
Marvel: Hitman, At Top

[Mature Content Present] Killing is an art, killing without the intent is mastery and killing without purpose is stupidity. The Hitman, At Top. In the criminal world, everyone is scared of him. Anyone who has seen his face, remained not to tell somebody. He kills, unlike anyone else. In the Marvel World, superheroes and supervillains roamed but he alone is feared by all. ************************** A Marvel fan fiction everyone, please read it and share your thoughts with others in the comments. I will try my best to steadily upload new chapters.

Taken4U · Phim ảnh
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29 Chs

CHAPTER - 26 { Alien Invasion }


Da! Da! Da! Da!

Explosions, gun firings, screams and shouts. If the terror in Harlem last year was terrifying, then this one now was much worse.

"U-Uncle, my mom and dad? Where are they?"

Eva clenched on his shirt tightly and asked in a weak voice clearly afraid of what was happiness around the city.

"I will find them. Now."

Creed petted her head and said in a warming tone. He dropped her down and searched the collapsed bank.

It had become difficult to differentiate between her parents' bodies and other people's bodies in the dust and smoke.

Eva watched her steps as she walked and looked around her, her eyes then shifted up in the sky to see the aliens flying down from the hole.

In movies it was exciting but when in real life, experiencing it oneself had to be the most scary thing.

"Cough! Cough!"

Creed heard the voice, he made haste and followed it. There, underneath a concrete block was Eva' mother.

Half her body was smashed and she had very little time left. Next to her, the father's body had become meat paste.

"Hey! Hey! Stay with me!"


Eva raced and arrived before her mother. Creed couldn't think of a way to remove the block of concrete without killing her.

"B-Baby. I-I am sorry."

The mother raised her right hand and slowly stroked Eva's warm cheek. Tears rolled down both their eyes.

Though little and small, yet to be mature, Eva had enough knowledge to understand that her mother was dying.

"M-Mom! Mom!"

She cried with her soft voice. The mother gave a weak smile, her face then turned to look at Creed and a sense of regret flashed her eyes.

"P-Please take care of her, l-like your o-own dau-..."

The life in her eyes dimmed, the hand stroking on Eva's cheek fell down motionless on the debris.

Creed saw Eva look lifeless as well, like a statue she kneels before her mother with her eyes closed and tears still flowing down.


Three groups of five aliens flew by and shot their weapons near the bank. Cars and people flew apart, broken and ripped.

"Eva, we need to get out of here!"

He reacted fast and picked up Eva, who remained silent letting him carry her in his arms like a real life doll.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't hurt seeing her that way but they didn't have time to ponder about it.

Creed dashed forward and ran across the road, he entered a store packed with people.

"Are you alright?"

The store cashier asked as he saw blood trailing down Creed's forehead.

"I am. Do you have water?"


The man passed two bottles of water to Creed, one for him and one for Eva.


"Look! It's Iron Man! He's here to save us! Yay!"

"Iron Man! Here!"

Man, woman, and the children in the store looked out and saw Iron Man flying by the store. They shouted to him but the other side was busy fighting the aliens.

"Fuck! Why isn't he saving us?"

"He is no hero! Damn!"

"God. Have mercy on us!"

* * *

At the very back of the store, Creed and Eva sat down on the floor and leaned back on the glass of the refrigerators.

"Drink some water."

He lifted the water bottle to Eva's lips and said in a low voice. Eva drank the water and wiped her mouth.

The dried tears left traces on her cheeks, all the way to her chin.

"Mom and Dad, they…"

Despite witnessing her parents' deaths, despite seeing her home getting wrecked by invading aliens, she was strong enough to not have metal breakdown.

"Yup, they are gone."

Creed embraced her and replied to her. The world would never be the same as before this event, and he knew.

Heroes, villains, monsters, mutants and aliens. Everything was changing.


The front of the store was blasted. Two man who were caught up in that, died directly while some were injured.

"Gee! Gek"

Two aliens, tall and ugly, walked in the store with weapons in their hands.


Finding humans, the aliens started gunning them down without any mercy.


Eva screamed and hugged Creed tightly. The other people in the store rushed towards the back trying to escape the aliens.

This only caused the aliens to walk further in.

"Eva, let go of me. I will deal with them quickly."


Eva raised her head and saw Creed smile at her. Then holding her small hands, he freed himself from her grip.

The store not only sold food products, but also various equipment. One of them being a modern axe.


Leaping on the side, he held the axe and jumped towards the Aliens.

Doing a roll, Creed came in front of the aliens. He then with a single swipe, cut one of the aliens' heads off its neck.

"Geee! Gek!"

The other one tried to shoot him but Creed grabbed the weapon and cut the axe at its hands.



Both its hands were cut off. The alien seemed to scream and tried to bite Creed but its eyes saw its own body flash by.

The head fell on the floor and rolled.


The body slammed down hard. The people inside including Eva gasped at how easily Creed killed the two aliens.

"Wooo! You saved us!"

"Fuck ya! Kill them all!"

All cheered and rejoiced as if Creed had become their hope for victory.


The word that came out of his mouth turned the entire store to go silent. His dark eyes scanned the back and focused on Eva's little figure.

"Let's go."

He called her and grabbed two more axes from the stand. Eva hesitated but took her steps to Creed and held his hand.

"Hey! Are you leaving us?"

"Fuck man, save us!"

"I will pay you money! Protect me and my wife!"

Listening to their request, Creed felt his decision to become a good character was no longer needed and he should start massacring them all here.

However the situation now was serious and he didn't have time to waste.

First he had to get Eva to safety, that came before anything, even his own life.

A dying person's request was not to be played with. Creed picked Eva up again in his arms and sprinted towards the edge of the city far from the center.

* * *

As he reached a junction, his eyes locked on to a man wearing a flashy blue uniform and a round shield in his hand with a big star embarked in it.

The man fought against multiple aliens with that shield of his.

"Captain America?"

Creed muttered in astonishment. Captain America saw him with the girl in his arms and hurried to his side.

"Sir, you need to get out of this place! It's not safe here! Quickly. Let me take you both to that building. It should be much safer there than out here."


With quick response, Creed threw one of the three axes he had on him towards a flying carrier with two aliens.


The axe struck the alien in control of the carrier, losing the controller, the carrier fell down and exploded on the road far away from them.


Captain America was unable to let out a word. In his mind, no ordinary man was capable of doing this with such accuracy.

"Do what you were doing. I will take her to safety."

Saying so, Creed continued on his path leaving the man in blue uniform stunned.