙon.com/S_Pandey_0170

S_Pandey_0170 · Phim ảnh
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27 Chs

Wong Suffered Emotional Damage

"Do you know why there are so many geniuses , but there are very few who can become Master Sorcerers?" Wong paused and continued.

"Why?" Wang was also curious.

Most of them can only be called sorcerers, not Master Sorcerers.

Even Kamidal can barely be called a Master Sorcerer, and that is because of his age and so many years of dedication, not because of his strength.

Wong is the real Master Sorcerer.

Wong was very satisfied with Wang's curious appearance.

"Because they are too confident in themselves. They like to challenge some enemies that they cannot deal with. You have to remember that geniuses can be confident, but they can't be proud. The true battle is not whether or not strong will can solve the problem.

"Kamar Taj's sorcerers are not baptised in battle and only the Master Sorcerers are battle hardened veterans as they have to handle the attacks of demons from different dimensions. The sorcerers are just like a flower in a greenhouse, he may die at any time!"

"If you are afraid, you can go back and be a teacher in Kamar Taj and guide the new apprentices" Wong looked at Wang , as his voice fell slowly.

This is a choice, depending on what kind of person Wang wants to be.

Whether to live a life of battle where you could die at any time, or to stay here and live safely under the protection of Kamar Taj.

Real battles will never be as open and aboveboard as others think. Many battles involve sneak attacks, black hands, and various methods that emerge endlessly.

It is extremely dangerous.

"Master Wong, I understand!" Wang nodded.

He naturally knew the danger outside, but when a powerful enemy came, it was tantamount to putting his life in the hands of others if he chose to live a safe life of hiding.

For example, if Thanos comes and snaps his fingers, he can't rely on luck to survive, and he can't put his life in the hands of the Avengers and wait for them to save him.

"Very good!" Seeing Wang's firm will, Wong nodded in satisfaction.

Unlike Kamidal, he is the real battle sorcerer of Kamar Taj and has been through countless battles.

Although Wang is a genius, if he didn't have the will to fight, he would never let Wang stay and study with him.

"Follow me!" Wong nodded in satisfaction, and then he raised his hands, magic runes appeared in his hands, like shields, and with a twist, the void in front of him seemed to turn into countless pieces of glass.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yang couldn't help showing surprise.

This is probably the legendary mirror dimension!

It was really amazing. After feeling the energy of the space in front of him, Wang Yang was amazed.

[Ding, Mirror Dimension spell talent fragments detected; do you want to fuse?]

"Fuse" Wang's eyes lit up.

As Wang's words fell, countless bits of knowledge merged in his mind. Mirror Dimension is a powerful spell that creates a dimensional space that differs from reality. And the sorcerers use this dimension space for various purposes, including experimenting with magic, fighting in it, or monitoring someone.

"Let's go inside!" Wong said to Wang who was still amazed by the Mirror Dimension

Wang nodded and walked in. Wong also walked in.

"This is the mirror space; we can experiment with some dangerous magic in it, and no matter what you do, it will not affect reality!"

"And if you want to leave, there is only one way to leave, and that is through a portal made using the sling ring. I heard you have already learned the portal, so you can try to open one!"

Wang took a look at the surrounding world, which was still the same as the original world, but he could feel it. There seems to be powerful magic wrapped up around everything.

And everything here will also be controlled by the caster or someone who has a connection to the dark dimension.

Here, it is naturally more difficult to use the portal than outside.

Especially in other people's mirror space, it is very difficult to just open a portal.

Even if Wong didn't want to target Wang Yang, it will be difficult for him to make a portal.

In this dimension, there is energy from countless other dimensions, which is basically impossible for a sorcerer who just absorbs energy directly from the universe.

And this can also suppress Wang a little bit because his qualifications are not too high. If there are no setbacks, Wang may be devastated if he encounters one in the future. Naturally, Wang didn't know that the honest-looking Wong in front of him was trying to plot against him, but now he was following Wong's instructions.

He raised his hand with the sling ring and drew a circle in the air with the other hand.

Slowly, golden sparks appeared in midair. However, this time, the process of forming the portal was countless times more difficult than usual. It's just that Wang doesn't care about these details. He just concentrated his mind and felt the energy of the dimension, and a large number of runes began to be arranged.

Then a portal emitting golden sparks appeared in front of Wang ."It's a pity that I still can't perform it myself!"

Any magic assisting item is called a magic artifact. A sling ring can help newcomers focus and concentrate. It can be regarded as the best tool for every apprentice.

Artifacts enhance specific types of magic spells and make it easier to cast appropriate magic spells.

Of course, relying on any magic artifact can only prove the insufficiency of one's own magic and mind power.

And if the spell can be cast without the need for magic artifacts, then the use of one will naturally multiply the effect of the spell.

At this time, Wang's heart was complicated, but the expression on Wong's face remained unchanged.

However, in a corner of the mirror dimension, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

It is also the same as Wong's mood now.

He never thought that Wang could cast a portal in his mirror space so easily.

It's just unbelievable.

Wang Yang learned the portal in one day, according to what he knew.

It is already unbelievable to be able to open the portal outside, but now it is unbelievable that he can open it in the mirror dimension as well, which is infinitely more difficult.

Wong's heart was turned upside down.

Just like his emotions, the mirror space behind him was also surging, but fortunately, the mirror space is extremely weird, so even if Wang Yang saw it, he just regarded it the weirdness of the mirror dimension.

After Wang opened the portal, he turned to look at Wong.

Seeing that Wong's expression was still serious and expressionless, this made Wang , an apprentice, feel a little uneasy.

"Master, I don't know if I'm qualified?"

Wang had never entered the mirror space before, so he was naturally afraid that there might be something wrong with the portal he opened.

After all, he didn't know what his portal was like. There were not many interference factors outside the portal, but it was different here.

If it weren't for his talent for fusing mirror space magic spell, he probably wouldn't be able to activate it at all.

But after hearing Wang's words, Wong's mood became even more complicated.

The mirror space behind him became even more turbulent.

Even if a great sorcerer entered it, he would probably be seriously injured when encountering such a fluctuating space.

Wong could only suppress the complexity in his heart, and said blankly: "Not bad!"

Now he understood why Kamidal wanted Wang to come to him to study.

This kind of talent is simply a blow to sorcerers like them.


AN: So how's this chapter?

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