
Marvel: I Can Create Symbiotes!

Andy Westeros traveled through the Marvel World before WW2. Fortunately he awakened his Golden Finger that can make him have the power to protect himself. Having the ability to create a Symbiotes without weakness of sound wave and fire. Swallowing all types of metal to strengthens it defense. Devouring all types of weapon and technology to manifest it as equipment. Parasitizing Heroes and Villains to copy their talents and abilities. (The main world is Marvel Cinematic Universe x X-Men Cinematic Universe) (WARNING: THIS FANFIC WILL HAVE A MASSIVE HAREM) (NOTE: Altough I could change the earlier chapters to become readable with the help of A.I. However, I will not do it since some of the comments will disappear.) (I will be posting this fanfic on RoyalRoad. com) (English is not my native language so do not expect me to write a complicated english and will only use simple word, and this is my first time writing novel) (This is my own novel, not a translated chinese fanfic novel) (My english is really just broken to the core because of too much reading MTL chinese novel for years)

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Chapter 17: Red Room Academy

Andy came to the vicinity of the Red Room Academy while maintaining invisibility.

Looking at the heavily guarded facility, he smiled and used the 'telepathic ability' to control all the guards to opened the gate while brainwashing them.

Although Andy is pretty strong now, he still prefer to do things quietly and efficiently.

No need for those bells and whistle for pretending to be strong and defeat the entire facility with strength.

Andy hates trouble, what if because of his pretending to be strong the Soviet Union was alarmed and relocate the Red Room facility.

With this Red Room Academy in here, he can quietly control the facility and let the Soviet Union run the program with their funds.

Because Andy's Family is an American, his family influence in Eastern Europe is minimal.

He still need the help of Soviet Union to train spy assasin within Eastern Europe, because after the World War II, the relationship between USA and USSR will detoriate into Cold War.

By then, Andy and his Family cannot interfere within USSR area of influence, unless he also controlled them.

Well, it seems like a good idea isn't?

If he remember in [Agent Carter], there was a Leviathan Organization in Soviet Union and the opponent of Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR).

Then its decided, Leviathan will be one of the future customer of his company product 'Symbiote Host Box'.

After controlling all the personnel inside the facility, he ordered the Headmistress and Tutor to bring all the trainees of Black Widow Ops Program to the large training ground.

After a while, a large number of girls came to the square underrm the leadership of there respective Tutors per class.

On the large platform, Andy is standing along with the Headmistress over looking the thousands of girls ranging from 8 to 16 years old.

All the little girls is curiosly looking at the and handsome man on the platform, wondering who he is.

Because of the training and brainwashing, they appeared to be composed and matured on the surface.

They are standing neatly in line and divided by class, the one on the front row is those older 16 year old girl while the youngers are on the back.

"Sir, this is all the students in our facility." the Headmistress said respectfully.

"Good." Andy nodded in satisfaction.

He check all the girls on the front row one by one and wearing a training clothes searching for his target, Dorothy "Dottie" Underwood.

After a while, he found her standing with other three girls, Its just that she is still a 16 years old girl now and her figure is a bit immature compared to the sexy and dangerous woman in the future.

She has blond hair tied in ponytail, blue eyes and a beautiful face wearing only a sleeveless white shirt and a brown shorts.

Even though her appearance is still immature, you can see that she will really grown to be a hot and sexy female assasin in the future.

Dottie Underwood appeared in 1944 on one of the Leviathan stronghold in the tv series, it means she is 18 yearl old at that time and become a Black Widow.

After staring at her for a while, he take back his attention on her and look at the Headmistress on his side.

He will have a good talk with Dottie later and make her his right hand like Agnes.

He will make her the leader of Black Widow Group.

"Can you talk to me about about the Red Room Program?"

Andy asked curiously, because it didn't explain much in the TV series and only vaguely said that Red Room Academy is founded in 1930's

He is to lazy to read their minds, having a bunch of messy memories is not good experience and why would he make himself uncomfortable if he can just ask them.

It said that Dottie is the first Black Widow graduating in the Red Room Academy, but has a predecessor.

The meaning is, before the establishment of the academy, there were already Black Widows.

If Andy guess right, this Headmistress is a former Black Widow.

Although she is alread in her forties, she still has a great charm proving that she was once a femme fatale assasin.

Heck, even those Tutors is beautiful despite being in their middle age, maybe they are also a Black Widow in each generation.

Then there is one only answer, Dottie is the first Black Widow sent to the America and the only first generation graduated in Red Room Academy.

"Yes sir!" the Headmistress responded and slowly explained.

"The Red Room Academy is founded in 1935 to serve the purpose of training new Black Widows, the Soviet Union started recruiting or abducting 8 year old girls to become a trainees and we former Black Widows will trained them at a young age to become elite assasins."

"In every batch of trainees, the girls will be divided into 16 class and each class will have a 16 student."

"The first year of study, 8 years old. they will undergone a psychological conditioning and physical training."

"The second year, 9 years old. they will learn fighting skills and conduct sparring matches."

"In the classrooms, the girls were indoctrinated and brainwashed through films they were forced to watch and learn from the heart."

"The films, such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to served a double purpose, as they showed the behavior a woman should show to not raise any suspicions, and also, through subliminal messages embedded in the movies, will brainwashed the girls."

"After they reach the age of ten, we will conduct a first life and death duel within the class to reduce the number of trainees from 16 to 8 trainees."

"Then starting from that time, every three years we will implement that elimination program till their number is reduced to 2 at the age of 16 years old."

"At the age of 17, the remaining two trainees will fight to death.

"At the age of 18, the remaining trainees in each 16 classes, will be thrown into the wilderness and fight each other till one survived."

"And the only survivor will become the Black Widow in her generation then proceed to complete her graduation ceremony."

"That is all about sir."

The Headmistress ended her explanation.


Andy is speechless, then he turned his attention to Dottie and her three remaining classmate.

That means Dottie's and the other 15 classes already undergone two cruel elimination assesment, and if he didn't arrive in time, they will proceed to start the elimination exam and let the remaining 4 kill each other to reduce them to two trainees in each class.

Fortunately he arrived in time, imagining the reduced numbers of the trainees make his heart bleed, what a waste of beautiful assasins... err he mean a capable assasins.

It means the 256 young girls in every batch and only one will survived to become the only Black Widow in her generation.

What a cruel program indeed.

If you think about the millions of Black Widow in 21st Century in the hands of General Dreykov, then Andy think its unlikely that Natasha Romanoff also undergone this type of cruel eliminating program, and General Dreykov is not stupid enough and follow this type of selection of Black Widows.

Because if he followed it, then there will be a world's unrest with so many girls missing to build millions of Black Widows.

The Red Room Academy was destoryed by Peggy Carter and Howling Commando in 1946 and were forced to relocate.

"Well, now i am here! you don't need to continue this cruel program, its just a waste of resources!"

Andy said to the Headmistress.

"As you wish sir!" the Headmistress accepted his order.

Andy really looked down on this kind of training, although it can succesfully create a generation of powerful Black Widow, but it will be eventually elimated by times as the world changes.

He didn't need to resort to this cruel program to create only one powerful Black Widow in evey generation.

With his 'symbiote database', as long as someone become a symbiote host, he can transform a harmless woman into a powerful elite assasin.

Just like how Agnes created the Masque Group consisting of weak women into a powerful organization.

Andy focused his attention to Headmistress.

At first, he didn't care about her but he change his mind when he knows that she is mostly the powerful Black Widow in her generation.

Although he is forced to modified her and other tutors memory to become loyal to him, he is also helpless because they are already deeply braiwashed and deathly loyal to Soviet Union.

"Well, nevermind.... You will still become the headmistress in this academy and train a lot of elite assasin loyal for me."

"You will still act with the Soviet Union and just follow their instruction as always."

"I want you to recruit more trainees, if possibly war orphans."

"You don't need to select carefully if they are suited to be trained as long as you can recruit many of them, what i want is a legion of Black Widows."

"They also don't need to undergone a cruel operation removing their ovarys and resort to using their bodies... because starting from today, they are my properties! understand?" Andy solemnly declared.

"Yes sir, but how will they complete a mission without using their bodies?" the headmistress asked in confusion, because without using their bodies, they will not become a qualified spy assasin.

Even her and other former Black Widows has gone through this.

"Well, that problem is so simple."

Andy smiled brightly and and tapped his feet.

Suddenly, black liquid emerged endlessly from his shadow under the sun.

The symbiotes is produced endlessly and rushed to Headmistress, Tutors and all Trainees in the training ground.