
Marvel fanfic; Shield Agent

MC transmigrated to the body of a shield agent.

System_2200 · Phim ảnh
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6 Chs

Chapter 5


The elevator sung a short tune as we arrived at the highest floor of this building.

Mrs. Romanoff lead me through many hallways as we went further into the eastern section of this floor. I had to avoid staring at her for her clothing was too provocative. Tight clothing seemed to be the norm here, especially for 'heros' and powerful people.

I opted to stare at the walls. There were no glass windows this high up, only thick walls. The design was of a chic, modern look using the color scheme of black, white, grey and blue.

Along the way the red head would use her access card to open the level 8 clearance security stops. Only level 8 agents and higher could come up here without an appointment.

Technology here was weird, some parts were so easily bypassed, yet there were times I had to catch myself to not get caught using mana. Especially in front of some scientists that carried weird mechanics that buzzed near me. I made sure to stay away from them.

"Right in here."

Mrs. Romanoff interrupted my daze as she opened the large french doors as she strode right in.

I enter right behind her and closed the door. My eyes skim the interior of the office with a lack of interest as I walked forward. The large office was filled with bookshelves on the sides, and had a large conference table in the middle, with an oak desk far back near the windows. I've seen the poorest of the poorest and the richest of what wealth could offer in my travels of my home galaxy.

I head towards where Mrs. Romanoff stood beside a black man with an eye patch on.

"Director." I nod in respect. I clasp my hands behind my back as I wait for an order.

As expected of a leader, he man looked firm and steady, smart in his own grounds. So this was the legendary man Noah spoke of during my lessons.

Director Fury stared me up and down for a moment, as if appraising a worthwhile object… I've seen that look on my father and the council before when I showcased my abilities.

I narrowed my eyes lightly, not appreciating the blatant greed of my powers in his dark eyes.

"Sit." He waved a hand towards the chair in front of his desk.

I sit and lean back into the comfortable cushion.

"Ian King." He states my name as he grabs a folder off his desk and skims through it.

Should I just change my last name? It's rather irksome to hear that word.

"Call me Ian, sir."

I keep my tone even and low, just above a whisper. Not on purpose, I am simply drowsy. This human body required hours of sleep, of which I wasted many yesterday night to go through this website called 'Wikipedia'. It was quite interesting to read the records of this earth and all the traces left on it by humans.

"Six months of observation is plenty time for collecting data on you, yet they say nothing on a biological level has changed. Do you feel any different than before the incident? Any notable or major changes?" He asked as if he doesn't already know the answer.

"I feel fine, sir. Just a bit stronger than before." I stifle a yawn that threatened to escape. I had to clench my jaw to keep it closed.

"Physically you are more than ready to get on the field. 'Super strength rivaling Captain America, further changes possible in the future'... Hmm you were holding an 0-8-4, so that's feasible. Further observation is recommend, they say. The doctors have cleared you for duty."

As I remember from Noah's lectures, 084 is code for unidentified object of interest.

"Agent Ian."

"Yes, sir?"

"Will you be returning to your former duties or will you be requesting a transfer to a desk job?"

"I would like to continue working in the field, sir." I lazily glance at Mrs. Romanoff. She kept glancing at me before staring at the director.

There was a pause of silence. Mrs.Romanoff seemed like she wanted nudge the black man but she chose to stay place, almost fidgeting.

At last the man spoke. "I will be promoting you to level 6 and transferring you to a new team. Do you accept?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's all. Close the door on your way out." He dismisses me after handing me a file.

"Understood. Good day, sir."

I leave as told. I had thought he'd inquire more, but oh well, it works out for me.

I throw the meeting to the back of my mind as I head straight to bed.

I need sleep to be able to train later.


Back in Director Fury's office.

Romanoff turned to Director Fury the second Ian closed the door after himself. "I thought you planned to bring up the initiative, sir."

"Now's not the time. He seemed... disconnected. He has no desire to take on the responsibility of a hero. I'd rather keep him in his current position than have him escape."

Nick Fury had guessed as much after conversing with the lifeless Ian, no, it was more like he didn't care. His responses and actions were polite and mannerly as it was if engraved in his homes but there was carelessness in his tone.

"He's not ready." Director Fury shook his head. There was no leverage on Ian that he could use, the speech of protecting your loved ones won't work when he has none. Neither was he patriotic like Steven Rodgers.

Fury shook his head again in disappointment. Perhaps he'd have a chance to convince the agent to join the initiative at a later date. For now he'll make full use of Ian's newly acquired talents as an agent.