
Marvel: I Can Create Symbiotes!

Andy Westeros traveled through the Marvel World before WW2. Fortunately he awakened his Golden Finger that can make him have the power to protect himself. Having the ability to create a Symbiotes without weakness of sound wave and fire. Swallowing all types of metal to strengthens it defense. Devouring all types of weapon and technology to manifest it as equipment. Parasitizing Heroes and Villains to copy their talents and abilities. (The main world is Marvel Cinematic Universe x X-Men Cinematic Universe) (WARNING: THIS FANFIC WILL HAVE A MASSIVE HAREM) (NOTE: Altough I could change the earlier chapters to become readable with the help of A.I. However, I will not do it since some of the comments will disappear.) (I will be posting this fanfic on RoyalRoad. com) (English is not my native language so do not expect me to write a complicated english and will only use simple word, and this is my first time writing novel) (This is my own novel, not a translated chinese fanfic novel) (My english is really just broken to the core because of too much reading MTL chinese novel for years)

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Chapter 33: Broken Power

In a remote location of Los Angeles, California.

A dozens of women were surrounding a huge crater about 20 meters wide.

Suddenly, a two way black portal opened and 4 people walked out of it.

Agnes and Violet quickly greeted them, and Andy also step forward to hug them.

After Andy finished restoring the museum to its previous appearance and learning more about the witches and their alliance, he decided to go back to America with Selene, Agatha, and Lady Linnea.

He still thought it's amusing when he learned about Selene being imprisoned for 400 years, and the reason why she has that kind of big reaction when he threatened of sealing her.

It's kinda interesting that even though she didn't experience of being trapped in the Nova Roma and had a mutant daughter Magma, but the plot correction is still there forcing her to experienced being trapped in the amazon forest. Similarly, Candra also still insisting of transferring her power to gemstone.

After Andy introduced Selene, Agatha, and Linnea to Agnes and Violet, he asked the situation, "How is it?."

"It's here...." Agnes quickly beckon the floating symbiote ball to Andy.

"Well done." Andy praised her, he is happy that they quickly located and captured Magistrate.

"What's inside of this?" Agatha got curious and held the ball and played it for a while.

"It's an alien called Magistrate." Andy answered then explained his origins.

Magistrate was the patriarch of a noble Gibborim family and somehow were exiled from his homeworld along with his family, while departing they discovered a stowaway Xartan named Xavim on their spaceship, and Magistrate forced Xavin to pilot the ship and somehow crashed deep on the Earth trapping them for 11,000 years.

Magistrate managed to escaped from the crash and was forced to change host to another while waiting for humanity's technology to mature enough to unearth and repair his spaceship to leave the Earth.

After giving some explanation to them, he turned his attention to Agnes seeing that she is holding a black book.

"So you already found the Abstract." Andy nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, we found it on his house.... thank you Dear, i really like this gift." Agnes said in a happy tone, what's more interesting to a scientist like her? of course advance technology knowledge, although the technology tree is a bit crooked compared to Earth's technology.

The Abstract is a book containing all the Gibborim's knowledge and technology written on their language, Agnes already learned all the contents of the book using the 'knowledge aborption', and will placed it in the Umbrella Company for other scientist to study and learned all of its knowledge.

The only thing they need to do now is to unearth the spaceship, the spaceship is made of biomorphic shell capable of changing shapes, enabling it to squeeze through confined space, it has anti-gravity engine and also featured with advanced computer system.

Andy's real goal is the advanced computer system, they could make a supercomputer with it as a reference.

With the assistance of computer, the company will grow stronger and creating a Mutant Detector would be easier.

"Ok.... Let's start."

Andy spread his hands and used the telekinesis to the fullest, changing the structure of the soil and rock below the crater into sands. After doing this, he lifted all the sands to the sky along with the spaceships burried hundreds of meters and placed it to the ground.

Agnes waved her hand and summoned a symbiote covering the whole ship.

It didn't take long for the spaceship to eject 4 symbiote cocoon.

Inside the 3 basket ball size cocoon is the wife, son and daughter of Magistrate, while the huge cocoon contained Xavin.

Seeing the spaceship was succesfully unearthed, the symbiote ball containing Magistrate shook constantly.

Andy allowed him to see the scene outside because he is thinking of recruiting him.

He is really relunctant of killing him though because other then being powerful Gibborim, he is also an expert scientist. It's a shame for him to end up becoming experimental material.

Andy is not afraid that he might betrayed by him since his family is on his hands, Magistrate loved his family, he could endured waiting and planning to rescue his family for 11,000 years.

With the help of symbiote, Magistrate and his family won't need to leave the earth because they cannot adapt to Earth's atmostphere.

That's the only reason why he's insisting of leaving the Earth and repair the ship even though the cost of starting the anti-gravity engine of the spaceship will cause a massive earthquake.

As for Xavin? he didn't care about her, she's just a delusional alien thinking she is one of the hero in a prophecy that will bring peace to the universe through marriage and set off and went on a quest to find her soulmate. Later after she was released from the spaceship, she insisted of marrying Karolina Dean, the future daughter of Magistrate, believing she is the other one in the prophecy.

Xavin is a military member Xartan race who always intearcts with the Gibborims, they are similar to Skrull capable of shapashifting. Well in the comics, she is genderfluid Skrull.

Other than obtaining her abilities like, Shapeshifting, camouflage, longevity, and low order telepathy. She has no other uses for Andy, which she will end up being sealed forever or brainwashed to become a coolie.

Well the truth is if she is a beauty, Andy might try to straighten her lesbian views and play along with her as her soulmate.

After the spaceship was succesfully swallowed by the symbiote, it reverts it back to previous appearance, a colorful glowing cone-shaped spaceship.

The symbiote spaceship change its shape and transformed into a disc shape UFO and open a hatch for them to enter.

Agnes excitedly walked inside, Andy and all the others quickly followed her. Even Agatha is curious about this and check all the inside structure of the spaceship.

"We will eat breakfast first, you can check the spaceship later." Andy reminded them.

Even though they don't need to eat anymore, he still would like to remain this habit. What's the use of living immortal if you cannot taste food delicacies.

Andy first filled the huge pit on the ground, then opened a huge portal directly to a huge underground base and used the telekinesis to controlled the symbiote spaceship to flew inside the portal.

Some members of the Masque Group remained to clean up the scene.


In one of the underground base of the Umbrella Corporation.

Andy and Bolivar Trask is inside a huge circular futuristic room similar to the Cerebro Room of Professor X, but its five times bigger.

He is helping Bolivar Trask in creating this project with the help of his power, and transforming the materials he needed.

On the center of the bridge is like a command room, and dozens of seat for staff personnel to monitor and record the situation. A holographic world map and computer with holographic screen for personnels, it also has seperate platform to the side.

This is the Mutant Detector that Andy always wanted, the core is made of symbiote and act as the radar 24/7, it has the capablities of 'mental detection' to search for Mutantkind worldwide, and the platform is for two-way portal to immediatly reach the place of detected mutant.

"So when will this Mutant Detector start working?" Andy asked Bolivar Trask who is busy debugging the machine.

Honestly, he still amused with the new appearance of Bolivar Trask, his look changed so much ever since he tried getting injected by super soldier serum.

Bolivar Trask liked his new appearance more, he changed from 135 cm dwarf to 150 cm fantasy dwarf full of muscles. He look oppressive even though he was a short guy.

"I'm afraid it will take three days for this machine to start, Sir." Bolivar Trask answered while still busy tinkering with the appliances.

Even if he has his own industries, he would still worked for the Umbrella if Andy needed him.

"Is that so? then take your time." Andy said warmly, he is not in a hurry and happy to wait. Now he is just wondering who or what kind of mutant will he find three days later.

Two days ago after they subdued Magistrate and obtained his spaceship and civilization technology, Agnes quickly started to work and created supercomputer and adjust the anti-gravity engine of the spaceship, now she is busy on her research about satelites and decided to create a private internet server using Hive-Mind.

Even Magistrate started working for them, he and his family started using the symbiote as a host for physical body and lived well on the Earth.

As for Xarvin, she is still sealed and in the same room with Apocalypse.

Andy also called all the mutant member of his group and enhanced all their power with the ability of Apocalypse.

First is Raven, her ability was upgraded and could now have the memories and extraordinary abilities of the person she mimicking depending on the strength. Unfortunately, the memories and the abilities will faded away after a day, but overall still overpowered.

Second is Adrienne Frost, her psychometry ability would work even without toching the objects, she only need to look at it or the pictures to know the origins of the objects.

Third is Cordelia Frost, the scope of her mind-control can cover all the people on North America Continent, she can even alter or create a new personalities to robots to control them. To tell the truth, she is pretty scary since she can enslave someone if they don't have a strong mind shield at the level of Apocalypse, Selene, Professor X, and Jean Grey.

Fourth is Astrid Bloom, not much changed about her ability other than making her stronger, but her telepath was not strong as Charles Xavier.

If there was some who got stronger tremendously, then its Emma Frost because she become stronger and gained new abilities similarly to her comic self and awakened 'telekinesis' ability.

What Andy liked the most is her newly awakened 'Power Inhibition', this ability is to place a psychic inhibitors into the mind of mutant to prevent them from using mutant ability.

The symbiote evolved also evolved a new ability, mutant or not, the symbiote could 'seal' or 'reduced' the extraordinary ability of the symbiote host.

Selene Gallio mutants powers was also strengthened by him and just like Emma, her mutants power become strong as the comics and succesfully become Externals, she is the first Externals in this universe so she is literally unkillable.

Even Andy become unkillable because of the evolved ability that as long as there was a symbiote remaining, he cannot be killed and will respawn again.

He also strengthened the ability of Darwin and his 'reactive evolution' also become strong as the comics, but Andy sealed his power back to cinematic level.

As for Charles Xavier, that kid is still a bit problematic kid now, he is not like the calm and wise Professor X in the future.

Even in the [X-Men: First Class], his personality is not likeable.

After enhancing his telepathic ability, Andy also sealed part of his power back to cinematic level, even Sebastian Shaw didn't escape from this fate.

He will always do this in the future if they were not his own people, he don't want to see the Earth getting destroyed because of their destructive battle in the future.

After boosting all their power, Andy doesn't know how strong he is now.

He only knows that he's become more powerful and more broken.

But he will not let this power affect his mind and personality, he knows that there was more powerful being out there that can erase his existence with ease.

While Andy is watching Bolivar Trask busy, he suddenly received a reminder from one of the symbiotes.

He smiled when he knows that the symbiote lurking inside the body of Bucky Barnes sends the message.

"Oh, so Bucky is succesfully captured by the HYDRA... Let's see."

Andy was surprised after using the detection ability to the HYDRA base.

He didn't expect to see them inside the research facility, well on second thought, it's not a surprise for them to be there since even in the comics they are members of the HYDRA.

You can suggest mutant characters.

Pakssscreators' thoughts