
Marvel: I've got the Omnitrix

I'm not good at synopsis so i will give you the key words and if you are interested take a look. Omnitrix, Marvel, anti hero, funny?, Black protagonist, games, Overpowered. NO SMUT/YAOI/YURI/NTR/NSFW! Momo after taking a survey got reincarnated into an alternate Marvel universe. (The complete name is Mohammed, so Momo is an abbreviation.) You can give suggestions for plots since i don't know everything on Marvel. I'm warning everyone that this is original, i might take inspiration but yeah. I only own the OC's. And I take the information and images about the aliens on the wiki but more on the site TheHawkDown. So yeah... Hmm.. Good read?

Kqro · Phim ảnh
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18 Chs

Chapter 14: Progress

Let's clear some things, i have seen some readers complain about the side story and the explanation on two chapters, or they didn't understand or i've not been clear so i will explain. (The other novel but i will post it here too.)

The side stories are ADDITIONAL, this means that they are a plus from the usual three chapters, i write them when i have those thirty minutes of boredom and i don't want to waste time on Tik Tok, so you're free to read them or ignore them.

About the explanations, i wrote them because some readers didn't read the manhwa or haven't reached the right chapter.

And i don't want to leave them aside so i make some explanation so they can understand, obviously if they want to know more they can go to the Wiki.

I will obviously not explain everything in every chapter.

And the usual lenght of a chapter is 1000 words.

I want to thank Blorgus Gaming for the Patreon subscribtion 🥳🥳.

I wanna thank Ken Harris for the Patreon subscription 🥳🥳.

Good, that's all {All of this will not take the word count.}

Come to my Patreon for advanced chapters.

You can search: Kqro's works


We can currently see Momo typing on a holographic screen, he was in his human form, the screen was showing many lines of code and blueprints, these were the blueprints for the Vr headsets and pods, while the coding was for the programming of the Virtual Universe.

Vily with the clone already prepared the base and the ideas, it was now Momo's job to personalize it and improve the necessary, since every second new ideas would come on his mind.

"Father, now the app Connect is all over the internet, and nearly five billion of people are using it willingly." She gave him the detailed report that Momo read in seconds since he can now just take a look at something and remember it perfectly.

Currently the world has nearly eight billion people so having five who were willingly using the app was a good news, since Vily only forced the users to try it but they can choose to not continue using the app.

But how could they? The app has an extremely useful and fast seach engine, since the Virtual Assistant (Va) is always with the user, it knows really well what the user likes or is searching, and finding other people that share your same interest is even easier.

How many times did someone read a novel or webtoon that was good as fuck but didn't find anyone who shared the same opinion? Well now the users can just ask the Va and it will find other users with the same interest.

And something that the other apps didn't have was the freedom of speech, take tick tok tor example, you can't write some things or you will be reported really fast.

But on connect? Immagine the Instagram reels, but less exaggerated, on connect you can say what you think but you will need to follow the rules, like no child jokes (You know wich type.) Or some bad things.

And the language barrier is no more on connect, since every video or text is instantly translated for the user choice, so the creators will be able to have fans of every language and users will be able to enjoy everything.

Talking about childrens, the app to function will take a photo or video of you face (Only Momo and Vily knows that tho), so the children will only be able to see normal children stuff no matter which device they use.

So no more indoctrination or agendas bullshit, only Momo can do that.

"Good, you can begin publicizing the apps i developd." He made some apps to begin making money, since he just wants to see big numbers on his account, he is already making billions by simply making pay the add companies on his app, but he wants more!

"Vily begin the 'Help' initiative." The 'help' initiative is basically Momo giving money to the needy and helping who has difficulties, why did he do that? Well the less poor people there are the more users will he have, and so more players on his VR!

He wants to make crazy games where he will just crash out against everyone on the games, and the more people there are the more fun it will be.

"Okay father, since the help initiative will begin, should i begin with the various businesses?" She was talking about the industries Momo wanted to dominate on, like medical, technology, construction and food ecc.

"Fuck yeah!" He grinned, this will make many companies and influential people mad, does he care? Hell nahh.


(New York)

We can see many police cars and officers outside in front of a building, many are behind the car doors pointing their guns towards the building while others are restricting the area so no civilian will trepass.

They are currently in front of the New York central bank, the place just got attached by masked men and they even took hostages, the police is currently trading with them trying to free the scared hostages.

*Swip* *Swip*

Sounds of webs being shot and attaching themselves on the nearby buildings thus allowing a man to swing all over the city, the civilians looked up and saw a man dressed with a new costume.

He was Spiderman!

"Look! Spiderman is alive! Thank God!"

"Yeah yeah i thought he died to the Lizard!"


Spiderman landed on the ground with style like always and managing to take his iconic pose, he looked around and walked towards the captain George Stacy who did the same.

Peter current suit was better made than his last, thanks to some material and tools that Momo sent him, he was able to improve it and add some useful gadgets and weapons, yes you read right, weapons, he was now a different spiderman, but he will use those weapons only on critical occasions.

His suit was of the iconic red and blue with white, the design was similar to the spider verse one, but with a small backpack on his back, it's design spider like.

His mask now have a built-in hud with various functions.

Captain George Stacy walked to Peter with a relieved look, he was happy that this young man was still alive, since even though he caused many problems for the police he was still really helpful in many cases.

"I'm happy that you're doing well, Spiderman, and i see that you took a new look! It is really good." He said with a smile while giving his hand for a handshake, which Peter accepted and responded: "Thanks, after the beating of the Lizard i woke up and decided to improve myself." His voice lacking his usual joking tone.

George nodded while Peter asked: "Situation?" The Police capitan begun: "We have a group of individuals that are currently holding hostages and we don't even know how many of them there are."

"Hmm, i will take a look." He nodded and swung away.


Do you want more Spiderman moments? Let me know!

Leave some comments even if they aren't serious, i like to read them!

Let me know in the comments if you like this novel.

Authorrrr Out!