
Marvel: Hitman, At Top

[Mature Content Present] Killing is an art, killing without the intent is mastery and killing without purpose is stupidity. The Hitman, At Top. In the criminal world, everyone is scared of him. Anyone who has seen his face, remained not to tell somebody. He kills, unlike anyone else. In the Marvel World, superheroes and supervillains roamed but he alone is feared by all. ************************** A Marvel fan fiction everyone, please read it and share your thoughts with others in the comments. I will try my best to steadily upload new chapters.

Taken4U · Phim ảnh
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29 Chs

CHAPTER - 23 { Peaceful Night }

In his bedroom, Creed adjusted pants and looked at his reflection in the long mirror.

This was his first time being invited to dinner by someone so he was slightly nervous and excited. He wanted to wear his black suit but thought that it would be too formal.

So here he was, wearing nice and fashionable casual clothes. Thin sky blue sweater, white striped long pants, white shoes and a classic watch. Everything was perfect.

"This is not too expensive or cheap, just in the right price range."

Tying his long hair, he applied some cream on his face then grabbed the gift on the bed before leaving the bedroom.

There was some time left so he took his time to go to May's apartment.

* * *

In the kitchen, May wore an apron over her beautiful blue dress. She was doing the last bits of work left to present the dinner.

"Peter, did you clean the table?"


The ten years old Peter Parker, her nephew, responded with a long yes.

"Well then, get dressed. I don't want him to see you in your pajamas, it'll leave a bad impression."

"Okay, on it!"

Peter dragged his feet on the floor and made his way to his room to find a set of clothes to wear. He wondered, which one would look good on him.

Knock Knock!

"Is he here?"

May quickly took off her apron and came before the front door. Adjusting her hair, she opened the door and saw Creed waiting outside.

Before she thought that Creed was handsome, now seeing him all dressed up, he was no longer just handsome but godly.

"Hey. This is for you."

Creed passed the gift with flowers to May and showed a mesmerizing smile to her.

He wanted to appear as normal as possible in front of others so he had some plans and lines scripted out.

"T-Thanks. Oh. Please come in."

May held the flowers and almost forgot to invite him inside because she was lost in his beauty. Was it weird to call him beautiful? She thought.

"You look really pretty in this dress. It seems we have matching taste in clothes."

Creed commented with a pleasant tone. May saw that they were indeed wearing similar colored clothes, so she nodded with a blush.

"Mister, you're here! Hi. I am Peter."

Peter walked out of his room and greeted Creed.

"Nice to meet you, Peter. I am Guston Creed. Just call me Gus or Creed if you want to."


After shaking hands with Peter, May led Creed to the couches and the three settled down there to have some small warm conversation before the dinner.

"About that day. Peter and I, we are both forever grateful to you. I can't express my thanks in words."

May said in a low voice and bowed her head. Seeing this, Peter also showed his gratitude and bowed his head.

"Oh come on you two. There's no need for them. As I said before, I did what I had to."

Creed pulled them up and smiled. This was the part where things turn awkward if not handled appropriately.

Of course, Creed was more than just prepared. He had rehearsed multiple times in the living room. Even to the point of getting tired.


May bit her lips and said with a weak smile. Her eyes had become slightly moist. Peter on her side supported her.

"Let's talk about something else."

She suggested Creed. Nodding his head he brought up the topic of their works, favorites, foods and other stuff.

"Peter, what do you want to become when you grow up?"

"I? Likely a scientist? I really wish to get into Stark Industries."

As the talk arrived around him, Pete went from being quiet to talkative. He was excited and shared his thoughts and ideas.

Being able to completely control himself and understand others, Creed had already penetrated behind May and Peter' guards.

The more they talked, the more these two felt that Creed was a very nice, intelligent, sweet and acceptable man.

Every word he muttered only had positive points. Very soon the three had familiarized themselves.

"Ah, we talked for so long. I think we should have dinner or it will all go cold."

"I was waiting when you'd suggest that. I really want to try the delicious cooking you told me about before."

"Haha. On the spot! You will love it."

On the dinner table, dishes were set up. The three then enjoyed the meal with happy expressions. Minutes later, they finished eating.

"You can call me if you need any help."

"You are such a gentlemen."

May gave a hug to Creed as he turned and left. Watching his back leave, she realized that the thing missing in her life was found.

'Maybe he could… I am just over thinking.'

She placed her hand on her chest and sighed. Closing the door behind, she called Peter to help her clean the dishes and the table.

* * *

Outside, Creed walked on the sideway with his fully packed stomach.

"A wonderful experience indeed. Having someone to cook for you is nice…"

The city was glowing with lights, and the dark sky with twinkling stars added more beauty to it.


"Oh. Sorry! I am sorry."

"No no! It's my mistake."

Creed looked at the blind man in front of him. It wasn't his mistake that he collided but since he was in a joyful mood, he apologized.

Anyways, the man was blind.

"You should also be careful. Bye."

He advised the blind man and walked past him. As he reached a certain distance, he turned back and narrowed his eyes.

The blind man, Creed, had definitely recognized his voice from somewhere.

"Ah, it's him. But how? Isn't he blind? Or is he just acting before the world like me?"

The blind man was the vigilante whom he saved from getting brutally beaten up by a few bad individuals on the rooftop during his suit's testing period.

"He wasn't after me though. Was he in a hurry?"

Creed shook his head then continued to go towards his apartment. The blind man had nothing to do with him so he wanted no trouble.

In a dark alley, the blind man wearing a suit, folded his walking stick and took off his coat.

Then he stripped, leaving the long pants and black tight t-shirt he wore underneath his suit. He pulled out a black cloth from his coat and tied it on his head covering half his face.

He hid his suit and skillfully climbed the building. In the night, he was like a cat surveying his surroundings.

Listening to all the noises he excluded the ones he didn't need off and only heard the important ones, like cries and shouts for help.

Sometimes he even heard gunshots.

"This city has become worse. Heroes came, brought with them the monsters. There was a time when the city felt like a home to me. Now, it feels like I am just a guest."

"This can't go on like this. I must change the city and make it brighter. Not just for me, but all the good people living here."

The man caught a particular sound, similar to that of metal hitting bricks. Followed by the shouts of men, and gunshots.

'Hell's Kitchen!'

Pinpointing the location of the noise's origin, the man dashed towards the edge of the building and leaped up to the next roof.

In this way, he traveled all the way to Hell's Kitchen from Queens in a few minutes.