
Marvel : Gene Extraction

Adrian, a regular guy, unexpectedly finds himself transmigrated into the Marvel universe equipped with a Gene Extraction System. Watch as his journey unfolds in this extraordinary new world. Disclaimer: I do not own any characters; all rights go to their respective owners. I am simply editing a machine-translated novel. If you are the owner of this novel and wish to have it taken down, please leave a comment below, and I will contact you shortly. English is not my first language, and I edited this using ChatGPT. If you find any mistakes, please point them out. I hope you enjoy it!

Shredder_ · Phim ảnh
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20 Chs

Chapter -10: Explaining the Situation

When the blonde girl left, Tony turned to Adrian with a serious and concerned expression. "What happened, Adrian? How did you end up with so much blood on you?"

Adrian took a seat opposite Tony Stark on the sofa and replied bluntly, "I killed some people."

"Hey, killed some people? Man, today's not April fool's Day, are you sure you're not pulling my leg?" Tony squinted at Adrian.

Adrian admitted, "Well, I didn't lie to you. I did kill." Reflecting on the recent events, he added, "Although I ultimately subdued all the attackers, and I was prepared for the possibility of violence when I decided to accompany you to Afghanistan, the act of killing was still unexpected for me. It caught me off guard."

Tony was concerned, "How did this happen? Tell me all the details. Also, where did it happen? I need to make calls for assistance immediately. This must be addressed promptly. I'll get in touch with Pepper to handle the aftermath." Then, he instructed, "JARVIS, contact Pepper."

"Yes, Sir" JARVIS answered immediately.

"Outside the scrap factory Pepper acquired for me. As I was leaving, a group on motorcycles confronted me. There was a confrontation, and in the heat of it, I ended up killing them," Adrian explained.

"Hey man, you're sure that you are not making a story to fool me? You say a group of people attacked you and you killed them? You can't blame me for doubting you, though you often go to the gym and have a great fitness, but fighting ability? Nope, I don't believe it. If you met a group of thugs, how can you kill them, unless... you took some of our company's weapons with you?" Tony asked Adrian with a stunned and sceptical look.

"I do have a good fighting ability, it's just that you never knew." Adrian said with a weird look on his face.

Tony was speechless, "You pulled off a sneak attack."

"But that's the way it is..." Adrian shrugged, unfazed.

"Alright, I had a feeling you'd end up taking someone out. But hey, don't sweat it for now. Head upstairs, hit the shower, get some rest, and wait for Pepper to show up. I'll have her sort this mess out without attracting any unwanted attention from the FBI," Tony assured Adrian.

"Yeah," Adrian responded, then got up and left the hall. After he left, Pepper entered the hall and asked Tony for instructions.

Tony wasted no time and immediately instructed Pepper to send people to handle the situation Adrian described.

When Pepper heard Tony' instructions she was quite surprised by it, although she was surprised she acted quickly, following his orders to address the situation.

Tony was surprised by the photos and CCTV footage Pepper sent him, showing the scene with flesh and blood, along with evident explosion traces. He was curious about how Adrian managed to come out from such a situation unscathed.

Adrian, who had previously been seen as somewhat of an otaku by Tony, now appeared mysterious in his eyes, given the circumstances surrounding the recent events.

Judging from traces at the scene, Adrian seemed to be hiding something from him, but Tony wasn't inclined to press him for answers.

Under the management of Pepper, everything was handled quite efficiently. Adrian wasn't bothered about the incident from start to finish.

After showering and having a good meal, Adrian went to bed and slept until dawn.

Next day!

Woken up suddenly, Adrian found both Pepper and Tony urging him to get ready for their trip to Afghanistan today for a weapons briefing.