
Marvel Emperoer

A man traveling through Naruto,Onepiece and Irregular Of magic highschool finally arrived at Marvel

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35 Chs

Helping Hope

I can tell he dont care that much about it but he ask me becuse of hope who was felling pressure lately in company management.

"Hey Doc sorry but stark has already got alll his project sorry but if you want you can also participate in them "tony who was by side inserted

Pepper"it would be hard tony contract has already been a draw and submitted in board meeting those shareholders would not let go their profits "

"You know although it is not weapon technology, the market of this product is also big and profit would not be any less than weapon department and it will be long term and good for company image" she continued.

Van Who was hearing saw hope face down and said"Who said all my project are under contract with stark"tony who heard me stare at me fiercely same for pepper, hank, and hope

"Tony don't forget the project I gave you were to be outsourced "At the mention of van tony realized his mistake.

"Van then what else are you hiding if it's good stark is willing to cooperate"Pepper who also realize turn into professional mode and said.

Hope who saw that also"Sorry miss pepper but its PIM technologies with which van want to cooperate and I think you are still busy "she stared intently

You can see the spark between them

I coughed "Ladies can you let me speak"they both turned their head fiercely

"Hank when I started to cross. industries there were many industries in which I want to get involved but my primary focus was in energy industries and Pharmetucals" he said lightly

When they heard me they all thought of stellar furnace.

"I had various technologies in energy field they were come to be as I devolve stellar furnace some become part of it some were discarded by me "he continued when they heard him both tony and hank twitched.

"You are speaking as if new technologies grow on trees," Tony said and showed a depressing face.

I smiled"among all of the technologies I researched my most proud work was loop core system"

When they heard him saying it was his most proud work everyone showed serious expression.

After all, they all had seen stellar furnace schematics and in van words, they can tell it is at least comparable to it.

"Loop core system is auxiliary technology which can not only improve current technology but open dor to new possibility its is not simply a technology but a study equal to physicist or genetics"

Tony and Pim both showed fierce light, they realized the meaning behind van words.

"Van what your saying is absolutely crazy, my heart cant handle you tossing"tony felt tired talking to van similarly hank but he was much more relaxed.

"Tony why do you think that I am confident about none can steal stellar furnace technology, because Loop core system is one of the fundamental core of stellar furnace" he explains, both hank and tony eyes shined.

"well my cooperation with PIM is about using LOOP core system to improve communication system of the world and swallow its market, "he said lightly but HOPE showed happy expression, pepper felt depressed as she can tell it was a big opportunity

Tony and hank were thining something.

Then he tells them various uses of it like internet speed, weather forecasting, space research, etc.

Hope who felt like she won over pepper showed proud-full expression but hank next words made her depressed.

"Van Pim can eat such a big cake alone you should involve stark also Otherwise this motion would be full of thorns" I have to say hank is very stable person he realized the problem in releasing such technologies, once its is out both gov,t and rival companies would demand it.

Pepper"But Van if you release it would other be able to crack your stellar furnace once it releases"

Tony who heard pepper laughed"Pepper you don't need to worry about it a new field is not so easy to study without basics of study they can crack and what we are releasing is finished product if they want to study it at least decades would take them and By then I think Van would publish it already"

We three smirked.

"Also liquid conductor,liquid crystal and crystal tissue these three technologies would also be released soon by my company they are new energy conductor and can also store a large amount of clean energy" he added.

pepper and tony left soon.

Hope also left as she decided to Move PIM Headquarter to NewYork and PIM went to chek his lab.