

Hulk: Hulk is invincible! Saitama: Can you let me? I’m going to the supermarket to buy specials. Thanos: I see, I conquer! Lord Boros: The duel between the overlords, I have been looking forward to it for a long time! Devourer: Earth, I’ll eat it. Kakarot: Can’t you eat something else? Batman: I want to get rid of the Gotham Gang. JOJO: Today I want to become a gangster star here! General Zod: Krypton will return to its glory on the earth! Six Path Naruto: Dude, this is your relative. Clark: . . .

Renz_Udquin · Phim ảnh
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283 Chs

Chapter 3 Boy jump, Marvel comics hero.

Even though he was still interested, Andy screamed in his heart, glanced at Xu Mo and didn't know what to say.

Is this kind of lack of muscles really worth seeing?

Obviously Saitama's casual words stimulated the vaccine man's self-esteem, and in other words, he also got angry.

The Vaccine Man became so huge in his anger that he was undoubtedly more powerful than before, and Andy felt that the stranger waved his hand and the hero who was interested in him would die on the spot.

The difference in body shape between the two sides is huge, and the aura is even more incomparable. Seeing Saitama's expression like a hair dryer, Andy can't help but touch his forehead.

Is this a dark hero comic.

This is a new comic idea. The protagonist is abused throughout the whole process, his girlfriend is dead, and even a criminal can be beaten for a quarter.

Such novel ideas were sought after at first, but readers couldn't stand it when they followed suit, and the mentality exploded directly.

There was no expectation for the plot, and Andy, who was about to say a few good words after watching it, turned to the next page.

"Well, it really is like this, huh?!!!"

After seeing the picture depicted on the next page, Andy's body suddenly shook, the goose bumps were all up, and the eyeballs almost flew out of his eye sockets.

Andy muttered to himself: "You must have missed it." Turning the comic back one page, he quickly flipped back and forth in a daze.

The result was basically the same. The brows were frowning. Wushen looked at Xu Mo and asked softly, "Did you drop a few pages?"

Xu Mo looked at Uncle Andy's dazed look, and couldn't help but rejoice: "Not a single page has been dropped, that's it."

"Oh, Shett."

After getting the answer that wasn't what he wanted, Andy caught the attention of the employees outside the door with a violent slur, and read the last words in a mess.

In a daze, he gently put down the draft of Chapter 4, fearing that the paper would be destroyed, he couldn't help swallowing, and asked, "What is the name of the comic?"

Obviously, this comic directly overturns the traditional definition of a hero. The protagonist is not a saint, nor does it have a Superpower, and the Three Views are not a heroic concept, just as it says.

It's just interest.

This is the first time he has been so fascinated as a manager and editor in many years.

Absolutely fire!

The previous vaccine people thought it was the same as the radiation upgrade. In fact, the crabman in the second chapter has already made it clear. In fact, these settings are full of insinuations to traditional criminals.

The villain's nonsense is actually useless. Saitama punched him to death. The contrast was big enough to attract eyeballs.

There is no logic at all, and the settings are messy. It's completely random to think about, but it's beautiful and can't stop.

In addition, these exquisite original paintings are completely the highest level of painting skills in the United States. It is conceivable that the manga market that has begun to decline will definitely rebound because of this.

Xu Mo spread his hands and said lightly, "One Punch Man."

"One punch, it fits this cartoon." Andy once again picked up the drawing and flipped it from time to time, clearly admiring:

"Very amazing comic."

"So I will do it."

Andy heard the words and said worriedly: "Even so, the company can't be supported by only one comic, you don't have enough energy."

This is the truth. It is impossible for a company to make money from a cartoonist at all. If it were not for the Great Depression, I am afraid that more cartoonists would join the market today.

"Be at ease, Uncle Andy, I have Xu Xu as wonderful as this cartoon here." Xu Mo pointed to his head and believed himself.

If there is no system, the comics he recalled are really limited, and with the search function, I am afraid that he will never finish painting in his life.

"Well then, you are the boss anyway."

Andy sighed helplessly. Although he was a friend of Xu Mo's father, he did not have any shares and could only make suggestions.

He is still a little worried.

Xu Mo shook his head secretly when he saw this. He knew what he was thinking, and the facts can only be witnessed in the future. What he said now is futile.

After a pause, after thinking about it, he said, "Rename the original magazine to: Juvenile Jump. From now on, all my comics will be placed on it."

Shonen Jump is the highest-circulation shonen manga magazine published by Shueisha in the previous life. It serializes countless well-known classics.

Shonen Jump is the highest-circulation shonen manga magazine published by Shueisha in the previous life. It serializes countless well-known classics.

For example: One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto, Shinigami, full-time hunter and so on, these Xu Mo must be moved one by one.

After listening to Andy, he said clearly: "Juvenile jump, the comic copyright of the resigned cartoonist is in his hands, what do you think, should I ask someone to continue the drawing?"

After the signed cartoonist resigns, the comics will be in the hands of the original company. Unless it is a big-name cartoonist, renewal is also the practice of most companies.

"No, don't continue painting. The key to Junior Jump is friendship, hard work, and victory. The traditional superhero theme has been solidified and it is no longer necessary."

Xu Mo began to analyze, and directly scanned the cartoons of several people into the trash can. I don't know if they will vomit blood when they know it.

Andy understood and nodded. Through a short time of understanding, he has found that Xu Mo has been able to stand alone. His words are reasonable, and his behavior is even more vigorous. He is not as humble as his father's traditional Chinese people. No doubt Xu Mo is even better. And his taste of this American.

Then Andy and Xu Mo started planning for the future in the office, and even discussed the idea of ​​animation. Both of them are full of confidence in One Punch Man.

On the journey of animation, the existing manpower is obviously not enough to start hiring people after the success of the new comics. Both want to do animation by themselves, and it is undoubtedly more profitable to produce and sell themselves.

In fact, if Xu Mo is in the ordinary world, he can stay steadily in a hurry, but now he knows in Marvel Universe whether the villain will run out early, or if he walks on the street, he will be killed by a sudden arrow.

He is just an ordinary person.

He never wanted to pin his hopes on others. The sooner the fan value arrives, the safer he feels, so he decided to plan the future with Uncle Andy.

Time waits for no one.

Outside the office

"What do you say the boss and the editor-in-chief said? Isn't it going to be bankrupt?"

"let it go."

"It's not easy to find this job."

The employees are whispering, and they are a little uneasy about the future.

They are not cartoonists in this period of economic depression and crisis, bankruptcy means they are unemployed, and no company will hire them.

Just as they were confused, with a "crunch", the two walked out of the office, and it was Andy who spoke first.

The veteran he calmed the anxiety of the employees in a few words, and even raised the manuscript to prove that there were still people submitting it.

Andy did not say that the author of the drawing was the boss, otherwise they would be even more irritable.

"Drizzt, no, Xu Mo, I'll call you your Chinese name. Don't forget to go to school. University is very rich."

Andy took Xu Mo to the elevator. He said meaningful words and patted Xu Mo on the shoulder.


Xu Mo's face turned dark, and he walked into the elevator, his mind flashed, and he said calmly with interest:

"By the way, Uncle Andy, the company name has also changed."

Unexpectedly, Andy didn't expect this to happen, and asked in confusion: "What?"

The name Tengman was named after Xu Mo's father, and it has a strong oriental fate.


As soon as the voice fell, the elevator closed the door and slowly descended.

Only Andy was left in a daze.

"Marvel Comics."

This is Western nomenclature.

He always felt that there was a deeper meaning.