
Marvel: Hitman, At Top

[Mature Content Present] Killing is an art, killing without the intent is mastery and killing without purpose is stupidity. The Hitman, At Top. In the criminal world, everyone is scared of him. Anyone who has seen his face, remained not to tell somebody. He kills, unlike anyone else. In the Marvel World, superheroes and supervillains roamed but he alone is feared by all. ************************** A Marvel fan fiction everyone, please read it and share your thoughts with others in the comments. I will try my best to steadily upload new chapters.

Taken4U · Phim ảnh
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29 Chs

CHAPTER - 12 { HYDRA Base Part-5 }


Creed ran for his life, just behind him, the eight ugly creatures were catching up.

Gulp. He glanced back and saw the one he shot before, leading the others. They were like trucks, once they got speed and momentum, no one could stop them.


"Kill! Die!"

Calling them Mindless Numbs wouldn't be wrong.

With no time to waste, Creed pushed his physical limits and reached the front side of the third floor. Unfortunately for him, five Hydra soldiers were blocking the path.

Their gun muzzles all aimed at his figure. In the corridor, he was as good as dead if these soldiers fired.

And of course they would, but Creed reacted faster. He raised his handgun and shot the lights in the corridor.

Bang! Bang!

The entire corridor then was engulfed by darkness. The soldiers waited no more and fired their guns at Creed.

Da! Da! Da! Da!

The burst of lights due to the gunpowder and bullets created flashes of lights in the dark. In each flash of light, Creed could be seen running from side to side, wall run and other styles to dodge all the bullets.

Even so, he was no superhuman. Three bullets managed to hit him. One grazed him leaving behind a long red line on his flesh.

The two bullets pierced his left thigh, one in the bone and the other in the muscle.


Roaring loudly, Creed erupted with adrenaline and shot himself at the group of five soldiers with his two handguns.

In the dark, he slipped in the middle and shot two of the five in their heads. Then as the three tried to grab him, he jumped and kicked about two.

The third one held him on the stomach but a bullet in his head was enough to make his arms go limp and soft.


He killed the last two alive ones, and stood up. The torture room was far, just one right left turn and he was there.

* * *

With the lights broken, he was able to know that he finally arrived before the torture room. He stepped on the dead bodies of the soldiers and went into the room.


The sharp and cold sensation on his fingers helped him to find the best blades in the room. A strong and curved sickle, a thick saber with teeths on the sharp side.

With these two, he was sure that he could cut off those ugly Mindless Numbs in halfs.

In the dark, night vision was very useful. Stepping outside in the corridor, he first destroyed all the lights with the M16 then waited for the Numbs.


From the turn, the first one appeared. Its flat nose sniffed the air and looked in his direction. Growling, it stomped the floor and rushed.

"Kill! Die!"

Behind it, seven more followed. Creed clenched the sickle and saber handles tightly. He took in deep breaths and gathered his thoughts to one, kill.


Shouting, he launched himself on the right side walk and leaped right behind the first Numb's back.

He spun the sickle midair and swung it on the Numb's fat neck. All the energy in his body traveled to his right arm.

The muscles in his right arm seemed to expand and enlarge, fully packed with strength.


The sharp sickle blade sliced the Numb's neck, cutting through the fatty flesh and ripped apart the neck bones and nerves along.


In slow motion, while midair he separated the first Numb's head off its body with the deadly sickle.


Twisting his body, he slashed the saber on the next Numb's burnt face. The saber cut from the top left to below the mouth.


Black blood flew out. Landing on the floor, Creed rolled back on the fat body of the first Numb, currently laying dead without a head.


The second Numb tried to climb over the first Numb's body but Creed jumped and sliced its neck with the saber and ended its movements.

Now with two down, Creed felt slight relief. He lowered his upper body and prepared to sprint over the Numbs.


Kicking off, he stepped on the dead bodies of the two Numbs and jumped over three Numbs. Then as his body came down, he kicked the sixth one on the head and jumped again.

Doing this, he came to the other side. The Numb at the very last roared and clawed at him.


A swift swing of the saber screened and cut the Numb's fingers before it could touch him. Kicking the Numb on the chest, he pushed himself away from it.


The Mindless Numb enraged, hurriedly rushed at Creed. He also dashed forward but at the right moment he got down and slid between its legs.


Creed, roaring, extended his hand and hooked the curved sickle on the Numb's neck. With a powerful pull, he sliced the neck into two.


The seventh Numb slammed on Creed while hugging his arms around the chest very tightly. Any longer and Creed would have to say his goodbyes.


Gritting his teeth, Creed stabbed the saber in the Numb's neck, at the very edge of it that joined with the shoulder.

There was a very important connection of blood vessels, which were cut as well. Then he hooked the sickle on the neck and did a strong spin.

Black blood splashed on his mask and clothes, which were already dyed in red.


The Numb's body fell on the floor causing shock waves. Four were finished, four more left.

"Ahhhh! Fucking Die!"

Creed jumped on the sixth one, with flexible and swift moves he easily sliced its neck and killed it before the fifth one could interfere.


The fifth one clenched its hands into tight fists and swung its arms at Creed. The punches carried too much power in them for Creed to stop it.

He pulled himself back in time and avoided a punch. The tight, hard and large fist broke a hole in the wall. Bomb bunkers had thick walls, this one was 50 centimeters.

If it had landed by any mistake, his head would have turned into a busted watermelon.


Creed swung his left hand holding the saber and cut off the Numb's right arm. Then he struck the sickle on the Numb's neck.

Running on the wall, he rotated around the Numb with the sickle's sharp blade slicing the neck in a circle.



The third and fourth Numbs came together trying to gang up on Creed. Using the headless bodies of the other Numbs, he distanced himself from the two.

Pulling out his handguns he shot one of the two until the magazines were empty. The Numb fell on the floor, but obviously didn't die.

Taking this chance, Creed leaped and killed the other Numb. As the fallen one tried to get up, he placed his right foot on its head.


It shouted but struggled to get up due to Creed's foot putting pressure on it. Black or red, blood dripped down the black mask.

Creed tilted his head and applied more strength on his right leg, pushing the Numb's head on the floor. Then with the sharp sickle he started slicing its neck very slowly until nothing connected the head and body.


The other headless Numb which was still standing fell down behind Creed. Now with black and red blood all over him, Creed once again stood alone in the quiet and dark corridor.

Taking this chance, Creed leaped and killed the other Numb. As the fallen one tried to get up, Creed used the deadly sickle and cut the neck in half.


The headless Numb which was still standing fell down behind Creed. Now with black blood all over him, Creed once again stood alone in the quiet and dark corridor.

The black mask's eyes glowed in red light. Like a demon he scanned the bodies on the floors, none was moving anymore.


Creed screamed on top of his lungs. The entire boom bunker resonated, his scream echoed in every corner.