
Marvel: Hitman, At Top

[Mature Content Present] Killing is an art, killing without the intent is mastery and killing without purpose is stupidity. The Hitman, At Top. In the criminal world, everyone is scared of him. Anyone who has seen his face, remained not to tell somebody. He kills, unlike anyone else. In the Marvel World, superheroes and supervillains roamed but he alone is feared by all. ************************** A Marvel fan fiction everyone, please read it and share your thoughts with others in the comments. I will try my best to steadily upload new chapters.

Taken4U · Phim ảnh
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29 Chs

CHAPTER - 18 { Yakuza }

Tokyo, Japan.

In the dark alleys, groups of Japanese men with tattoos on them were spending their free time smoking.

"Hey, the boss has been angry these days. What could be the reason?"

"You don't know? It's because of those Dragon punks. There's tension between them and our boss these past days."

"Oh. I understand."

While the conversation carried on, right on top of a building behind them, the space distorted slightly and two red glowing lights flashed.

No one noticed as the lights dimmed.

* * *

In the house that the Tiger gang members were guarding, the Tiger gang boss, Toru Tanaka, sat on his chair and relaxed.

"Ahh. Damn Dragon punk. Does he think I will let him take my territory just because he has the support of the Big Boss."

"Heh, he still doesn't know that Big Boss is only interested in a few things and I know what they are."

Toru crossed his legs and leaned back on the chair. He then started formulating a plan to make the Dragon gang boss become a laughing stock in front of the Big Boss.


Suddenly, the long katana on the display as decoration hung on the wall came out and traveled towards him.

With a powerful force, the katana stabbed Toru's forehead. It pierced through the skin, the flesh, the bone and the brain, ultimately coming out from the back.

Toru's expression was stuck, wide open eyes of shock, agape mouth, twitching cheek muscles, and pure horror.

Everything happened within a matter of a second, no shout, no scream or a cry.

The room was silent like never before.

Some droplets of blood did splash out, and made contact with an invisible surface just beside Toru's dead body.

'Target eliminated.'

Creed thought, his eyes stared at Toru and examined him. No sign of life, and beyond saving. The mission was completed.

He turned and stepped out of the room. He cleaned the blood on him and jumped out of the window with no sound at all.

Soon he arrived in his hotel room. He picked up the custom phone and called the dealer of this mission, who was none other than the Dragon gang boss.


"Toru Tanaka has been eliminated. Transfer the other half immediately."

"Hahahaha! Yes! Hahah! Bastard is dead! Fucking dead! Wonderful. The Hitman, At Top. The very best hitman in the entire world. Nothing less expected."

The Dragon gang boss was delighted and laughed for a while. He told Creed that the money will be sent in a moment.

"Also, our Big Boss wants to have a private talk with you. If you are willing, I shall inform him on your behalf. The time and place can be decided by you."

"... I will be there."

Saying that, Creed hung up the call. On the other side of the call, in a spacious room, the Dragon gang boss, Ichiro Maeda, scratched his head.

"What does he mean by that?"

Ichiro muttered in confusion. Across the table on the other side, a man stood with his back facing Ichiro.

That man was looking out of the glass wall admiring the beauty of Tokyo.

"What did he say?"

"He said, 'I will be there'. Sir, do you perhaps know what he means by that?"

Ichiro asked, looking at the man, the person every Yakuza calls Big Boss. The man turned around and now faced Ichiro.

"He meant to say that he will come to me when the time is right. This can also be comprehended as, 'I know where you are'."

The man elaborated unhurriedly. Ichiro nodded his head in understanding, but there always remains a question to this type of situation.

"How does he know?"

"Are you stupid?"

The man asked Ichiro with a dumbfounded look on his face. Ichiro was embarrassed, lowered his head and apologized to the Big Boss.

"Did you tell him where Toru was? And did he ask?"

"No, sir. I didn't tell him yet. Nor did he ask."

"Then why do you think he can't find us if he can easily find Toru in a few minutes? He might already be here. It's a possibility."

The man said calmly. He really wanted to have someone like Creed on his side, or him directly, but no one has ever done it before.

And he couldn't see that happening in the near future.

"What do you want to talk about?"

A cold and deep voice sounded in the room, right behind Ichiro. The two who were already present there, had chills running down their spine.

Ichiro turned his head and looked behind him. He saw a man, standing there wearing a black gentleman' suit.

Black gloves and a black fabric full mask with red screens in the place of eyes. If not for Ichiro being an experienced fighter, he would have had a heart attack.

"W-When did you?"

Ichiro stood up and backed away from Creed in fear that the hitman was going to kill him even if it wasn't. Just his presence was dreadful.

"My men outside… Did you kill them all?"

The Big Boss asked in a normal voice, trying to not show his shock. Creed shook his head and sat down on the couch where Ichiro was sitting.

"They don't know."

He said in a low voice. The Big Boss nodded his head and took his seat opposite to Creed, and gestured to Ichiro to get out.

Ichiro bowed in hesitation and left the room. Once outside, he asked their men but as Creed said, no one saw him entering.

'I can't believe it! Does he have superpowers?'

First time in his life he encountered someone like Creed. Ichiro was mentally afraid of the way Creed could kill him without letting anyone know.

"Have you heard of Shingen Yashida, son of Ichiro Yashida?"

The Big Boss asked, placing his hands on the table, he looked and scanned Creed's entire figure.

"I have."

"Makes it easier. The deal is simple: kill him and his family. 10 million in US dollars. I need it completed within this month."

10 million, it was a very large number.

After careful consideration, and thoroughly checking all the information about Shingen Yashida and his family, consisting of his daughter Mariko Yashida and his father Ichiro Yashida.

He finally decided.

"This month?"

"Yes, this month. All three of them will be together, the best and only possible chance I can see."

The Big Boss answered him with a smile. If he could have the best hitman in the world do this, what was there to worry.

Creed stood up to leave the place. The man looked at him and then asked one last thing.

"You were already inside the hotel. If I didn't transfer the money, would you have killed all of us?"

The man saw Creed pause, and again continue to walk towards the front door. His question was definitely answered by that movement.

'He would have.'

The Big Boss of Yakuza couldn't help but gulp his saliva and think. Today, how easily he would have died if mistakes were made in the money transaction.

* * *

The hotel room that Creed was staying in, exactly wasn't his but was of a member from the high ranking Yakuza.

Away from the hotel, Creed advanced towards his next destination.

Shingen Yashida' resident.

First he needed to scout, find the right moment, and then finish the entire family in a single night.

The more it stretches, the more difficult it gets. Missions with multiple targets were always harder than missions with only one target.

One time Creed almost died because he couldn't kill one of the multiple targets as planned and was delayed by a week. It alerted everyone, making the mission very stressful and difficult.

Finding Shingen Yashida' resident was like finding water near a beach. He just had to open the map and search for the name.