
Marvel: Family Over Everything

This is a story, of Peter Parker, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man that everyone should know and love, but what if… well, if things happened. (I own nothing)

Alvinbrrrrrr · Phim ảnh
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15 Chs

Past Christmas

Catching up with my brother, I wrap my arm over his shoulders.

"Let's get you an ice pack, aye?" I said, but he didn't respond.

"…Will he be ok?" My brother asked instead, his innocence making him concerned about the guy that gave him a black guy.

"Yeah, maybe a little bruising, but he'll be alright." I respond as we then fall in silence. Eventually we get to a corner store and I get him an ice pack and give it to him as he puts it on his eye.

"God, I don't know how to explain this to Aunt May." I say as we walk back home, finally realizing ima get chewed out. Again.

"It's ok, I don't blame you, I'm sure whatever you went to do was important." He said in an upbeat tone, sincerely. Which just made my guilt from earlier come back worse.

"Yeah, but you were still my responsibility." I lament to myself, as we fall quiet again. Eventually we get home, and see Aunt May waiting at the dinner table with McDonalds, happy. Before it got ruined.

"Oh my god! What happened?!" She questioned worriedly, running up and bugging my brother.

"Someone robbed me." He explained, but she could see he still had all his belongings, so she turned to me.

"How did this happen?" She asked again.

"I… went somewhere with some friends and left him alone." I admitted, she'd get the truth out of one us eventually anyway.

"Why?!"She asked again.

"Cause it was important and-"

"More important than your brother?!" She asked again, and I fell silent at that.

"Your making money, yes. But does that really take presence more over than your family?!"

"But it's for you guys!"

"But haven't you thought that maybe we don't money but care about you?"

"No because if I don't make the money then we'll keep struggling! And then instead of me doing this it'll be him! I don't want him to the live the life I will! If I even live past sixtee-"

"STOP! Stop arguing!" Ethan then suddenly yelled.

"I don't care about this! It's nothing! Just stop arguing!" He continued while pointing out his black eye.

"… I'm going out." I say and leave before either one of them can refute. Then I walked around aimlessly. I don't know to where I was going, but anywhere but home. Though suddenly getting me out my thoughts, is some white kid with blonde hair, but black eyebrows, maybe a dye, and he's probably year or two older.

"What are you doing out here so late kid?" He asked me.

"Same could be said for you, what's it to ya anyway?" I asked back.

"Well, I can tell when a kid left home from a fight, after all that's why I'm out here to." He said chuckling, though I was still unamused.

"Tough crowd huh, well anyway you got a pack on ya?" He suddenly asked, surprising me.

"What? I've seen you dealing anyway, and let's be honest, we could both use a good high right 'bout now." He continued on.

"But I've never smoked before." I explained to him.

"What? Really? You deal but don't do it yourself? Yeah you're definitely trying to now." He said, and honestly that's all I could kinda remember from that night, but we did become good friends after that, and his name is Edward, but I just called him Eddie. Though one thing I do remember is getting home at 3 AM, zooted out my mind.

(Two Month's Later)

Today is Christmas, and honestly I'm kind of excited. It'd been a while since I've said those words, but I'm excited to give my brother and Aunt May their gifts. I got Ethan a GameCube with whatever games are popular, which was a Zelda and Mario game with a few others. Though obviously I still have a budget, but with the money I've been making, despite giving Aunt May majority of it, I have a good amount to say at least, or did.

For Aunt May, I got her a golden pendant with a heart in the middle, holding a picture of us with Uncle Ben, and some other things she's either needed or wanted. Now you can see how I lost most of my money, but it's worth it in my opinion. We've been able to start actually paying off different bills since I started, leaving extra money to get different needs.

But don't think I forgot myself, I got myself an Ipod Player. Eddie's been showing me different artists with his that I've come to like. For example, Biggie, 2Pac, Dre. Dre, Eminem, and Wu Tang Clan, just to really name a few. So I want to be able to listen on my own, without having to be with Eddie so he shares an earbud.

Eventually we get around to giving gifts, after all the pictures. Aunt May tried to be cheery, but I could tell it hurt, our first Christmas without Uncle Ben, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt me either, but I had to put on a brave face for the both of them. I was honestly hoping that my gifts would cheer her up, so I gave her, her gift first. But I did not expect her to react the way she did.

"Here Aunt May, I know we haven't really seen eye to eye recently, but I still love you, and always will. Open it first."I added seeing her about to say something and handed her the little gift wrapped box. She raised an eyebrow, but nonetheless unwrapped it and open the box, revealing the pendant, and she opened it, to only gasp at the picture.

"P-peter. I-"

"Yeah I know, I know. I shouldn't have spent so much money on gifts. But think of this as my promise to always put you guys first. You're my family after all, and family comes first."I said sheepishly, not paying attention to Aunt May. But then I'm surprised when she hugs me, crying softly over my shoulder, I'm only slightly shorter than her despite my age.

"Thank you, Peter." She barely said through tears, and that's the only thing she said. But then we felt someone else start hugging us from the side.

"Don't cry Aunt May, it's ok." Ethan said in childish innocence, causing Aunt May to laugh to try and hide the tears.

"Yeah, sorry guys, I just love you both." She said, wiping her tears away and then hugging us both.

After she calmed down, we gave the rest of our gifts, well me and Aunt May really, Ethan's to young to actually make any money. Though there's one way, I'm going to assure he doesn't go that route. Anyways, I got clothes and cologne from Aunt May, for a "growing young man" she said.

But that's how that Christmas, went. Or at least how I remember it.

Alright, big time skip coming. Gonna start going to the main plot. If that’s what it’s called. Honestly I wanna do so much in this story so it’ll probably be a long one. But yeah in other news I didn’t get kicked out, yay. The reason I haven’t updated tho is that I haven’t really been motivated since I got home, and more focused on grinding out Apex tbh. This the one season I’ve decided to take serious so yeah. But yeah, don’t know when the next chapter will come, but won’t take as long.

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