
MARVEL: Fists and Blades

A martial arts enjoyer that has read countless webtoons and mangas is scary enough. How scary can he be when he's in a high tier world with various boons with him? Will he become a slave of society or will he become the society's system itself....Or will he take a completely different path to freedom? Stay tuned to check what he does! I OWN NOTHING EXCEPT MY OC. COVER IS ALSO NOT MINE

Sans_Killer_4552 · Phim ảnh
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3 Chs

2- Annoying ones

A/N: Uhhhhhh....Sorry? 


The fact that peter became Spider-man was not too much of a surprise. I'm pretty sure that this Marvel world is a mesh of comics and MCU. Not too sure though, since the Fantastic 4 also are there. Oh man.....Reed Richards.....Anyways, I should probably look at my stats?

I guess so.


Name: Ash Willburn

Age: 17 years (decided to cut the month thing)

Race: True-Human ( True Humans are true humans to have existed. During the Ancient Period of The beginning of humans, the Period of Adam and Eve, humans could build weapons that could shatter the shield of heaven and have power rivaling the angels. Eve could rival the archangels and Adam could rival God as he created Adam with his image in mind, was what God thought. The True Humans were blessed by an unknown outer divinity which enhanced their blood and gave them true power But the special blood they carried diminished and no longer exists. The only existing one with the blood is now...YOU)

Weight: 70 kilograms

Height: 5'7 

OT (Outer Energy): 100/100


Health : 100% / 100%

Stamina : 100% / 100%

Strength : 20

Agility : 21

Dexterity : 5

 Endurance : 16->18

Intelligence : 180 IQ

Wisdom: 1


1 True Martial Talent (Passive): True Talent in Martial Arts! You have immeasurable talent and potential in the martial journey. Martial arts can be improved by you and you can become a strong martial artist with enough training! You can copy martial arts with ease.

2) True Sword Talent (Passive): You have the talent and potential of a sword saint! Of course that's just a lie! You can go and improve by leaps and bounds in your sword. Swordsmanship is your bitch! You can copy sword styles with ease.

3) Mind Disharmony (Passive): Your mind is dormant to you and you only. You can have it improve by leaps and bounds with enough practice and no one can touch it! Telepaths, controllers and enter your mind. 

4) Personal Smithy (Active): You can activate your personal smithy which is in another space. You will be transported to that space with a time dilation of 1:1

5) True Human's physique (passive): Your body improves with training....your physique though can only be slim and slender( No baki level physique). You will have everything strengthened with training. Your muscles with scream with joy at the pain that makes you stronger.... There is also minor healing that can be improved.

6) Mimicry (Active): You can mimic one's techniques of anything. Cooking, riding etc.

7) Unknown Blessing : )@^$&^$&^@(^#^$



Looking at the translucent blue screen in front of me, I gave a slight chuckle. Everything was the same, except for my intelligence and endurance, although I was a bit surprised that my endurance levelled up, I quickly realized the fact that I pushed myself to study all that shit in an all-nighter for someone that goes to sleep early. Damn, is this a red flag? I probably shouldn't go to bed late.....

My thoughts were interrupted as something hit me in my left. Since I didn't have the same muscle memory in my previous life, I couldn't dodge it.

Unamused by the fact that something hit me, I looked at what hit me, it was a simple paper ball. A crumpled piece of paper that had a note written inside it. Now, was I going to read it? No. I look at the person that caused the source of commotion, of course it's gonna be Flash. Dude never gets tired of whatever the fuck he does. Flash, after noticing that he got my attention goes on to spew some shit, I didn't hear it properly though.

"Aishhhh, I missed the headshot, Oi Ash, stay still this time, I need to land a shot!" Flash Thompson and his group. The bully group. Now, am i caring for it? Not really, no. Therefore, I must establish my dominance. I hate clichés, so no more of them.

Assessing the current situation, there's around 5 of them? That's enough, the body might not be honed but my martial arts memory in my former life can prove to be more than enough to deal with these scum. There's at least 10 minutes until the teacher comes, yes? I'll take 'em down in two.

(Ash's mind is accelerated, so uh the thinking process is accelerated as well.)

I get up from my desk with an indifferent look, the cock-suckers were dazed a bit at first due to my unexpected reaction, nevertheless their walnut-ass brain couldn't think of anything else other than laughing.

"Looks like little kid's broken down, awwww what you gonna do, cry?" Flash was the first to get up, to from what I could see, beat me up or at least try. Unknowing of his demise, no words spoken, my fist abruptly crashes to his neck, I didn't bother going for his face. OF course I didn't hit the adam's apple, me no crazy.

Flash staggered back as his breathing faltered, as he couldn't speak due to the attack, my next attack connected to his jaw, knocking the son of a bitch out. Of course, I took his hand-watch before I let him hit the ground. 

4 left....Let's finish this. The other party was in a daze seeing Flash get taken down that easily, but I still exist. Without spending any time, I use the watch and throw it at the face of the glasses guy, then I connect the punch to his face. Blood dripped from his nose.

I, then proceed to use the guy as a weapon and throw him at the other two, was easy 'cuz he was light asf, bro barely weighed anything. Now, while the last guy was fucking flabbergasted at the scene. I hit him in the solar plexus as all of my strength, which knocked him out. How did I exert such force? Kinetic energy from a rotating punch and the right hand stance. 

The two who were hit by the guy weren't knocked out, but their shoulder and finger got dislocated respectively. How? I don't know..... I'M SERIOUS OK?!

Anyways, after dealing with them, I got back to my seat as a calm and reasonable person once said, 'Don't extend things more than they need to be'. I reflect back on myself.....I was not a man of such temper. This was troublesome, do I need to do my mental and spiritual training(self-named) again?

(Dude as I'm writing this, it all feels so bland...like no emotion. Oh well, I'll get there eventually, my characters will give out more vivid emotions and feelings you can actually picture as a normal thing)

Whilst Ash was reflecting back on himself, a healthy fellow classmate was the first to break the awkward atmosphere as the class was looking at Ash with mixed expressions.

"We should take them to the infirmary right?" AS Ned Leeds, the boy who had spoken, broke the tense atmosphere, a few boys from the class got up and took their fallen classmates to the infirmary to get them patched up.

Ash was though, thinking to himself, as to how he took them down. he thought that he needed at least 2 minutes at most to take them down. Yet, it only took him 1 and a half minutes. He also figured that his strikes improved in the battle, but he quickly deduced that he couldn't improve further due to his lacking in strength. Which meant that, if he trained seriously for a week with nothing else, he would already become a monster capable at punching a thousand or more kilograms with all his strength. 

Ash had a shit eating grin plastered on his face, his plans had changed once again and a new plan had taken action, to leave the school and go to kamar-taj, sike no! kamar-taj wouldn't prove to be that useful since the eldritch magic they practiced wouldn't be a good match for him, yet the teleporting through the portals could prove to be efficient. 

However, a no is a no. What would he do if The Ancient One wasn't as he was expecting? You never know. Nevertheless, K'un-lun could prove to be a good choice, but he still wouldn't go there, to be more accurately phrased, couldn't. Since, the place was in China for sure, how could he get in or where even was the place? He didn't actually know anything about K'un-lun except for the fact that Iron fist originated from there.

Ash had his basics down, and to fully create a style, one had to master the basics and be proficient in other martial arts as well so that the style would be truthful, or usable. You can't create a style that only punches and kicks from different angles can you?

Anyways, he did create a style in hi past life, no he took inspiration from a webtoon and made some changes himself, nonetheless, he was too weak in his former life to even execute the moves without being injured heavily....now it might be possible.

Whilst Ash was grinning to himself, the entire class was looking at Ash as he was a freak or something, most were also confused since the black haired boy didn't act like that before. He was always a calm and reasonable boy, albeit a bit shy sometimes and weak overall. Yet, now he acted like a professional martial artist, and his brutality also irked a few boys, one of them being Peter Parker. Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy also weren't the most appreciative of what Ash had done despite the notoriety of the group.


Peter parker was a normal boy with below average strength and looks. His luck wasn't the best but he was blessed with his high intelligence that helped him in life. Despite that, his gift bought himself a curse as well, he was picked on by the people stronger than him and was always a thorn to their eyes.

Peter was truly sad with all that had happened, and he couldn't even fight back or even talk about it. His aunt, Aunt May had enough worries about managing them. He also had a part time job to help his Aunt pay for the bills and so-so. 

Yet, a month ago, he was bitten by a radioactive spider through pure coincidence. He gained abilities similar to the spiders and had amazing strength and agility. He thought that he could make a difference, to solve his life. Yet the death of his Uncle traumatized him as he swore to himself, to become the pillar of hope for the weak and helpless citizens.

And through a series of events, he became Spider-man. Although the job required him to stay awake to late night. A few people were also not fond of his presence, one of them being J Jonah Jameson. The owner of the Daily Bugle was not his fan and berated him publicly through any means possible. 

Even though all that happened, Peter still persisted and became a hero in the eyes of the people, and was dubbed as the Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman. Although, a vigilante, he was still a hero and took pride in that. 

Today, was just supposed to be another day at school with his friends who kept him company, The heir to the Osborn Group, Harry Osborn and his crush, Gwen Stacy. They were just talking normal stuff, until I noticed Ash Willburn, a classmate of mine acting a bit differently from his usual persona. And that's where things started going..... sideways? Well, Ash just acted normally, except when Flash and his group started annoying him.

Since they couldn't get me, they went after Ash. Pathetic bastards, although I can't really do about it. They messed with me and I paid them back for it, I also defended another bullied boy but they bullied him more and the boy told me to stop helping him. I was heartbroken at how I couldn't save him. Nevertheless, to the present situation. Ash seemed to get....angry? No I couldn't even say that.

He was just.... indifferent? He took a glance at his hand-watch and started fighting them, it wasn't even a fight but a massacre. He beat them all up in barely no more than a minute, and he did so effortlessly as if he was a pro. martial artist. A few boys took away the fallen classmates to the infirmary yet one question still lingered in my mind, 'What the hell happened to him in the weekend?'


After finishing my inner-monologue, I realize that a few people were giving me the nasty glare, fuck you. Anyways, peter and the other two are also giving me the weird glare, Gwen looks angry at me, bitch the fuck? Anyways, she prolly got her reason, no need to be so angry.


The bell rang as it signaled the end of school for the day. I just got out of the classroom and went straight to the principal's office. "May I come in, Mr. Helson?" I spoke out asking for permission as I stood in front of his office.

"Oh, Mr. Willburn, please do come in." The bald man signaled me to come in, I entered without his office speaking and sat down in front of him, "Well, Mr. Willburn, what is it that you wished to talk about?" 

"Well...Sir, I would like to leave the school." I look into his eyes, with eye contact, things become easier.

"Hmm.....Has the school proved to be unnecessary Mr. Willburn?" He asked me before quickly changing his words,"Oh dear me, I spoke without thinking. Alright, you wish to leave the school yes? We'll need a signature to confirm it's authenticity to the board, do you mind waiting for a bit?" The Principal asked to which I gave a nod, he then called over an assistant and we finished the legal procedures through document.

After it ended, I gave a slight bow before leaving his office, no words exchanged between us. I also left the school quietly and quickly, and was relieved at the fact that none of Flash's lackeys came to annoy me.

I didn't go to my home no, I went to somewhere else...

A few minutes later~~~

I check my bad and count the rations, 500 rice beads nice..... and 5 bottles of water, all at 2 litres. And also clothes, now why am I doing this? Well, easy question, I am connecting to nature, bitch.

What I am doing though, is going to a deep forest. More precisely, to the mountains, why though? Well, to train of course. I also had to but like a wooden sword. how did i get it? Don't ask. How long am I planning on staying? 212 days.

Is there going to be a huge development after my training arc where I'll kick ass? no. I'll get stronger but not enough. The mountain training will just strengthen me to what I need, the basics or the warm ups. Getting in fights with super powered people rather than wild animals are more useful but as i said, the warm ups and the basics are more important.

No fun if I become super dooper strong wayy too fast, which will happen due to my insane gifts. Y'know, I am a living walking cheat, Oh man, anyways, it took me some time, but I found myself a training spot. Alright, here we go! 

Don't question my decisions, I know what I'm doing

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