

One moment I was in my world, the next, well... not there anymore, at least I was given something to survive.

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297 Chs


If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

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[Alex Walker POV]

I opened a portal back to Asgard, leaving Thor in his room, before going back to mine, after this weird and long journey, I needed to rest and think about a lot of things, at least for a bit. 

I had so many discoveries and yet felt in the same place as before.

I knew much, yet nothing.

I sighed, slumping into my bed as I pondered over this journey, over my findings.

Why was nothing ever easy?


I blinked, turning to look at the door, as I heard Emily call.

I smiled.

"Yes?" I replied, which was all Emily needed to kick my door open.

"I have a gift for you!" Emily beamed at me, showcasing on her little hands a plate full of delicious-looking cookies, and other pastries.

I chuckled, pushing myself off the bed, "Well, well, well, how can I say no to that?"

Emily giggled, putting the plate on my bed.

"So, what do we have here?" I asked as Emily sat on my bed, happy to explain what she had made.

"Well, first, let's start with the classics," Emily smiled, pointed to a small pile of chocolate chip cookies, extra chips, just how I liked them, "These, as you can see, are chocolate chip cookies a la Alex," she giggled.

I nodded, taking one, and let me tell you, it was delicious.

"Please sir, restraint from trying to the exhibition during the presentation," Emily sighed, holding back a giggle.

"Yes ma'am!" I nodded, doing a military salute.

"Ok, as I was saying, those are chocolate chip cookies a la Alex," Emily smiled, once again pointing at the pile of cookies, that was currently missing two cookies… I took another one while she blinked, superspeed things.

"Hm-hm," I nodded, my mouth full with the second cookie.

"Then, we have the orange cookies, not a popular choice, I know… BUT! I like them," Emily nodded, mostly to herself.

"Hm-hm," I nodded, my mouth full with the third cookie I had just taken while she was looking away.

"Then, we have these," Emily pointed, showing me a collection of pastries I had not seen before, at least not until today.

"What is that one?" I asked, pointing at one.

"Those are some I made with my new friend, Vest," Emily smiled.

"Vest… like, vest vest?" I asked, holding a snort.

"Daddy!" Emily gasped, before turning to ponder, "Maybe? She said she got that name, cause she's the best, but with a V, of very vest, so…"

I snorted.

"Anyway as I was saying, those are some I made with my friend Vest, the one you particularly pointed out is called Revani," Emily grinned, giving me a piece, "Revani is a syrup-soaked cake made with semolina and yogurt, known for its slight lemony taste. It was hard to make, but Vest is very good at teaching, so I eventually learned!"

I smiled, looking at the slice of cake before taking a bite.

The moment I did, the whole world was put into perspective, shaking me to the very core as everything else just disappeared. I felt, my breathing becoming hard, and ragged, as tears fell into my lap.

Just then, I realized, I was crying.

"Dad?" Emily asked, her voice soft and full of uncertainty.

I looked at her, eyes still full of tears, and smiled at her, "I am baby girl," I wasn't sad, or happy, I was both, and it didn't make any sense. Then again, tears come from the heart and not from the brain, so it didn't have to make sense.

That little piece of dessert, it felt like home to me.

"Why are you crying?" Emily asked, concern lacing her tone.

"Well, it was so good it put tears into my eyes," I laughed, hugging her tight, "You are an amazing cook princess, the best of the best."

"Thanks, Daddy," Emily replied, before almost whispering, "Would you like to try the rest?"

I beamed at her, flashing her my happiest smile, "Of course!"


[Alice Walker POV]

Alex and the rest of the extras were in Asgard, leaving me to plan and move ahead with my reason for being here.

Acquiring more power.

I was strong, but in the great scheme of things, I was painfully weak.

Unlike Alex, I didn't have an infinite potential.

I just couldn't compete with the original.

But, who said I had to play by the rules?

He had his absurd potential, and I had my shortcuts.

A girl had to do what she had to do to survive.

As simple as that.

I would destroy them, those who took everything from me, no matter the cost, and would strike down anyone that decided to stand in my way.

Consequences be damned, after all, I had nothing to lose, not anymore.

I would kill as many as I had to, as long as they were a part of the great sum.

The TVA would pay.

No matter the cost.

They. Would. Pay.

"You don't have to do this," Oh right, I had a man nailed to a wall with my blades, I had almost forgotten, silly me.

"Oh, but I do silly," I beamed at him, summoning another blade before plunging it into his heart, or where his heart should be, Eternals are confusing creatures, like, for, real, where can I get a biology book on them, it would make my work considerably easy. 

"Why are you doing this?" Ugg, always the same question, it seems unoriginality it's a pattern in our universe.

"Well, my dear… what's your name?" I asked, I always forget to ask them before I kill them, I need to work on my manners.

"Druig, and I'm an eternal," Druig? Oof, his parents didn't love him.

"Well… Druig, I'm doing this… because you little Eternals are full of yummy yummy nutrients I need to grow into a big big girl," I giggled, I tried to do this before, in every time line I managed to jump in, but the TVA always caught up to me, but here… here I was free to finally do what I had set to do, starting with Druig here, the peruvian eternal… wait, does that make me racist? Should've I… like killed a white one first? Meh.

"You… plan to eat me?!" Druig asked shock.

"Don't flatter yourself, but yes," I nodded, "Not in the literal sense, I'm not THAT crazy, but yeah, I will eat you, and your friends, one by one, after all, I need to finish my appetizers before I go to the main course." The big boy.

"You are crazy!" Druig muttered, trying once again to control my mind.

"I am, I have a doctor's note and everything!" I giggled, as he continued to try and breach into my mind, silly silly Druig, you can't control a broken mind, after all, madness is the best shield against such things, "Oh well… as amusing as it is seeing you try and try, I have things to do… so, bon appetit to me."

"No… get away! Get away!"