
Marvel: From the Start, I Am Immortal

Fourteen-year-old Su Chen yearns for an ordinary life, but his extraordinary nature makes it impossible. Born with an immortal body and genes that constantly mutate and evolve in response to any external stimuli, Su Chen is a being of immense potential. His cells are so active that even if reduced to a single cell, he can rapidly regenerate, making him virtually indestructible. Moreover, his genes develop countermeasures against any form of attack, ensuring he cannot be harmed the same way twice. To manage and understand his ever-expanding array of abilities, Su Chen devises a system to summarize his capabilities. He comes to realize that over time, he will become omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, an existence in this world referred to as 'OAA' ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the fanfic I was merely translating this. Note: This book is translation of Chinese novel and with minor change so novel can be readable and interesting. Check out my ko-fi for more advanced chapters at ko-fi.com/anime_kingdom

Anime_Kingdom_2672 · Phim ảnh
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106 Chs

Chapter 104

**Check out my ko-fi for more advanced chapters at ko-fi.com/anime_kingdom

Not long ago, Valeria Richards, nicknamed "Brainstorm," daughter of the brilliant Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, endured the darkest period of her life.

Her parents were dead. Her brother had become a numb automaton, locked away in the house, obsessively trying to unlock the secrets of his childhood. In this sealed-off secret facility, she couldn't even go outside to feel the sunlight or see the colors of the world. Worse still, she had to endure listening to the inane drivel from the S.H.I.E.L.D. science team.

As someone touted to be the future's brightest mind, Valeria couldn't stand working alongside such idiots. Their slow-witted thinking made her question if they were even the same species—like comparing Homo sapiens to Neanderthals.

"Too stupid," she thought. "Working with these morons is an insult to myself."

As one bad news after another came in like snowflakes, Valeria realized that she couldn't rely on these fools. So, she found inspiration and an answer in the beeper left behind by Nick Fury.

Perhaps she could build a device powerful enough to broadcast a signal across the universe. These fools were hopeless. Staying with them was a path to self-destruction.

She had to fight back. She had to get revenge.

Soon enough, after studying this piece of high-tech machinery, she managed to create a signal transmitter capable of broadcasting across the universe. The signal, amplified by the Sun, would reach far into space. Despite being limited by the technology at her disposal, the transmission could still reach several dozen light-years away, which was more than enough.

Valeria felt satisfied with her invention. This was the difference between her and those idiots. She was going to bring in help from the universe, call upon a truly terrifying entity to completely annihilate the number one mutant.

The response came quickly. A muffled, raspy voice slowly became clearer, as if the alien language was being translated.

"Shut down the signal immediately, or your entire planet's coordinates will be exposed, leading to your extinction."

Valeria was thrilled, but the words were like a cold shower, dousing her excitement. Even without seeing the entity's face, she could sense a chilling coldness, a thick stench of blood filling her nostrils.

What kind of monster was this that could project such terrifying malice from light-years away?

Valeria quickly realized she had contacted a terrifying being from beyond the universe. Though elated, she was also filled with fear. But when she thought about her bleak life, her resolve returned.

After a moment of deliberation, the young girl spoke, "My civilization has fallen. Don't hesitate. Come here and replace us. Destroy us."

The signal transmitter then started malfunctioning. Valeria frowned and immediately began repairs. To ensure her message had been sent, she repeated her words.

Finally, a cold, resigned voice came through, "I understand."

The communication ended there.

Huh? Valeria was frustrated. Was that a yes or a no? The ambiguous response left her uncertain, so she decided to keep the signal transmitter running to seek out other beings in the universe.


And thus, Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, intercepted the signal. She was furious, her expression stern, as she descended towards a secret facility on the West Coast, her body ablaze with golden energy.


The door, built to withstand nuclear blasts, was dented with a massive impact. With a roar of energy, the door was blown apart.

"Enemy attack!" The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were startled. The facility housed most of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s elite—who could have predicted that an enemy would strike so directly?

"No, it's her!"

"Our backup!"

Agent Coulson was the first to react. The heroic figure before them was the woman who had once saved the Earth.

But Carol didn't acknowledge him. Following the signal's trace, she ignored the shocked onlookers and stormed through the facility, blazing with golden light.


With a single step, she shattered the steel-plated floor and violently broke into the second underground level. The collapsed room before her was Valeria's bedroom.

"You...?" Valeria was taken aback.

"What the hell have you done?" Carol snarled, grabbing the signal transmitter from the desk and glaring at her.

Valeria immediately realized her actions had been exposed. But she remained defiant, showing no sign of regret.


Carol, seething with anger, slapped the girl across the face. Though she had restrained her strength, the slap still sent the young girl flying from her chair to the floor.

"You dare hit me?" Valeria clutched her face, her eyes filled with hatred. But then she suddenly realized something.


She laughed, tears of joy streaming down her face.

As smart as she was, she understood that she had succeeded!

"I did it, didn't I?"

"You..." Carol gritted her teeth, barely restraining herself from killing the girl. "Do you have any idea what you've done? Do you really want Earth to be wiped out?"

"What else?" The defiant girl sneered. Watching Utopia grow stronger, she thought this damned world deserved to be completely obliterated.

"Do whatever you want with me. I know we're all doomed anyway."

"Just tell me one thing—who was the one that responded?"



In the vast expanse of space, a figure riding a silver surfboard glanced at the collapsing galaxy before him. His master, Galactus, the devourer of worlds, had begun his feast.

As his herald, the Silver Surfer, one of Galactus's four main envoys, was tasked with finding the next galaxy for his master to consume.

It was a difficult decision. He was deeply uneasy. Were it not for the safety of his homeworld, he would never have continued in this role as a guide.

However, he was relieved that one planet's inhabitants had requested their own destruction. Perhaps erasing such a sinful world would ease his conscience.

Silently, he waited.

Soon, after the destruction of this galaxy, the guide would lead the way to the solar system.

Check out my ko-fi for more advanced chapters at ko-fi.com/anime_kingdom