
Arc Eleven. Chapter Three-Hundred Twenty Two. Temper Tantrum

The area that Peter had led them to had two distinct features. The first was that in the surrounding area it looked like someone had taken a flamethrower and scorched not just the ground but the trees as well, randomly and in a wide area, the second was that there was a hole in the side of the base of the volcano, leading into the darkness.

There was no rock or debris, and while not fresh, there were heavy vehicle tracks still dug into the rocky muddy ground. Someone had been here, someone human but not for months. The ground was dry, and there were no other tracks. If Nimrod had done this, the marks would be fresh and at least warm. No, this was Trask.

Extending out his senses, there was nothing. No machines of any kind, and other than the brief flickers of the campers they passed a few miles back, there was nobody here. Of course, Peter knew that Nimrod didn't show up, even to his technopathic senses.

That was the issue though. Was it on purpose? Was he designed to be invisible or was it an Augment power, and how many others did he have?

If Scott and any of the X-Men had fought the Sentinels then they could be in big trouble.

"Can we get a hold of Charles?" He asked,

Carol shook her head, "We already had a report, and the X-Men engaged the Sentinels before they got word of their powers. Even Scott and Mariah took part in the assault. We needed the help Pete, it couldn't be helped."

Peter cursed, this could be really bad, if Erik had fought him then the Cybertronians could be in big trouble if their bodies contained enough metal for him to manipulate.

"The hole isn't big enough for you Optimus, so we should split into two teams, me and the other enhanced down this way, and you take the Cybertronians and scout the base for a larger cave. I mean, if the Ark is big enough for you, it should have left a huge impact crater in the side, even if it is covered in rock."

Optimus looked at the tree line, "I agree, this is not the tunnel I exited from, and my memory banks are showing that we are in the wrong location. We shall scout further along." and as he pressed the side of his arm a small white square detached itself. "This will register you as friendly to Teltran One. Use it and deactivate the security systems but only if Nimrod is not nearby. If he gains access to our armoury, you may face a greater threat than you can handle."

Peter nodded and took the plate-sized transmitter, the four arms of his harness snaking out and grabbing it, holding it over his back. The small fingertip transmitter to Optimus was the size of peters chest.

"Right, we might lose communications when we go in." and Peter's armour slid back over him, "but"

Can you hear me Arcee? And she nodded

"Good. I can keep in contact with Arcee. If you gain access to the ship first, let us know." and switching on the lights in the repulsor gauntlets Venom and the trio of Ravage, Talon and Widow spread out and ventured down the tunnel.

Good luck, Arcee replied.

You too.

Optimus waited until the group was out of sight, "Before we begin. I am aware that you will now be able to access Teltran One with much greater efficiency. However, until we know the extent of the damage, and if its systems will harm you. I must ask that you refrain from touching anything. I do not wish to trigger a security system until we are sure your new body will be recognised."

Arcee nodded, she had only been bonded for a short while, and the others she had shared with had been correct. Reboot was now a part of her, and if anything happened, she was unsure of how she would cope.

"It's fine. We should split up and take opposite directions. To make sure there are no other tunnels leading into the Ark. Peter's suspicions may be correct, and there may have been many others attempting to access the Ark."

"I agree. Our communications are not disrupted. Contact me if you find anything," Optimus replied. and with the mechanical grinding noise, they all transformed and sped off.

"Still dont like it Optimus," Ironhide said as they drove along. "Seems mighty suspicious that he's compatible with our systems, after millions of years? And that he is the owner of the remaining Klyntar."

Optimus drove in front, ready to ditch his trailer if it need to be a barrier from attack,

"I agree. I know Peter had access to my main circuit pathways but even after running a diagnostic, I am unable to find if he accessed my main memory core. Be careful of him, while I do not believe he has deceitful intentions, we have already been their prisoners once."

"Are we really giving him access to our historical records?" Jazz asked

"We shall see. As long as he does not ask for information regarding weapons technology, then I do not see why allowing them to know about the larger galaxy would be an issue. If he is correct and aliens have visited here before, it may be prudent. Once a species realises Earth's location and value, they will return, and in greater numbers."

Jazz huffed, "especially those blue ones, those guys were crazy. You think they ever got that old Quintisson junk to work?"

Optimus laughed, "I have no idea Jazz, but I imagine that one of their supercomputers would be either senile or barely functional by now. If they ever did." and as the trio sped their way around the base of the mountain, they shared more stories of their past.

Inside the tunnel, It had been smoothed down and cleaned. There was evidence that someone had come in and removed jagged stalagmites and other obstacles. Traks has certainly been here, but the tunnel itself was abandoned.

Taking several sharp turns but staying low and quiet they eventually came to a section of pale tan metal wall, with a hole burned into it. The edges of the metal were bent outwards, so the original hole was blown from the inside.

Venom reached out a hand, noticing the blued edges of the metal and that it was not just cold, but showed signs of wear.

"This was done years ago. I dont think this was Nimrod."

The edges of the metal were smooth, and paint had been chipped away from them, the hole was big enough for two people to stand side by sliced and had been made tall enough that Venom couldn't reach it.

"You think this is where Trask came in?" but Optimus never mentioned another intruder alert.

The others shrugged. And if he was honest, it was all speculation.

"Right, camo, and in twos, move, secure and then advance. Talon, with me, Ravage and Widow, stay back, and try not to blast me in the ass if anything jumps out okay?"

Ravage laughed, "isn't that what Nat said last night, and you still managed it" and Widow batted her,

"And then he did the same to you a few minutes later, so shush" and the trio snorted before shimmering and moving into the ship.

Venom stayed visible, the interior was huge, large enough for several Cybertronians of Optimus's size to move comfortably and he shone his palm light around, trying to find signs of Nimrod or anything.

Kneeling down he rubbed rubber tire marks from the floor, "definitely had company," but even as they moved through the corridors there was no sign of anything or anyone.

Arcee, we are inside, and so far nothing. Can you give me a general idea of where the command deck would be, or if it even has one. Where are your shipmates?

Can you read Cybertronian?

Uh, no. It wasn't entirely true, but stopping and allowing the Mind Stone to fill his mind with the required knowledge might not be the most sensible idea.

Then without knowing your location, I cannot help. Head to the centre of the ship. If you head from there and find the engines, you are in the aft section, return to your starting point and you should find the command room. The centre of the ship has two large circular turbines nearby. You should be able to navigate from there.

Thanks, Arcee,

Moving through the ship was easy for the smaller humans, but Peter was having to climb up each door and hold himself to the wall whale the harness positioned the token Optimus had given him in front of the door sensor.

"Who'd of thought, Pete would have size issues," Ravage joked and in trying not to laugh, he almost fell from the door as it slid open.

A large white chested Cybertronian, with a single hole blasted through its front chest plate, fell forward and the noise clanged around the empty halls,

We found someone. Green armour, the same size as Jazz, non-functional.


Sorry, green? Is his chest square or rounded

It's square.

Hound. He was a close friend of Jazz. I will inform them

No, wait. I'm not an expert on Cybertronian physiology, he could be fine, just hibernating for all I know

Arcee paused, Yes, you are right. It might be premature. Thank you.

The room Hound had fallen from was massive, with several Cybertronains slumped in large chairs, each with blaster marks over them. Venom shone the flashlight over each of them and while he wasn't an expert, these robots were definitely dead. Most were shot straight through or were blasted in the head. He didn't have the heart to tell Arcee, and would leave the grim news until everyone was present.

"V, what did this?" but he shrugged. To him, it looked like an execution. None of the Cybertronians had weapons, and were sitting as if surprised. Had there been a mutiny on board or an ambush? Only Optimus would know the truth.

The room was a dead end though and must have been a diagnosis chamber or some kind of sensor room. The four inside were left, and Venom and the others pushed Hound back inside and sealed the door, with Venom marking it with webbing.

"We push on, but be alert. If Optimus is still getting the intruder alert, then something is here."

What was worse was that the walls seemed to be blocking everything but his telepathic abilities. They gave off no what or electromagnetic signature, and even the light from his torch was somehow being absorbed by the strange material.

The four made their way through the ship, finding the two massive turbines and continuing along the outer wall of the ship.

Arcee, I think we're at the command centre, do we wait?

No, we found a tunnel hidden by rocks, but it is proving difficult to break through, we will be at least an hour before we can meet you. I will inform Optimus of your progress.

"Right, it's just us." and as he jumped and climbed the wall the door panel flashed red, then green and opened.

Inside was carnage. Bodies of Cybertronians were thrown everywhere and several had blaster marks over them. Venom noted that it was an uneven mix of Autobots heavily outnumbered by Decepticons and that while they had put up a valiant fight, it had been a slaughter. And that one had been particularly brutal in its assault.

A large torsoless body sat in the centre of the room, with huge grey and black legs, and two thick arms with a massive cannon on one arm. The centre part looked like it had been cut away using high heat and the same blued marks were present on the remains.

"Gruesome isn't it?" Venom heard and as the four turned Nimrod was sat in a chair, a purple Cybertronian at his feet. "I remember this, I remember your people coming here and doing this. The cutting and removing the parts they could get to."

Nimrod stood and rubbed the arm which held his cannon. "This form is an abomination to my purity. This form is a mockery of my once great self. You and your species shall pay for this insult. All life must submit or perish. All life must bow before me."

And as Nimrod's arm transformed into a copy of the grey cannon on the ground,

"So says Megatron."